(1) 航前维护:通常是指在营运的飞机在完成航后检查工作后的第一个航班飞行前需要完成的检查工作。航前检查在始发站的停机坪
上进行,按航前维护工作单绕机一周,对飞机进行目视检查,检查内部和 外部是否有明显的缺陷,按需做勤务工作. 如果执行完航前
Pre-flight check: should normally be accomplished before the first flight of each day and is intended for in-rvice
airplanes.Pre-flight check will be performed in the first flight station. Walk around check should be performed to confirm if there is
obvious defect inner or outer, rvice as necessary. If the aircraft delayed for more than 12 hours due to traffic control or
troubleshooting after the Pre-flight check, the Pre-flight check should be performed again before flight.
(2) 过站检查;对短停的飞机进行的基本的围绕飞机检查以确保飞机的连续可用性。即在中途短停时检查飞机的内部和外部是否有明
TR check: A basic walk-around check intended to assure continuous rviceability of a transiting aircraft. This check is ud at
an enroute stop to inspect aircraft interior and exterior for obvious damage or defects, rvice and clean as required.
常丽丽Troubleshoot remark(s) affecting aircraft dispatch. Tasks are done at the ramp. Less than 12 hours parking with no night parking
rspis acceptable for TR check.
机械唯物主义(3) 航后检查:通常是飞机完成了全部计划航班任务后停留在停机坪上立即要进行的维修项目,航后检查工作按航后维护工作单进行,
码头英文After flight check: This check refers to tasks to be implemented in time after all the flight of the day for the airplanes parked on the beta是什么意思
ramp, perform much wider maintenance check than PF and TR check. At the same time perform cleaning for the inner or outer of
the aircraft. Isolation the defect reported by the flight crew or the mechanics. Comply with scheduled rvice. Tasks are done at
the ramp or the other maintenance place accord with requirements. More than 12 hours parking is acceptable for after flight