颊面 Buccal
舌面 Lingual
腭面 Palatal
近中面 Mesial
远中面 Distal
牙合面 Oeclusal
切端 Incisal
颈部 Neck
前牙 Anterior
中切牙 Central
侧切牙 Latral
尖牙 Canine/cuspid
后牙 Posterior
双尖牙 Pre-Molar
第一双尖牙 First Prc-Molar
第二双尖牙 Second Pre-Molar
磨牙 Molar
勤务人员第一磨牙 First Molar
第二磨牙 Second Molar
智慧牙 Wisdom
覆牙合 Over Bite
覆盖 Over Jet
缺失牙 Pontic
牙模 Model
颜色 Shade
形态 Shape/Anatomy
金属牙合面 Metal Occlusal
金属舌面 Metal Backing
缓冲(离开) Relief
牙合架 Articulator
工作模 Master Model
对牙合模 Opposite Model
参考模 Study Model
连接模 Splint/Joint/Connect
分开 Separate
每日一句英语烤瓷冠 CMC
烤瓷桥 CMB
全口腔胶托 Full / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F
半口胶托 Full Upper or Lower Acrylic Denture
局部胶托 Partial Acrylic Denture ,P/-or -/p
鞋扣钢丝卡环 S.S.Wire Clasp
钢丝牙合支托 S.S. Rest
个别托盘 Special Tray,S/T
蜡堤 Bite Block
胶托修理 Repair
软胶 Soft Lining
衬垫 Reline
弹性义齿 Flexible Denture / Valplast
胶托加网 Add Mesh
钢托 Cobalt-Chrome Centure/Vatallium
舌杆 Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD
腭板 Lingual Bar
连续卡环 Palatal Plate
牙合支托 Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp
舌板 Occlusal Rest
上半口网状钢 Lingual Plate
半口胶托 Full Upper Mesh
钢托上加钢牙 Full Upper or Lower Denture
马蹄形 Dummy
前后杆 Hor Shoe
Double Bar / Ant .& Post .Bar
贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on Precious Alloy
半贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious)
非贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious)
玛利兰桥 Maryland Bridge
嵌体 Inlay
桩核 Post
高嵌体 Onlay
瓷贴面 Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain
假牙龈/牙肉 Gum Porcelain
全瓷冠 Full Ceramic Crown(In-ceram)
瓷边 Porcelain Margin/Porcelain Shoulder
涂金粉 Gold Plating
金属冠 Full Metal Crown
金属边 Metal Margin
种植牙 Implant
桩连冠 Post Crown/Down Crown
通透性的 Transparent pmi是什么意思
透明的 Translucent
不透明的 Opacity
一. At the registration挂号
1. What can I do for you?
2. What is wrong with you? 英语姓名
3. Do you want to e a dentist?
4. Which speciality do you want to register with?
5. Do you want to have your tooth pulled ( tooth filled )?
6. For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙?镶牙?还是洁牙?
7. Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?
8. May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, plea?
9. Plea write your name and date of birth on this card.
10. Plea fill out this record card. 请填写这张记录卡。
11. Do you have a registration card? 您有挂号证吗?
12. When did you come last?
报关英文13. Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗?
14. We are fully booked today. 今天已经约满了。
15. Plea show this card at the registration desk every time you come. 每次来挂号,请出示这张卡
16. Plea pay for the registration. 请交挂号费。
17. Here is your receipt and change. 这是收据和找回的零钱。
18. This is your registration card. Plea don’t lo it and bring it here whenever you come.这是您的挂号证,请不要遗失,每次来时带着它。
19. Plea wait in the waiting room. 请在候诊室等。
20. The doctor will e you soon.
21. The doctor now is with a patient.
22. Your turn is next.
23. There are two more patients before you.
24. The patient before you is a rather complicated ca, I’m sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour. 前面那个病人比较复杂,您至少还得等半小时。
25. Plea come into the treatment room, will you? 请进治疗室。
二.Directions for the position, manner and action 椅位,方式和行为的指导
1. Plea sit down in this chair.
2. I will lean the chair back. 我把牙椅向后倾斜点。
3. I will bring the chair up.我将抬高牙椅。
4. Plea slide up/down the chair.
5. Are you comfortable in this position?
6. I will place an apron on you. 我给您系上胸巾。
7. Plea lift your head.
格林奇偷走圣诞节8. Plea turn your head to the right/left.
9. Plea tuck your chin. 请收下颌。
10. Plea open your mouth a litter wider.