1. The speaker's words were filled with emotion and passion, making the locutory experience quite inten.
2. The locutory speech was delivered with such eloquence and clarity that the audience was captivated from start to finish.
3. The locutory statement was clear and conci, leaving no room for ambiguity or misinterpretation.
4. The locutory communication relied heavily on visual aids and props to enhance the understanding and impact of the message.
spear5. The locutory prentation was interactive and engaging, promoting active participation from the listeners.
twitter是什么意思6. The locutory dialogue between the two characters was full of tension and conflict, creating a n of suspen for the audience.
babyface7. The locutory address conveyed a n of urgency and importance, highlighting the relevant issues at hand.
8. The locutory conversation was conducted in a calm and compod manner, maintaining a respectful tone throughout.
9. The locutory debate provided a platform for opposing viewpoints to be discusd openly and respectfully.
伤感网名大全2012最新版的10. The locutory monologue delivered by the main character rved as a powerful introspection into their thoughts and emotions.