安哥拉与刚果: 国有恶邻
安哥拉与刚果: 国有恶邻
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Angola and Congo
Bad neighbourse mail
Rape and rows over oil have hurt relations between two big countries
日语培训班ON A busy market day in the Congole frontier town of Kamako, in the province of Western Kasai, a c
lutch of haggard Congole migrants is shuffling back home under the watchful eyes of Angolan police. A high-tech remote camera, installed as part of a recent revamping of the checkpoint on the Angolan side of the border, monitors them on their way. Good fences are said to make good neighbours. But along this isolated stretch of border the incongruously modern facility’s main purpo is hardly neighbourly.
Every year since 2004 Angola has been kicking out tens of thousands of Congole, most of them diamond diggers and their families. Angola’s GDP per person is now 24 times bigger than that of Congo at the IMF’s last count, so the Congole keep coming over to ek a living. But the Angolans are fed up with the influx—and the loss of revenue through illegal mining, sometimes put as high as $700m.
More recently they have resorted to the most vicious of measures to get rid of the Congole. Last year it was reported that hundreds of women were being raped along the border. During a trip to Kamako earlier this year, the UN’s special reprentative on xual violence in conflict found evidence of the systematic rape of Congole women and girls. Among some 26,000 people expelled since April, more than 21,000 cas of rious human-rights violations, including rape, beating, torture and looting, have been documented byvolunteering
CISP, an Italian aid agency that has a UN grant to monitor the border. “We are eing very rious and widespread abus committed in impunity—with one goal: to instil fear,” says Lisa Rimli of Human Rights Watch, a New York-bad lobby. “While humanitarians can help deal with the fallout, putting an end to this phenomenon will ultimately require a political solution involving both Luanda and Kinshasa,” she says, referring to the governments of Angola and Congo.
到强奸。⽽联合国性虐纠纷特别代表在今年早些时候访问Kamako时,发现了刚果妇⼥和⼥孩遭到⼤规模强奸的证据。由联合国授权监察安哥拉刚果边界情况的意⼤利援助机构 CISP则有记录表明,四⽉以来被驱逐的2.6万⼈中,超过2.1万⼈涉及严重侵犯⼈权的犯罪,这其中包括强奸,毒打,滥⽤私刑以及抢劫。 “我们看到情节恶劣的虐待现象普遍发⽣,施虐者却不⽤遭受任何惩罚。他们这么做只有⼀个⽬的:为了制造恐慌,”纽约游说组织⼈权监察会的Lisa Rimli如是说。 “尽管⼈道主义能够从⼀定程度上帮着处理这种事造成的后果,但要彻底根治这种现象必须依靠政治⽅案来解决问题,这需要罗安达和⾦沙萨双⽅政治势⼒的共同努⼒。”⾔语中暗指安哥拉政府和刚果政府。
But bad relations between the two have made this impossible. When Angola’s government first started expelling Congole en mas, Congo’s president, Joph Kabila, complained. Angola’s leaders publicly apologid, promid to stop the abus, then carried on as before. Mindful of his need for Angola’s support on diplomatic, military and commercial fronts, Mr Kabila kept his mouth shut. After all, he owed his position to Angolan intervention in Congo’s civil war between 1998 and 2003 and during his battle for Kinshasa in 2007.
When Mr Kabila broached the subject again, in 2009, he was in a better bargaining position, since he had consolidated his own rule. But by then Angola was no longer in a mood to listen. Earlier that year, in an effort to stave off threats along his eastern border, Mr Kabila had made deals with his former enemies in charge of Rwanda and Uganda. But Angola’s president, José Eduardo dos Santos, viewed tho deals with his old enemies as a betrayal.
Relations between Messrs Kabila and dos Santos then got even wor. In a submission to the UN in July 2009 over maritime boundaries, Congo in effect laid claim to chunks of Angola’s most profitable offshore oil blocks and threatened to go to international arbitration. If Congo were to win, Angola’s position as Africa’s cond biggest exporter of crude oil after Nigeria might well be threatened.迈格森
zoya>matter of fact
Since then the two governments have barely exchanged a friendly word with each other. The hapless Congole migrants have become pawns in a game. “It’s an expression of their bad mood,” said Congo’s foreign minister, Alexis Thambwe Mwamba, linking the offshore-oil dispute to Angola’s refusal to stop the expulsions.
从那以后,双⽅政府⼏乎没有进⾏过任何友好交流。倒霉的刚果移民变成了这场政治游戏中的牺牲品。 “这是他们借故挑衅的⽅式,”刚果外交部长亚⼒克西斯表⽰,近海⽯油纷争正是引发安哥拉加紧驱逐刚果移民的导⽕线。
More recently there have been hints of a thaw. Congo’s prime minister, Adolphe Muzito, said his government would delay arbitration of the maritime row until 2014. In June he met Mr dos Santos. And this month Angola’s oil minister for the first time said his government was ready to negotiate a production-sharing agreement along the existing maritime boundary.
Despite Congo’s huge mineral wealth, its government is so short of cash that it may welcome a deal rather than get mired in a legal battle that could be costly as well as long. And if the two countries can achieve an accommodation, the abus against the Congole migrants on the border might at last come to an end.
尽管刚果丰富的矿产给该国带来了巨⼤的财富,但刚果政府急需资⾦,因此⽐起卷⼊耗时间又耗财⼒的法律官司,可能更愿意以协商⽅式解决问题。如果两国能够达成共识,那么⾄少可以结束安哥拉在边境地区对刚果移民的欺压。f cure