Passage 1
I know a bank
where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips
and the nodding violet grows,
Quite overcanopied
with luscious woodbine, With sweet muskros,
and with eglantine.
There sleeps Titania
sometime of the night, Lulled in the flowerswba
with dances and delight.
merrygoroundAnd there the snake
throws her enameled skin, Weed wide enough
to wrap a fairy in.
And with the juice of this瓶口
I’ll streak her eyes
And make her full ofavless
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Act 2, Scene 1, lines 257-266
Passage 2
Captain of our fairy band,
Helena is here at hand,
And the youth mistook by me, Pleading for a lover’s fee.
Shall we their fond pageant e? Lord, what fools the mortals be!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Act 3, Scene 2, lines 112-117
Passage 3
thankyouallthesameI have had a most rare vision.
I have had a dream
past the wit of man
to say what dream it was.
Man is but an ass
adornmentif he go about to expound this dream. …