Closing dates
late applications may be accepted in special circumstances.
Y Masters by Rearch and Phd candidature: apply any time (note scholarship application
closing dates).
Y diplomas, Masters and doctorates by Courwork: mester 1: 31 october / mester 2: 30 april.Before submitting applications for the following cours plea confirm the closing date with the relevant faculty.
Y doctor of Veterinary Medicine: 20 december.
Y dental science, Medicine and Physiotherapy courwork programs: Refer tocountryroad for closing dates and additional application requirements.
Y doctor of optometry: Refer for closing dates.For scholarship application closing dates, refer to Part H.
How to complete tHis form
Y Plea write in black ink using BloCK letteRs.
Y include one t of supporting documents with this application. Y all documents must be certified as true copies of originals. Y ensure that you sign the declaration at the back of this form.
Y an asssment fee of aUd$100 must accompany this application. this application will not be procesd if the fee is not provided. the fee will be deducted from your tuition fees if you enrol at the University. Plea refer to Part K for payment details.现在需要你
Plea note that delays may occur in the processing of this application if the application is incomplete.
all fields must be completed
if you have previously enrolled at or applied to the University of Melbourne, plea state your student/application number: six or nine-digit number:释怀的英文
Family name: given name/s: date of birth: day: Month:
Countries of citizenship*:
* Plea note that you must list each country of which you are a citizen.Have you applied for permanent residency in australia?
do you have an australian visa that is not a student visa?
if yes, plea detail:
and attach a photocopy of the visa from your passport. it is your responsibility to ensure this visa allows you to study and covers the duration of the program for which you have applied.Country of birth:
Main language spoken at home:
Address for correspondence
tel: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number: Mob: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:Fax: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:
Applicant’s email address:
Permanent address in home country
tel: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number: Mob: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:Fax: Country code: ( ) area code: ( ) number:
Appointment of Agent
(to be completed by the applicant – agent stamp not accepted ) i appoint the following University of Melbourne authorid agent to manage my application and i authori the University of Melbourne to relea personal information and visa documentation relevant to my application to this agent:
aPPliCation FoR adMission as an inteRnational gRadUate stUdent
wHo sHoulD u tHis form?
Y ou should u this form if you are an international applicant applying for:
Y graduate Certificates and diplomas/Postgraduate Certificates and diplomas Y Masters degrees (except for the Master of Business administration programs) Y Courwork doctorates
Y Phd degrees/doctoral degrees Y international graduate scholarships.
this form should not be ud by citizens or permanent residents of australia or citizens of new Zealand or anyone who holds dual citizenship with australia. any applicant who fits the criteria will have their application rejected or enrolment terminated as the ca may be.
Melbourne JD: Refer to for information regarding the closing dates and additional application requirements including the law schools admission test (lsat). Plea note that whilst a fee will apply to sit the lsat, no additional aUd$100 University asssment fee is required. Plea provide your lsat no: l
information is collected on this form and during your enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the esos act and the national Code 2007; to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under australian immigration laws generally. the authority to collect this information is contained in the education rvices for overas students act 2000, the education rvices for overas students Regulations 2001 and the national Code of Practice for Registration authorities and Providers of education and training to overas students 2007. information collected about you on this form and during your enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the
australian government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the tuition assurance scheme and the esos assurance Fund Manager. in other instances information collected on this form or during your enrolment can be disclod without your connt where authorid or required by law.
* Additional application requirements for Faculty of the VCA and Music (VCAM) and Graduate School of Business and Economics applicants
• F aculty of the VCA and Music (VCAM): plea refer to for information regarding the supplementary application form which must be completed and audition/folio requirements.
• G raduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE): Many programs offered by the gsBe require gMat or gRe results to be submitted with your application. For information about the requirements for gsBe courwork programs plea
requirements.html and for rearch programs plea
To be completed by all applicants
Plea provide details and documentation for all completed and/or
current tertiary studies, including:
1. o fficial certified copies* of all transcripts.
2. a university explanation of the grading system. (eg. a–B=100%–80%)veritas
3. i f the documents are not in english they must be accompanied by an
official certified english translation.
4. W herever possible plea provide official advice from the university detailing the actual numeric marks (eg. 82%) or gPas (eg. 3.4) you achieved for your tertiary studies. this will assist with the asssment of your application for scholarship.
are you currently enrolled in a tertiary education program?
if yes, when will your final results be available? Month: Year: * a certified copy is a photocopy of th
e original document with the signature小企业会计准则
and official stamp of an appropriate authority (eg. solicitor, principal, doctor,
police officer) indicating that they have sighted the original. a photocopy or fax of a certified copy is not acceptable. Plea note that all documents remain the property of the University of Melbourne.
† a pplicants who have completed their degree are advid that if their transcript
does not state they have successfully completed their degree, they must provide an original or certified copy of an official letter from their institution confirming
completion, in addition to their final academic transcript.
Plea complete the table below with your most recent or current qualification listed first.
if you are undertaking or have completed a masters degree, what percentage of the program was the rearch (thesis) component?
if available, plea attach documents as outlined in item 4 of Part C of this form.
Briefly describe any rearch (eg. thesis, rearch project subjects) you have completed as part of your tertiary studies .
Plea only provide details of the rearch completed at the fourth year level or higher . (attach an additional page if required.)
to be completed by all applicants
of rearch/study? if yes, plea give details:
details of current employment (if applicable)Current employer: Position title:
Commencement date: day:
nature of work and level of responsibility (include hours worked
per week and number of staff supervid):
PRoFessioNAL woRk exPeRieNCe (LAsT Five yeARs)
Has your work been published in a refereed journal?
if yes, provide details below and attach a copy of the front page of each publication:
Membership of professional society/association (if any):
To be completed by all applicants
Y Plea refer to the University's Future students web site for the latest information on the University’s english language requirements including required ielts and toeFl scores: Y documentary evidence is required to demonstrate your english language proficiency.
the University of Melbourne has a statutory obligation to comply with the Information Privacy Act (VIC) 2000 and the Health Records act (ViC) 2001 in its treatment of personal and health information
regarding students.
the University collects information about a student for a number of purpos. the main purpos are to enable proper administration of an individual’s cour of study, to assist
the University to organi programs for the health and welfare of students and to foster alumni relations and promote University activities. information is also collected under Commonwealth or state government legislation for the purpos of reporting annually to the governments and for the administration of, but not limited to, the Higher education loan Programme (HelP) and the Y outh allowance (austudy and abstudy). information may also be collected to facilitate internal planning.
the University holds personal information on computer and paper bad records. it takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the information it holds is accurate and complete and that it is protected from misu, loss, unauthorid access or disclosure.
information concerning enrolled students is maintained by the student administration ction in the University’s academic rvices division. the University will not disclo personal information about you without your permission or unless permitted or required amples of instances when personal information about you may be disclod are:
Y informing Centrelink of your enrolment details if you are in receipt of payments;
Y releasing statistical information to the department of education, science and training; Y releasing statistical information to the office of training and tertiary education;
Y releasing information to the department of immigration and Multicultural affairs
Y informing the australian taxation office of your taxation liabilities;
Y assisting the police with personal information about you if you are alleged to have
Y been involved in a criminal offence;
Y releasing your academic details to another tertiary institution or tertiary admission
Y centre if you apply to transfer studies; and
Y publishing the names of graduates.
access to and correction of your information are handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982. data obtained via the enrolment questionnaire that is reported to the Common
wealth government can be viewed (and, if necessary, corrected) at
the University’s Privacy officer is the University cretary, Ms Janet White. the Privacy officer’s website, contains the University’s Privacy Policy and provides detailed information about the contact details, complaints procedures and other aspects of the University’s privacy regime.
if you have an enquiry about your privacy rights in relation to the collection of information from students, plea contact the University’s Privacy officer.
university of melbourne privAcy stAtement
To be completed by all applicants
Plea provide details of any sponsorship arrangements, scholarships or rearch grants currently held or applied for. note that evidence of this award, including details of funding body and duration, must be attached to this application. if you are unable to enclo this with your application, it must be received by the scholarship closing date:
international applicants who receive an unconditional offer of a place in a University of Melbourne cour will be automatically considered, subject to availability, for the scholarships outlined below. the scholarship eligibility requirements include submission of this application and all required documents to the University by the scholarship closing dates noted below. applicants must meet the University’s english language and other requirements to receive an unconditional cour offer.
LisT oF The sChoLARshiPs AvAiLABLe
scholarships for graduate rearch studies
Y endeavour international Postgraduate Rearch scholarships (iPRss)
Y Melbourne international Fee Remission scholarships (MiFRss)
Y Melbourne international Rearch scholarships (MiRss)
Y Human Rights scholarships (HRss)
scholarships for graduate courwork studies
Y asian development Bank scholarships (adB scholarships)
Y international Postgraduate Courwork awards (iPCas)
Y new generation international graduate scholarships (ngigs)
Y Human Rights scholarships (HRss)
Plea refer to for detailed information about eligibility, academic progress requirements, availability and benefits.
scHolArsHip lection AnD
eligibility guiDelines
Y scholarship lection is very competitive. admission to a cour does not guarantee the award of a scholarship.
Y lection is bad on academic merit and, for graduate rearch scholarships, demonstrated rearch potential. this usually means
a high first-class honours/first division with distinction or equivalent
in the most recently completed qualification. Publications in inter-national refereed journals are also taken into account.
Y international scholarships are available to students from any overas country (excluding citizens and permanent residents of australia and citizens of new Zealand).
>english language requirements must be met and documentation submitted by the closing date for consideration in the main rounds.
applicants will only be considered when an unconditional offer for admission has been made.
Y Most scholarships are accessible across all faculties.
Y students already in receipt of a scholarship that covers tuition fees and/or a living allowance are ineligible for the same type of scholar-ship.
Y students who have already completed a degree (Phd or Masters) at an equivalent or higher level to the cour for which they are
eking a scholarship are not eligible for consideration.all queries about the scholarships should be directed to the Melbourne scholarships office:
graduate Courwork scholarships
Phone: (+61 3) 8344 7467
watfordFax: (+61 3) 8344 3734
graduate Rearch scholarships
Phone: (+61 3) 8344 8747
Fax: (+61 3) 9349 1740
AusAiD AnD otHer sponsoreD stuDents >the award of an international scholarship is always conditional upon the student holding the appropriate valid visa and complying with
contractual obligations of an employer or other sponsor.
>ausaid students are reminded of their obligation to return to their home country for a specified period.
all enquiries regarding ausaid scholarships should be directed to the australian diplomatic Mission in
your home country.
scHolArsHip closing DAtes
international applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their application, including all of the required documents, by the application closing dates. this will enable the application to be considered for a greater range and number of scholarships.
scholarship application closing date
iPRs, MiFRs, MiRs131 august
iPCa231 october
HRs 31 october
伊蚊属ngigs331 october
adB scholarships431 august (for mester 1)
15 February (for mester 2)
1. W hile applications submitted after this closing date will be accepted, the applications will only be considered for any MiFRss and
MiRss that remain in the relevant faculty’s allocation at the time the application is assd. a majority of the MiFRss and MiRss are offered immediately after the main scholarship lection rounds held in november and december each year.
2. 31 october is the closing date for the first round. applications received after 31 october will be considered for any iPCas that remain after the first round.
3. C losing dates may vary according to the cour for which the applicant is applying. applicants should confirm the cour application closing date with the relevant faculty.
4. t he are the dates by which applicants must have an unconditional cour offer to be considered for an adB scholarship. applicants
are encouraged to submit their application for admission as an international graduate student form at least eight weeks before the dates noted above.