1) It is no longer possible to allow the development of the full potentialities of the new metals to evolve over a period of about fifty years, as was the ca with aluminum, in the period between 1890 and 1949.
译文:铝的潜力全部开发出来耗费了从l890到1949年大约50年的时间,而现在要把新金属的潜力全部开发出来则再也不需要50年那么漫长的时间了。(本句中,主句部分“It is no longer possible to…”使用了一般现在时描述客观事实,而从句“as was the ca with aluminum”使用一般过去时陈述在过去发生的情况。)
2) Since the outbreak of SARS in south of China late last year nearly 600 people have died and more than 7,600 have been infected.weedsMore than half the deaths have occurred in China, the world’s worst affected country.
3) As the Internet pipeline is upgraded, the availability of broadband rvice will expand beyond major metropolitan areas, significantly reducing the costs of access.
4) 打电话英文怎么说Since numerical control was adopted at machine tools, the productivity has been raid greatly.
5) So far, a parasitic wasp has been studied to improve the design of a turbine but many of the cleverest aspects of inct wing design have not been copied by man.
6) It has been demonstrated that the conductivity of silver is higher than that of copper.
7) This position was completely reverd by Haber’s development of the utilization of nitrogen from the air双引号的使用.
8) Usually alloy is compod of a ba metal (the largest part of the alloy) and a smaller amount of other metals.
9) Were there no transformers to adjust the voltage, long-distance transmission of electricity would be impossible.
10) Coal and oil are the remains of plants and animals.Crude mineral ores and crude oil must be purified before they can be ud.
11) Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitude define the subsurface geometry and give estimates of the acoustic impedances related to rock velocities and densitiesbrighton.
12) It has been found that 95% of the UFOs people e are natural signs which people may not be familiar with.
26个英文字母书写13) Although the main concern of the prent paper is to describe variable camber design
for transport aircraft, it is felt uful also to include a brief introduction to historical concepts, sailplane applications and of cour military applications.小学国旗下的讲话稿
14) There is also a handy little aerator tool on the market that I u — a compost aerator that has a rod with a handle at the top and two hinged paddles at the bottom.
15) Today the electronic computer is widely ud in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellite into orbit.
译文:现在,电子计算机广泛运用于解决一些数学问题,这些问题与天气预报和把卫星送入轨道有关。(这个例子用了两个分词短语,第一个solving mathematical problems是做介词in的宾语;第二个以having to引导的结构相当于一个定语从句,修饰它前面的mathemati
cal problems。)soldiers