留 学 生 入 学 申 请 表
Application Form for International Students
1. Name: Family Name (姓):
Given Names (名):
Chine Name (中文名):
2. Nationality (国籍):
3. Sex (性别):M/男 □ F/女□
4. Marital Status (婚否): Single/未婚 □ Married/已婚 □
5. Passport No.(护照号码):
6.Passport valid until(护照有效期):
7. Date of Birth (出生日期): Year/年 Month/月 Date/日
8. Place of Birth (出生地) : 9. Religion(宗教信仰)
10. Your Mailing Address in Your Home Country (本国邮寄地址) : Tel. in Your Home Country (本国联系电话): E-mail(邮箱): Prent Address in China(在华联系地址): Tel. in China (在华联系电话):
11. Education Level (最高学历):
12. Plan of Study in Nankai University (来我校学习计划):
A. Chine Language Student (汉语语言进修生):□
B. Bachelor’s Degree (本科生): □ Major/专业:
C. Master’s Degree (硕士生): □ Major/专业:
2012山东理综13. Duration of Study at Nankai University (在我校学习时间):
easy touchYear/年 Month/月 to (至) Year/年 Month/月
14. Contact Person in China/Recommended by (在华联系人/推荐人):
Name/姓名: Employer/单位: Tel./电话: Fax/传真:
Applicant’s Signature (申请人): Date(日期): Application Procedure and Instructions (注意事项):
The new academic year begins in September. Applicants are asked to nd the completed
in照片 Photo
Application Form before the end of June for the new academic year or before the end of December for the Spring mester that starts in February of the following year.
莱佛士学院1.Applicants must submit to Nankai University along with the completed Application Form, 8
copies of photos (2 inch), a copy of their education diploma and/or certificates. Letter of Recommendation is needed if you are an exchange student on an exchange program.
翻译软件排行2.After receiving the application materials by the date specified above, we will nd the
applicant the Visa Application Form (JW202) and the Letter of Admission.
revolutionary3.With the Visa Application Form (JW202) and the Letter of Admission along with the
completed Physical Examination Report (if the duration of study is more than 6 months), the applicant should apply to the Chine Embassy (or Consulate) for the X visa (student’s visa), or for the F visa if the duration of study is less than 6 months.
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digital age4.The student is required to register at Nankai University during the time specified in the Letter
of Admission and go through the formalities for applying for residence card within 30 days after arriving in China. The student shall be fined by the local Public Security Bureau if s/he fails to do so within the said period.