请体提供以下信息 Plea provide information below 事业单位
Business Unit:
职称 Title:
组织/层级 Function
/ Level:
日期 Date:
公司财务背景信息 Company Financial Background 于此输入数值 Enter value here
公司或事业单位年营业总额 Annual Revenue of the company or Business Unit
产品销货金额占年营业额的百分比 Percent of annual revenue contributed to product sales (as oppod to rvice or maintenance)
税后净利率 Net Margin After Tax (Net Income/Revenue)
请与于下面输入一般说明项目 Enter any general comments below:
Part 1.价值机会 Value Opportunities
请输入以下企业目标对贵企业的重要程度, 由 1- 10 (10 = "最重要t", 1 = "最不重要") Plea rate the importance of the following business objectives to your company on a scale from 1 - 10 (10 = "Most Important", 1 = "Least Important").
说明 :目标项目可以有同样分数 Note: Objectives may have the same value 于此输入重要程度Enter Importance
1藉由开拓在既有的市场上新层级客户以扩大市场占有与能见度 Expand prence in existing markets by penetrating new customer gments
2藉由制造竞争者进入市场的门槛以保障既有市场占有 Create barriers to competitive entry to protect market share
3藉由提升客户反映服务以增加每单次销售量 Increa unit sales through improved responsiveness to customer orders
4藉由销售主要核心产品附属服务及零附件以增加营业销售金额 Increa revenue through the sale of rvices and accessories related to core product lines
5藉由开发新创技术与应用达到营收目标成长 Grow through the development of new breakthrough technologies and applications 6藉由创造高附加价值产品增加每次平均销售金额 Increa Average Selling Price by creating high value premium products 7降低产品成本(原物料及人工等) Lower the cost of a product (materials, labor etc.)
8降低产品生命周期的开发及维护成本 Lower the lifecost of developing and maintaining a product
9提升产品开发所需之基础资产利用率 Increasing the productivity of the ast ba utilized for product development
Part 2.企业行动方案 Business Initiatives
Index 请输入以下企业行动方案对贵企业的重要程度, 由 1- 10 (10 = "最重要t", 1 = "最不重要") Plea rate the Importance of the following
business initiatives to your company on a scale from 1 - 10 (10 = "Most Important", 1 = "Least Important"). 说明 :行动方案项目可以有同
样分数 Note: Initiatives may have the same value - 写下任何未列出的行动方案并予以评分 Write in and score any missing initiatives.
Enter Importance
增进与客户间的协同合作(效能与质量) Improve collaboration with customers (performance / quality)
2严守对于质量标准的坚持(ISO 9000、6个标准差、APQP) Improve adherence to quality standards and methods (ISO 9000, Six Sigma, APQP)
提升将客户需求转变成产品功能的能力 Improve translation of needs into features
增进零件及供应商质量 Improve quality of components and suppliers
增进与客户间的协同合作(新产品的多元化) Improve collaboration with customers (new product variants) 6
改进对产品决策的管理 Improve management of product portfolio decisions
7增加产品构想概念、设计以及评估专案的数量(前端设计流程) Increa number of product ideas conceptualized, designed and evaluated (front load design process)
Improve translation of needs into unique product variants
强化产品模块化设计 Increa product modularity
做到可以让客户快速选择不同产品规格而制造出来 Enable customer product configuration (design-to-order) 11
实施产品后段可变化与延展产品生命之设计 Implement design for postponement
缩短新产品改款上市时间 Reduce time between product iterations
客户输入的行动方案 Customer entered Initiative
客户输入的行动方案 Customer entered Initiative
客户输入的行动方案 Customer entered Initiative
客户输入的行动方案 Customer entered Initiative
客户输入的行动方案 Customer entered Initiative
客户输入的行动方案 Customer entered Initiative
Part 3.能力 Capabilities
请依贵企业以下能力现况输入(0 to 5)评分 Plea enter the score (0 to 5) of the current As-Is situation for each capability below.于此输入评分 Enter score here
优化数字模型定义 Optimize Digital Model Definition
1数字化产品定义环境 Digital Product Definition Environment0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
12D CAD作业 ,图纸为主要沟通工具 2D CAD, paper is the master
22D and 3D混合CAD作业 ,图纸为主要沟通工具 2D and 3D mix, paper is the master
33D CAD作业 ,图纸为主要沟通工具3D CAD, paper is the master
43D CAD作业 ,3D 模型为主要沟通工具 3D CAD, model is the master
5已完全数字化产品模型 Complete digital product model
2数字化原型 Digital Mock-ups0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1只用实物原型 Physical mock-ups only
2大部份实物原型, 少部份数字化原型 Mostly physical, some digital mockups
3平均混合实物原型与数字化原型 Even mix of physical and digital mockups
4大部份数字化原型, 少部份实物原型 Mostly digital, some physical mockups
5100%使用数字化原型 100% digital mock-ups
3功能仿真与最佳化 - 从模型到功能仿真应用所需的数据资料转换 Simulation and Optimization ﹣data conversion from modeling application to simulation applic0 1还没有但有意愿进行 Not done but would like to do
2资料重新创建/输入 Data recreated/reentered
3透过客制化界面程序转换资料 Data converted/ported thru custom interfaces
4透过标准界面程序转换资料 Data converted/ported thru standard interfaces
5不需要转换资料 No data converted/ported
4功能仿真与最佳化 - 运行时机 Simulation and Optimization ﹣ timing0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1还没有但有意愿进行 Not done but would like to do
2在实物验证失败后 After field failure
3当有时间允许时会专门地来进行 Ad hoc when have time
4在设计完成后 After design
5在设计时同步进行 Concurrently with design
5下游交付文档的制作 Generation of Downstream Deliverables0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
12D CAD作业为主 ,下游交付文档以2D图纸为参考依据 2-D CAD is the master - downstream deliverables reference 2D Drawing
23D CAD作业 ,图纸为主要沟通工具 - 下游交付文档以2D图纸为参考依据 3-D CAD, paper is the master - downstream deliverables reference 2D Drawing
33D Master模型只用来生成工程图面与组装验证 3-D master model ud to generate engineering drawings and verify asmbly fits only 43D Master模型只局部用来生成下游交付文档 Limited generation of downstream deliverables from the 3-D master model
5Product is completely defined electronically leveraging the 3-D master model, including all downstream deliverables: BOM, production drawings, tooling, toolpaths, digital prototypes, simulation reports, technical publications, production plans, …
6个人建模与工作方法技巧培训 Individual Modeling & Working Methods Skills Development0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1技巧的评估与提升并无定期举行 Skills are not routinely evaluated or enhanced
2技巧的评估有定期举行但技巧的提升并无定期举行 Skills routinely evaluated, not routinely enhanced
3技巧的评估有定期举行但技巧的提升是不定期举行 Skills routinely evaluated, sporadically enhanced
4技巧的评估有定期举行但只有特定个人技巧的提升有定期举行Skills routinely evaluated, and routinely enhanced for some individuals
5技巧的评估与技巧的提升都有定期举行对所有个人 Skills routinely evaluated, and routinely enhanced for all individuals
7模块化产品结构管理 Modular Product Architecture Management0 1未有任何任人被指派负责 No ownership is assigned to definition or management of our product's architecture
2工程部拥有我们产品结构定义,但只限于产品结构管理 Engineering owns the definition of our product's architecture, limited focus on product architecture management
3有系统工程人员负责产品结构定义 We have a system engineering function that is responsible for definition and ownership of the product architecture
4有跨部门小组在策略面的方向上负责产品结构定义 A cross-functional team (production, marketing, engineering, etc) is responsible for defining our product's architecture with focus on strategic direction
5有跨部门小组在策略面的方向上负责产品结构定义及在产品研发过程有系统工程被指派来负责责产品结构定义 A cross-functional team (production, marketing, engineering, etc) is responsible for defining our product's architecture with focus on strategic direction and a system engineering function is assigned to own the architecture during product development
8模块化产品结构定义 Modular Product Architecture Definition0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1在定义我们的产品结构时未曾考虑过 No consideration is given to defining our product's architectur
2核心模块完全依照工程规格, 并无既定流程来运行 Core modules evolve bad on engineering requirements, no process exists to do this
3具备一定流程来定义核心模块但从未注意模块间界面的问题 A process exists to define core modules
but no attention is given to module interfaces
4具备一定流程来定义核心模块与模块间界面但完全依照工程规格 A process exists to define core modules and module interfaces bad on engineering requirements
5具备一定流程来定义核心模块与模块间界面且与企业运行策略相符合 A process exists to define core modules and module interfaces aligned to business strategy
9以制造可行性进行设计 Design for Manufacturability0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1加工生产加速无法预期 ,总结时设计变更停留在较高层级 Over-the-wall process, Production ramp-up is unpredictable, ECO levels are high during ramp-up
2在设计接续的加工制造时已融入制造可行性考量Manufacturability incorporated into designs following production ramp-up
3设计人员接受制造可行性训练但生产加速仍不可预测, 总结时设计变更停留在较高层级Designers cross-trained on manufacturing
4制造可行性目标已定, 并辅以设计审查活动 Goals are t for design for manufacturability enabled by design review workshops
5制造可行性目标已定, 并以设计审查活动评核改进后续追踪 Goals are t for design for manufacturability enabled by design review
10以质量考量进行设计 Design for Quality0
1总体质量成本仍高, 总结时设计变更停留在较高层级 Over-the-wall process, total cost of ownership is high, ECO levels are high during ramp-up
2在设计接续的加工制造时已融入质量考量 Quality considerations are incorporated into designs following production ramp-up
3设计人员接受质量考量训练但总体质量成本仍高, 总结时设计变更停留在较高层级 Designers cross-trained on quality knowledge but total cost of ownership remains high and ECO levels are high
4质量目标已定, 并辅以设计审查活动 Quality goals are t and enabled by design review workshops
5质量目标已定, 并以设计审查活动评核改进后续追踪 Quality goals are t and enabled by design review workshops along with measurement and improvement tracking
11以耐用性考量进行设计 Design for Serviceability0 1完全没考虑耐用性, 维护成本高Over-the-wall process, no consideration for rviceability, rvice costs are high
2在设计接续的加工制造时已融入耐用性考量 Serviceability considerations are incorporated into designs following production ramp-up
3设计人员应已于设计时考虑到耐用性但维护成本仍旧高 Designers expected to consider rviceability in designs but rvice costs are still high
4维护目标已定, 而到耐用性是设计审查活动的重点考量因素 Service goals are t and rviceability is a key factor in design review workshops
5维护目标已定, 而到耐用性是设计审查活动的重点考量因素并有评核改进后龙续追踪Service goals are t and rviceability is a key
12数位模型定义教育与运用方式 Digital model definition education and adoption focus0 1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices 运用数位产品资料管理 Enable Digital Product Data Management
13产品资料取出时间 Product Data Retrieval Time0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1小时/分钟 - 以图面纸张 Hours/minutes - paper Drawings
2小时/分钟 - 以胶卷缩影 Hours/minutes - microfilm
3秒/分钟 - 以服务器为基础 Seconds/minutes - rver bad
4秒钟 - 以资料管理系统中的文件名 Seconds - data management system by filename
5秒钟 - 以产品生命周期管理系统中的属性查询 Seconds - PLM arch by attribute
14产品资料保存管理 Product Data Storage Management0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1图纸文件柜 , Paper file cabinets, aperture cards
2多重系统/服务器 Multiple systems/rvers
3PDM系统 ,单一保存区 PDM, single vault
4多重保存区 , 彼此未相连通 Multiple vaults, unconnected
5多重保存区 , 单一逻辑贮藏库 Multiple Vaults, Single Logical Repository
15产品资料管理电子化 Product Data Electronically Managed0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1没有电子化产品资料 No product data in electronic form
225% 产品资料已电子化 25% of product data in electronic form
350% 产品资料已电子化 50% of product data in electronic form
475% 产品资料已电子化 75% of product data in electronic form
5100% 产品资料已电子化 100% of product data in electronic form
16取出放回 Checkin-Checkout0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1无 check-in and check-out 程序 No check-in and check-out procedures
2有特定的纸张作业 check-in and check-out 程序 Ad-hoc paper bad check-in and check-out procedures
3电子化文档处保存于多重数据库但缺乏一致的 check-in and check-out 程序 Electronic storage of documents in multiple databas with inconsistent check-in and check-out procedures
4电子化文档处保存于多重数据库但缺乏且有一致的 check-in and check-out 程序 Electronic storage of documents in multiple databas with common check-in and check-out procedures
5电子化文档处保存于单一保存库且具管控一致的 check-in and check-out 程序 Electronic storage of all documents in a central vault with controlled check-in and check-out procedures
17产品资料撷取安全机制 Product Data Access Security0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1完全没有安全机制 No curity
2只有客户登录机制 Ur Login only
3专案层次管控 Project level
4以专案层次管控生命周期 Life cycle within a project
5对象方式 Object level
18产品资料消息视觉化 Visualization of Product Information / Data0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1以人工分送文化传阅视觉化 Visualization by manual distribution of documents
2视觉化工具需个别安装于成员的计算机系统, 并无加注解能力 Visualization requires that client application be installed on each team members system, no mark-up capability
3视觉化工具需个别安装于成员的计算机系统, 并无加注解能力 Application-independent visualization, no mark-up capability
4视觉化工具不因需个别应用软件有所不同, 内部专案成员可享完全加注解能力 Application-independent visualization by all internal project team members with full mark-up capabilities
5视觉化工具不因需个别应用软件有所不同, 内部及外部专案成员皆可享完全加注解能力 Application-independent visualization by all internal/external project team members with full mark-up capabilities
19设计/零件的重复使用率 Design/Part Reu0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1完全没有重复使用 No reu
2以口头告知方式重复使用, 无计算机化查询能力 Rreu by word-of-mouth, no computer arch capability
3以专案层级方式重复使用具些许计算机化查询能力 Project level reu, some computer arch capability
4以部门层级方式重复使用具高级计算机化查询能力 Department level reu, advanced computer arch capability
5以企业层级方式重复使用具先进计算机化查询能力 Enterpri level reu, robust computer arch capability
20数位产品资料管理教育与运用方式 Digital product data management education and adoption focus0 1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices 最佳化变更管理 Optimize Change Management
21工程变更 - 流程 Engr Change - Process0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1没有标准程序 , 以特别方式处理 No standard process, ad hoc
2有标准程序 , 但以人工大量纸张方式作业 Standard process, manual, largely paper bad
3混合电子化流程及人工作业方式进行启始,审查,加注,核准,发行,报告与通知各步骤 Mix of electronic workflow and manual process steps for initiation, review, markup, approval, distribution, reports and notification
4有标准程序 , 但电子化流程比以人工纸张方式作业多些 Same as 2 above, but more electronic than manual
5完全以电子化流程方式进行启始,审查,加注,核准,发行,报告与通知各步骤 Full electronic workflow for initiation, review, approval, distribution, reports and notification
22工程变更 - 流程实施范围 Engr Change ﹣ Process Scope0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1没有标准程序 , 以特别方式处理 No standard process, ad hoc
2电子化流程仅用于工程部门, 部门间彼此不连通 Electronic workflow, Engineer Dept only, disconnected from other depts.
3电子化流程用于不只工程部门, 但仅限于事业单位内 Beyond Engineering Dept, but within the business unit
4电子化流程仅用于事业单位间 , 事业单位间彼此不连通 Same as 2 above, but greater “reach” within the business unit
5电子化流程实施扩及于企业层及包括配合伙伴 Enterpri wide scope, including partners
23工程变更 - 影响评估范围 Engr Change ﹣ Impact Asssment Scope0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1没有作影响评估 Asssment not done
2影响评估仅及专案层级(使用群) Asssment done at project level only (workgroup)
3影响评估仅及工程部门层级 Asssment done at Engineering Dept level
4影响评估仅及事业单位层级 Asssment done throughout the business unit
5影响评估扩及于企业层及包括配合伙伴 Asssment done throughout the enterpri (includes partners)
24工程变更 - 影响评估流程 Engr Change ﹣ Impact Asssment Process0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1影响评估以人工完成, 无电子化工具 Asssment done manually, no electronic tools
adam lanza2影响评估大部分以人工完成, 些许以电子化工具 Asssment is mostly manual and some electronic tools
3影响评估平均以人工及电子化工具完成 Asssment is an even mix of manual and electronic tools
4影响评估些许以人工,大部分以电子化工具完成 Asssment is some manual, but mostly electronic tools
5影响评估完全以电子化工具完成 Fully electronic asssment of change impact
25工程变更 - 监控与报告 Engr Change ﹣ Monitoring and Reports0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1完全没有监控 No monitoring
2特定方式监控辅以人工收集资料完成报告 Adhoc monitoring with manual collection of data for reports
3周期性监控并生成报告 Periodic monitoring and generation of reports
4依排程监控并生成报告 Scheduled monitoring and generation of reports
5线上实时看板监控显示变更管理趋势与周期时间 Online dashboards available to show change management trends and cycle time
26变更管理教育与运用方式 Change management education and adoption focus0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices 最佳化配置管理 Optimize Configuration Management
27材料列表 Bill of Material0 1无BOM 管理系统, 以人工纸张方式作业 No BOM management system, manually managed, paper bad
2无或较大的 BOM 管理系统, 以人工纸/计算机辅助汇整 2 or greater BOM management systems, manual/computer assisted reconciliation
3具一个BOM 管理系统 One BOM management system
4具一个BOM 管理系统 , 多重观点(如设计观点 ,制造观点, 等) One BOM management system, multiple views (as-designed, as-mfg, etc.)
5具一个BOM 管理系统 , 多重观点且与工程变更系统集成 One BOM system, multiple views, integrated with the Engr Change system
28配置管理流程 Configuration Management Process0 1无正式配置管理流程系统 No formal configuration management system
2必要时有特别的配置管理流程 Ad-hoc configuration management process sometimes adhered to
3有标准的配置管理流程,大部份为纸张作业而零件编码规则不具弹性 Standard configuration management process, mostly paper bad with inflexible part numbering rules
4电子化配置管理系统每次设变即生成一组新料号 Electronic configuration system that dictates a new part number for every change
5完全的电子化配置管理系统支持强制配合配置管理策略 Full electronic configuration management system that supports enforcement of configuration policies
29零件可追溯性 Part Traceability0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1无法回追溯任何零件 Cannot trace back any parts
2有些零件可追溯, 但仅限以人工方式作业 Trace back some parts, manually only
3所有些零件皆可追溯, 但仅限以人工方式作业 Trace back all parts, manually only
4所有些零件皆可追溯, 混合人工作业方式及电子化工具作业 Trace back all parts, mix of manual and electronic tools
5所有些零件皆可追溯 ,完全的电子化工具作业Trace back all parts, electronicallymgmt
30依客户选择不同产品规格而制造创新产品的能力 Customer Driven Innovation through Configure to Order Capabilities0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1客户不能选择于既有规格外的产品规格, 但愿意拥有此项能力以供客户选择 Customers not able to configure our products but would like the ability to do so
2以预先定义的配置组成提交产品给客户 Customers are given a finite t of packages containing pre-configured "bundled" options
3以预先计算过的性能资料配置组成提交产品给客户 Customers are given a finite t of configuration options with pre-calculated performance data
4以客户选择的性能资料配置计算过配置组成提交产品给客户 Customers are given a finite t of configuration options with performance data calculated during configuration process
5透过客户对设计工具及产品资料的选择,以不受限制的配置组成提交产品给客户 Customers are given unlimited configuration possibilities through access to design tools and product data
31配置管理教育与运用方式 Configuration management education and adoption focus0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices
产品开发协同作业 Enable Product Development Collaboration
32产品开发信息分享 Product Development Information Sharing0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1未有效的与团队内/外成员分享 Not shared effectively with internal/external team
2与工程部门有效分享, 但未与制造采购业务市场行销及服务等部门分享Shared effectively within engineering, not among manufacturing, sourcing, sales, marketin
3与工程,制造采购业务市场行销及服务等部门在同一厂区内有效分享 Shared effectively across engineering, manufacturing, sales, marketing, sourcing and support within same location
4marketing, sourcing and support at multiple sites
5有效的在延伸企业间分享 ( 含客户, 供应商, 伙伴+C300)Shared effectively across the extended enterpri (customers, suppliers, partners)
33实时设计协同技术 Real-time Design Collaboration Technology0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1以基本的电话,传真或电子邮件技术来达到协同 Basic technology in place enabling collaboration by phone, fax, or email
2除上述外再加上远距视讯技术来达到线上会议机能 Above plus Teleconferencing technology in place for live conferencing
3因特网线上协同作业具备基本应用如文档分享团队协同与网络会议等On-line collaboration occurs with Internet bad applications for basic document sharing, te 4具备以因特网为基础的设计协同与视觉仿真 Web-bad collaborative design and visualization in place
5含以上所有再加上点对点线上会议机能达到实时设计协同 All of the above plus Peer-to-peer design conferencing facilitating real-time collaboration
34协同系统管理 Collaboration System Management0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1现在没有协同系统但我们需要 We have no collaboration systems but need them
2协同系统发展系由协同各方决定最佳的协同作业方式, 但没有流程来负专责定义, 持续改善与维护协同作业的能力 Collaboration systems evolve from the collaboration parties determining the best way to collaborate and no process exists for defining, continuously improving, and maintaining our ability to collaborate
3具有非正式的流程(有专人负责)来定义我们协同作业的需求, 设计一个系统且持续改进该系统 An informal process (with ownership) exists to defining our collaboration needs, design a supporting system, and continuously improve that system
4具有正式的流程(无专人负责)来定义我们协同作业的需求, 设计一个系统且持续改进该系统 An informal process (with no ownership) exists to defining our collaboration needs, design a supporting system, and continuously improve that system
5具有正式的流程(有专人负责)来定义我们协同作业的需求, 设计一个系统且持续改进该系统 A formal process (with ownership) exists to defining our collaboration needs, design a supporting system, and continuously improve that system
35协同机能 Collaboration Functions0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1我们当前并未有效的协同作业 We do not collaborate effectively
flagday2我们当前仅能在机能组内有效的协同作业 We collaborate effectively within functional groups only
3我们当前已能在机能组内及机能组间有效的协同作业 We collaborate effectively within and between internal functional groups only
4我们当前已能在企业内部间与至少一外部机能组(如客户, 供应商, 伙伴)有效的协同作业We collaborate effectively internally and with at least one external function (customers, partners, suppliers)
5我们当前已能在企业内部间与所有的外部机能组(如客户, 供应商, 伙伴)有效的协同作业We collaborate effectively internally and with all external functions (customers, partners, suppliers)
36产品设计审查 - 范围Product Design Reviews - Scope0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1在送到制造前并未由制造, 产品支持或供应商任一方来进行产品设计审查, 完全是各自为政互不相干Design reviews not conducted with manufacturing, product support or suppliers before relea to manufacturing ﹣ ‘thrown over the wall’
2由制造, 产品支持或客户,供应商, 合作伙伴其中一方来进行产品设计审查 Design reviews conducted with one of the following functions (manufacturing, support, customers, suppliers, partner
s, other)
3由制造, 产品支持或客户,供应商, 合作伙伴其中两方来进行产品设计审查 Design reviews conducted with two of the following functions (manufacturing, support, customers, suppliers, partners, other)
4(manufacturing, support, customers, suppliers, partners, other)
5from a product design
37产品设计审查 - 流程 Product Design Reviews - Process0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1设计审查为非正式 ,且需费时准备而对设计团队只提供有限的价值 Design reviews are informal, time consuming to prepare for, and offer limited value to the design team
2设计审查为非正式 ,且需费时准备而对设计团队提供有些许的价值 Design reviews are informal, time consuming to prepare for, but offer some value to the design team
3设计审查遵循半正式的审查核准流程 ,但只提供有限的问题解决方案与活动设置 Design reviews follow a mi-structured, review/approval process but offer limited problem solving and action tting activities
4设计审查遵循结构重复式的审查核准流程 ,提供包含问题解决方案与活动设置但需聚集审查小组以非标准的审查工具审查 Design reviews follow a structured and repeatable review/approval process that involves problem solving and action tting activities but u non-standard review tools requiring a co-located review team.
5设计审查遵循结构重复式的审查核准流程 ,提供包含问题解决方案与活动设置, 分散各地审查小组以标准的电子会化网络架构的审查工具审查 Design reviews follow a structured and repeatable review/approval process that involves problem solving and action tting activities and leverages standard electronic, web-bad review tools to enable a distributed review team.
38共同开发专案满意程度/成效 Co-Development Projects Satisfaction / Results0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1不满意 Not satisfied
2有些不满意 Somewhat unsatisfied
3没意见 Neutral
4有些满意 Somewhat satisfied
5非常满意 Very satisfied
39产品开发协同作业教育与运用方式Product development collaboration education and adoption focus0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices
最佳化专案管理与运行 Optimize Project Management and Execution
40专案运行团队组成 Project Execution Team Composition0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1专案团队主要由同一机能内的组织或群体成员所组成 Project teams are primarily all within one functional organization or workgroup
2专案团队由跨机能内的组织或不同的内部群体成员所组成 Project teams are cross functional spaning multiple internal departments and functional orgainizations 3专案团队由跨厂区及不同的地理区域位置成员所组成 Project teams are cross functional and span multiple sites / geographic locations
4专案团队也包括由外部客户, 供应商, 伙伴成员所组成 , 但参与不超过50%的时间Projects teams also include outside partners, suppliers and customers but less than 50% of the time
5customers a majority of the time
41专案流程定义与运行 Process Definition & Execution (Product Development, Six Sigma, Project Management, etc)0 1无产品开发流程控管理 No Product Development Process Control
2偶有产品开发流程, 但未曾以文档记录下 Casual PDP, not documented
3非正式产品开发流程, 留有人工方式作业的高阶层文档 Informal PDP, high level documentation, manual process
4process owner, exit criteria, manual
5process owner, exit criteria, electronic workflow controlled
42预算及时间 Budget and Schedule0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1过去1-2年内, 所有专案都超出预算且逾期 All projects are over budget and exceed schedule in last 1-2 years
2过去1-2年内, 只有25%的专案未超出预算且未逾期 25% of projects are under or at budget and on schedule in last 1-2 years
3过去1-2年内, 只有50%的专案未超出预算且未逾期 50% of projects are under or at budget and on schedule in last 1-2 years
4过去1-2年内, 只有75%的专案未超出预算且未逾期 75% of projects are under or at budget and on schedule in last 1-2 years
5过去1-2年内, 所有的专案都未超出预算且未逾期 All projects are under or at budget and on schedule in last 1-2 years
43专案经理技巧 Project Manager Skills0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1技巧的评估与提升并无定期举行 Skills are not routinely evaluated or enhanced
2技巧的评估有定期举行但技巧的提升并无定期举行 Skills routinely evaluated, not routinely enhanced
3技巧的评估有定期举行但技巧的提升是不定期举行 Skills routinely evaluated, sporadically enhanced
4技巧的评估有定期举行但只有特定个人技巧的提升有定期举行Skills routinely evaluated, and routinely enhanced for some individuals
5技巧的评估与技巧的提升都有定期举行对所有个人 Skills routinely evaluated, and routinely enhanced for all individuals
44专案决策管理 Project Portfolio Management0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1专案未被一个个各别评估 Projects are not evaluated against one another
2专案被以非正式流程彼此互相比较 Projects are compared to each other but with no formal process
3专案被以非正式流程彼此互相比较 , 但决策未被管理( 既有专案未被拿来与新专案比较重新评价 )Process exists to compare projects but portfolio is not managed (existing projects are not re-evaluated against new projects)
4留有记录专案决策管理文档, 并有流程来评估现行与新的专案 Documented portfolio of projects exists with process to evaluate current projects and new projects.
5planned as well as associated investment levels over the next 2-3 generations
45专案管理与运行教育与运用方式 Project management and project execution education and adoption focus0 0完全没有 Not Applicable
1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices
自动化开始生产 Automate Relea to Manufacturing
46在开始生产时的资料重复输入 Data Reentry during relea to manufacturing process0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1超过三次以上资料重复输入 Data reentered more than 3 times
2三次资料重复输入Data reentered 3 times
3两次资料重复输入Data reentered 2 times
4一次资料重复输入 Data reentered once
5资料不用重复输入 Data not reentered
47既有的产品信息系统 Product Information Legacy Systems0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1超过10个既有的产品信息系统 Greater than 10 product information legacy systems
25-10个既有的产品信息系统 5-10 product information legacy systems
33-5个既有的产品信息系统 3-5 legacy systems
42个既有的产品信息系统(基本上一个资料保存系统,一个 BOM系统) 2 legacy systems (typically one vault, one BOM system)
5单一系统拥有所以有的产品信息 Single system for all product information
48ERP 界面程序 ERP Interface0 0不适用 Not Applicable
1人工作业重复输入资料 Manual reentry of data
2专用客制化的半自动界面程序 Proprietary, custom, miautomatic interface
3专用客制化的单向界面程序 Proprietary, custom unidirectional interface
4专用客制化的双向界面程序 Proprietary, custom, bi-directional interface
5标准功能的双向界面程序 Out-of-the-box amless, bi-directional interface
49开始生产教育与运用方式 Relea to manufacturing education and adoption focus0 1客户不知道已有工具与技术可运用的功能与特征 Urs unaware of features & functions of tools & technology available
2客户知道已有可运用的工具与技术 Urs have knowledge of tools & technology available
3客户具备如何使用可运用的工具与技术的技巧 Urs have skills that have been acquired on how to u tools & technology
ebbe4客户应用技巧与知识于实际产品研发活动 Urs are applying skills and knowledge to actual product development activities
5客户支持工具与技术的使用且被激励展示最佳工作模式 Urs advocate u of the tools & technology and are inspired to demonstrate best practices
Part 4系统基本架构 System Infrastructure
1请列出当前使用的 CAD/CAM系统 Plea list the names CAD/CAM systems in u使用部门 Depart
ment 2请列出当前使用的 BOM 系统 Plea list the names of BOM systems in u使用部门 Department 3请列出当前使用的 ERP系统 Plea list the names of ERP systems in u使用部门 Department 4请列出当前使用的工程变更管理系统 Plea list the names of Engineering Change Management systems in u使用部门 Department 5请列出当前使用的专案管理/计画系统 Plea list the names of any project management / planning systems in u使用部门 Department 6请列出当前使用的任何其他包含产品信息的系统 Plea list the names of any other systems that contain product data使用部门 Department
部门 Department
行销 Marketing
信息 IT
工程 Engineering
制造 Manufacturing
采购 Purchasing
业务 Sales
服务 Service
其他 Other