MyEclip Software Subscription Quickstart
Last Revision: September 13, 2005
3.Obtaining a Subscription
4.Acquiring and Installing the Licen
5.Viewing Subscription Details
6.Licen Usage and Restrictions
8.Ur Feedback
1. Preface
This document was written using Sun JDK 1.4.2, Eclip 3.1 and MyEclip 4.0. All screenshots are bad upon the default ur interface ttings for Eclip, MyEclip Enterpri Workbench, and Windows XP. If you experience difficulty with the instruction of this document, plea e the Ur Feedback ction for how to provide feedback to the MyEclip documentation team.
hanksBack to Top
2. Introduction
This quickstart describes all aspects of the MyEclip software subscription model. To obtain a MyEclip software subscription or download the MyEclip software you must be a registered ur on the MyEclip Portal . Click here to register now.
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3. Obtaining a Subscription
To purcha a MyEclip subscription visit the payment options provided by the MyEclip Portal as shown in Figure 1. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so before continuing. Once logged in, choo the payment option that suites your needs, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process. Upon completion, your account status will be upgraded accordingly and you will receive an email confirming your payment. A few minutes later, you will also receive an email containing a 12-month subscription access key for the Enterpri Workbench that will disable all reminder and trial dialogs while giving you unlimited access to all new releas and upgrades for the same period.
Figure 1: Payment Options page for a registered ur.
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4. Acquiring and Installing the Licen
Once you have purchad the subscription, you will receive a notification email that your subscription has been procesd. This email provides your subscription id and subscription code that you will need to activate your subscription. Below is a sample email.
Sample Notification Email.
Dear MyEclip Subscriber (MyUrID),
Thank you for your recent MyEclip subscription purcha. This subscription is valid through 10/06/05 (mm/dd/yy). Following is your MyEclip software activation information required to upgrade trial or expired versions of the MyEclip Enterpri Workbench to full feature status.
Subscriber Id: MyUrID
Subscription Code: xxxxxx-aaaaaa-bbbbbb-yyyyyyyyyy
Plea enter the activation information into the MyEclip "Subscription" preferences. The Subscription preference page is accesd from the Eclip menubar by lecting Window-
>Preferences->MyEclip->Subscription. Be sure to include the entire text of each field listed above.
Plea note the following information and rvices to take full advantage of your MyEclip membership:
1. For the latest MyEclip news and relea information plea subscribe to the MyEclip newsletter (/pnTresMailer+main.html)
2. Visit the MyEclip "Member Services" (/ContentExpress-display-ceid-24.html)
Available rvices include:
- Print invoice/receipt for your membership payment
- Retrieve a copy of this notification email and access code
- Request a group membership or simply request additional licen keys for your existing account同声翻译设备租赁
3. For technical support, plea post your questions to our support forums
(/PNphpBB2+main.html). Plea review the 'Posting Guidelines' so that we will be able to answer your question more quickly.
Plea contact us if you have any questions or require further assistance.
Best Regards,中文在线翻译
MyEclip Subscription Services
T (+1) 888-267-4176 X 703
F (+1) 214-853-4284
This email is very important becau it contains your subscription code and links to key portal rvices for subscribed urs. Once you have received your notification email, you can install the subscription code into MyEclip to fully activate the workbench and suppress any expiry warning dialogs. To enter the subscription information to the following:
1.Start MyEclip
2.From the main menu bar lect MyEclip > , as shown in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2: Update Subscription Dialog
3.Copy from Subscriber ID from the email you received and paste it into the Subscriber field in the above form
4.Copy the Subscription Code from the email into the Subscription Code field.
The subscription details will be displayed in the Subscription Detail area if your information has been successfully entered.
5.Select Finish to complete the entry of the subscription for this workspace.
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5. Viewing Subscription Details
There are two methods for viewing your subscription information. The Update Subscription dialog (e Figure 2) , or by opening the Subscription preference page, located at Window > Preferences > MyEclip > Subscription, as shown in Figure 3.
The MyEclip Subscription preference page
In addition to providing your subscription information, you may also u the preference page to enter new subscription information, or to quickly purcha a new subscription or renew an existing one. Selecting '' will launch the Update Subscription dialog, as shown in Figure 2. Pressing '' will open an external browr and automatically navigate it to the MyEclip Payment Options page, as shown in Figure 1.
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6.Licen Usage and Restrictions
The following lists outlines the proper u and restrictions of your MyEclip subscription licen:
1.Beginning with MyEclip 3.8.3, the single ur licen enables the ur to operate up to 2 instances of MyEclip Enterpri Workbench on the same development machine at a
time. All earlier versions of MyEclip limit its u to 1 instance of MyEclip Enterpri Workbench on any machine at a time.
2.If a ur has more than 1 development machine, it is OK to install the same licen into two MyEclip installations. However, you may only operate MyEclip on 1 development
machine at any given time subject to the restrictions of #1.
3.The single ur licen is to be ud only by the owner of the subscription. No other urs are allowed to u your subscription key. Low cost group licens are available for multi-
ur environments.
4. A group key can be ud by up to the specified number of urs in a group subscription.
5. A group key is not a floating ur key. The number of licens in the group key should match the number of developers using MyEclip over an extended period of time. For
example, 20 urs can not share a 15 ur key. Buyers should plan to buy the number of licens to match the number of developers.
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7. FAQ
I have forgotten my password to the MyEclip Portal. How do I retrieve it?
1.Go to Member Services, and click on "Lost your portal password".
2.Then provide your UrName. Press the "Send" button when complete. You will receive an email with a system generated confirmation code. This is not a password.
3.Now reenter your UrName and the provided confirmation code in the same form and press the "Send" button. You will be emailed a new password. You can change your
password after logging in and lection the "My Account" in the top navigation bar, and lecting the "Account info" link.
I lost my subscription information to enable MyEclip Enterpri Workbench. How can I get this information?
1.Login to the MyEclip portal
2.Select the "Member Services" ction through the top navigation bar
3.Select the "Lost Your Membership Access Key?" link. You should receive a copy of original email notification with included access key.
Sometimes MyEclip Enterpri Workbench loos my subscription information and forces me to reenter it. What caus this?
If you install a new Eclip instance or version, or you add a new workspace, you will need to re-enter your subscription information.
1.Go to MyEclip >
2.Input your Subscriber ID and Subscription Code in the fields provided as shown in Section 4.
3.Select Finish.
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8. Ur Feedback
If you have comments or suggestions regarding this document plea submit them to the MyEclip Documentation Forum .
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