Vocabulary and Phras:
department store 百货商店 shopping mall 购物广场
supermarket 超市 grocery store 食品杂货店
convenience shop 便利店 pharmacy 药房
post office 邮局 barber shop/ hair dressing shop理发店
butcher’s shop肉店 open market 露天市场
charity shop 慈善商店 antique shop 古董商店
支持英文souvenir shop 纪念品商店 gift shop 礼品店
café or restaurant 餐厅/饭店 cinema 电影院
theatre 剧院 toy shop 玩具店
bar/ lounge bar 酒吧/休闲式高级酒吧 take away shop 外卖食品商店
学历证书编号drinks shop 酒品专卖店 book and stationery shop 书籍、文具店
sports shop 体育运动商店 bakery shop 面包店/糕点店
digital shop 数码商店 music shop 唱片行
recreation centre/ground娱乐中心/娱乐场 amument park/ fun fair 游乐园/游乐场
outlet 廉价经销店/专营店 tax free shop 免税商店
(shop/sales) assistant 售货员 shop manager 商店经理
supervisor 领班 regional manager 区域经理
counter 柜台 till 收银机
discount 打折 …% off 打几折
on sale 特价销售/大减价 special offer 特别优惠
clearance sale 清仓大甩卖 bargain 便宜货/讲价
voucher/coupon 优惠券 buy one get one free买一赠一
cash 现金 credit card 信用卡
debit card 借记卡 solo card / switch card功能单一的卡
pay in cash 用现金付款 pay by card 用卡付款
cash only lane 只付现金的付帐通道
customer rvice 顾客服务 complaint 投诉
online shopping 网络购物 return/refund 退货
exchange 货物调换
fitting room 试衣间 try on clothes 试装
men’s wear 男装部 women’s wear 女装部
maternity department 孕妇服装部 kids’ wear/children’s garments 童装部
makeup department/ction 化妆品部 alcohol free 无酒精
fragrance free 无香料/无香精 perfume/eau de toilette 香水
find the right size 找到合适的尺寸 go with 与…相配
digital camera 数码相机 laptop 笔记本电脑
cable 电话线/网线 modem 调制解调器
speaker 音箱/喇叭 U disk u盘
What can I do for you﹖
Can(May)I help you﹖
Is there anything I can do for you﹖
英语六级分数分配 May(Can) I do something for you﹖
Are you all right there? (其实就是在问你需要帮助吗?)
(Do) you need any help?
Which shirt(pen,meal, one...) do you like﹖
What size(color、kind...)do you want﹖
How many do you want﹖
Do you like this size(color、kind…)﹖
…is (are) over there.
Is this(Are the)all right?
What about the(tho)﹖
What el would you like﹖
Would you like a bag? 需要袋子装吗?
That’s altogether …pounds/dollars….
Are you paying in cash or by card?
How are you going to pay?
Do you need any cash back?expressionism
Thanks you for shopping at…
I’m just looking. 我只是随便看看。
Can you show me…﹖
I would like(want) some….
Have you got any…﹖
I'm looking for….
Any suggestions?superdisk
How much is it (are they)﹖
How much do you ask for it(them)﹖
What does it come to﹖ 一共多少钱?
That’s too much expensive.
It there any discount?
鲁克斯 May I have a look at it(them)﹖
Can/May I try it(them)on﹖
Where is the fitting room?
I don‘t think this one will fit me/go with my skin.
What time do you open/clo?
I'm looking for a gift for my friend.
anna chapmanPlea wrap this for me.
OK. I’ll take one of them plea.
I'm just looking. This is a great respon to "Can I help you find anything?" if you are not sure what you want to buy.
Where are your fitting rooms? Ask the salesperson this question if you want to try on that outfit before you buy it. In the UK, though, you might want to ask for the changing rooms.
Does this come in other colors? Not everybody likes plain old black and white. Ask a salesperson this if you've found something you really like, but want it in a different color.
Do you have this in other sizes? You've found the perfect if only they had your size! Ask this to a shop assistant, and he or she may be able to locate one that's the perfect fit.
Do you have any of the in stock? You e it in the display, but you can't find it in the store! Don't panic. Ask an assistant if there are any left in stock. Maybe there are some hiding in the storage room.
Can I put this on hold? Not sure if you've found the perfect gift? Just ask the sales assistants to "put it on hold", and they will put the item aside for you for one or two days. That way, it can't disappear as you continue your arch.