alberta1. Word on the street is Chad has a fan club.
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sara bareilles听说查得有个粉丝俱乐部。Word on the street is这个表达就是“坊间传⾔”的意思,字⾯含义是街道上呢有⼀些这样的话语Word on the street is,来了解⼀下英⽂释义:Word on the street is a rumor or piece of information that is currently being talked about. Word on the street表⽰流⾔蜚语或部分正在被讨论的信息。Word on the street is Chad has a fan club. 听说查得有个粉丝俱乐部。海贼王2年后图片
2. I heard on the grapevine that she was pregnant, but I'm not sure.妇女产假
Grapevine是“葡萄藤”的意思,也有“信息散播路径,秘密信息,谣⾔”等含义,“从哪听说”“⼩道消息”⽤英语来讲的话可以表达为hear (something) on/through the grapevine。I heard on the grapevine that she was pregnant, but I'm not sure. ⼩道消息听说她怀孕了,但我不能肯定。
3. A little bird told me that it's your birthday today!
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对于⽣⽇这件事我不喜欢告诉太多⼈,收到意外祝福的时候,⼈家是这么解释的:A little bird told me that it's your birthday today!A little bird told me字⾯意思是⼀只⼩鸟告诉我...,当⽼外说A little bird told me的时候,不是真的表⽰⾃⼰懂得鸟语,只是⽤开玩笑⼝吻避免透露消息来源,例如:"How did you kn
ow he was going to resign?"(你是怎么知道他会辞职的?)" Ah, a little bird told me."(啊,是⼩鸟告诉我的。)A little bird told me that it's your birthday today! 有个消息灵通的⼈告诉我今天是你的⽣⽇。