Technical Data Sheet
Additin®RC 3038Antiwear Additive
Type Antiwear additive, oxidation inhibitor and mild corrosion inhibitor; light-coloured
and almost odourless
Technical data*Composition
Colour (ASTM-D 1500)
Copper corrosion (ASTM-D
130), 1% weight Additin RC
3038 in a paraffinic ba oil,
3 h/160°C:
Viscosity, 40°C (ASTM-D 445)
Density, 20°C (ASTM-D 1298)
Flash point, COC (ASTM-D 92)
Mineral oil content zinc dialkyldithiophosphate with primary and condary alkyl groups
clear, yellow, oily liquid
approx. 1.5
approx. 9 % weight
approx. 8.5 % weight
approx. 17 % weight
1a - 1b
approx. 100 mm²/s
approx. 1120 kg/m³
> 150°C
approx. 20 % weight
Application- cutting oils
四级可以提前交卷吗- drawing oils
- punching oils
shock absorber oils
- greas
Additin RC 3038 is particularly suitable for u in metalworking fluids, becau
of its well-balanced alkyl groups and lack of odour (the latter being a result of
the manufacturing process). It exhibits antiwear and mild EP performance.
Additin RC 3038 performs over a wide temperature range. In an appropriate
ba oil Additin RC 3038 can be combined with sulphur carriers, e.g. Additin讣告怎么读
RC 2415 for u as chlorinated paraffin replacement.
Solubility Soluble in mineral oils and synthetic ba oils. However, it is necessary to
verify the solubility in the ba oils ud and the compability with other
公斤的英文Test results-
Packing unit200 kg bunghole drumsomrt
Storage conditions in a dry place at room temperature approx. 12 months
Handling Consult material safety data sheet (MSDS)
for additional handling information on Additin RC 3038.
® = registered trade mark
* The analytical data are guide values.
侯思思Additin RC 3038 is on EINECS and TSCA inventory.
Version: 1/01. Mai 98
Our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials - is given in good faith but without warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. It does not relea you from the obligation to test the products supplied by us as to their suitability动感英语笔记
for the intended process and us. The
application, u and processing of the
products are beyond our control and,
therefore, enti- rely your own responsibility.
Should, in spite of this,
liability be established for any damage, it
will be limited to the value of the goods
delivered by us and ud by you. We will, of
cour, provide products of consistent
quality within the scope of our General
Conditions of Sale and Delivery.
Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH Duesldorfer Stras 23-27
D-68219 Mannheim
Tel.: +49-621-8907-0
Fax: +49-621-8907-675