15选10:Unit 1
When I thinkof people in this worldwho have really made a differ ence, I thinkof my parent s.
time zThey were trulysaints amongordina ry people. 他们是活在平民百姓之中的圣人。
I was one of the ten childr en my parents adopte d. 我是被我的父母被收养的这十个孩子之一。They (G)rescue d(救助)each of us from a life of povert y(贫穷)and loneliness(寂寞).
他们救助了生活在贫穷和寂寞中的我们。论语 翻译
They were hardly able to (O)restra i n(制止)themse lvesfrom bringing home more childr en to care for. 他们几乎无法控制他们自己将流浪的孩子带回家照顾。
If they had had the (D)resour ces(无疑地) ,they certainlywouldhave.
Most people do not realiz e how much they(I)appreciated(去世) someone until they pass away.
My sister s and brothe rs and I did not want this to happen before we (K)uttere d the words"Thankyou" to our parent
账簿分类我的兄弟姐妹和我都不希望这种情况发生在我们身上,都不希望父母听不到自己说“谢谢”。Althou gh we have all grownup and (L)scatte red(分散的)aboutthe countr y, we got back toget h e r to thankour parent s.
My brothe r Tom(B)undert ook(承担)the task of organizingthe event.
EveryFriday night, Mom and Dad have had the ham dinner specia l at the same restau rantfor the last twenty years.
That is wherewe waited withou t theirknowin g. 我们就在那儿等着,没有提前告诉他们When we firstcaught a(F) glimp(瞥见)of them coming across the street, we all hid(A)under n e ath(在..之下)a big table.我们一瞥见他们过马路,就纷纷躲到一张大桌子下
When they entere d, we leapt(跳( leap的过去式和过去分词) out and shoute d, "Thankyou, Mom and Dad." 当他们进来时,我们跳出来大喊:“谢谢爸爸妈妈”。
My brothe r Tom(N)pren ted(呈献)them with a card and we all hugged(拥抱).My Dad prete n ded that he had knownwe were underthe tableall along(一直).
当我思考在这个世界上,那些真正对我有意义的人,我想到了我的父母. 他们是生活在平凡世界中的真圣人我的父母收养了十个孩子,我是其中之一。他们将我们带离了贫穷的孤独,他们艰难的克制着不再带孩子回家照顾,如果他们还有能力,他们现在远不止收养这么几个孩子。大多数人在自己感激的人离开这个世界之后才意识到自己是多么的感激他,我的兄弟姐妹和我都不希望这种情况发生在我们身上,都不希望父母听不到我们说“谢谢你”。虽然我们现在已成人并散居全国各地,我们还是会回家团聚感谢父母,具体的组织活动由哥哥汤姆负责。在过去的二十年里,每周五晚上,妈妈和爸爸都会到同一家餐馆吃那里的特色火腿餐。我们就在那儿等着,没有提前告诉他们。我们一瞥见他们过马
Womenwho exerci regula rly need to be carefu l with what they eat. Rear chers have foundeviden ce that even(G)modera te适度的e xerc i can result in losing iron. They said that women, who exerci regula rly, especiallyin (K)endura nce耐力a ctiv ities, typica lly lo iron. In orderto preven t this from becomi ng a proble m, it is import ant that thowomenconsum e more meat or take(o)supple ments补充toreplac e the iron lost. Thowho do not bother to get plenti ful amount s of iron may beginto feel weak and tired.“If you can get the recomm ended daily(N)allowa nce补贴of iron in your diet, you will probab ly perfor m better," said one diet specia list.“One shortc oming of taking iron pillsis that the pill form is not well (J)absorb ed吸收a nd can someti mes make you sick. It is prefer ablethat you try to(A)remedy救济the defici encyby gettin g more iron-rich meatsin your diet.”
Thereare ways to help your body (C)store商店away the iron it takesin. By gettin g plenty of Vitami n C, your body is able to (D)proces s过程, or u, the iron better. Rear chers(F)acknow ledge d承认t
h at everyo ne’s body is differ ent and the proble m will be less riou s for some. Becaus e it is imposs ibleto decide whethe r or not this couldbe a proble m for you, health specia lists say it is (I)advisa ble明智的to checkyour iron levels. Even when you can't feel it, you may stillhave a proble m.
scar therapy
质丢失的典型代表。为了防止这种现象演变成的问题, 对于这些女性来讲,食用更多的肉类或者补充那些流失的铁质是非常重要的。而那些不屑于补充大量铁质的女性可能就会开
Whilemany privat e schools are focusing more on values, public schools are moving toward testin g standa rds. The nation al govern mentdemands (F)academ ic学术的succe ss and tests are takenas a key measur ement for a school’s perfor mance. Schools with low test scores face (M)penalt ies 处罚such as a reduct ion in moneyto run theirschools. And, even individualteache rs are beinggraded on how they’re prepar ing theirstuden ts for thetests.
圣诞节快乐用英语怎么说“We have (K)concentrate d集中to o much on teaching the kids how to take thetests,”commen ted one elemen taryschool teache r, “We should be provid ing a more(D)compre hensi ve 综合的curriculum to thekids. We should be (C)cultiv ating培养lea dersh ip and curios ity. Unfort unate ly, thereis nevertime.”
One school princi pal remark ed, “It’s true that it wouldbe (G)benefi cial有益的to our kids if they were gettin g better scores on the subjec ts beingtested. The troubl e is that in poorer areasof the city like ours, kids startschool less (L) equipp ed装备t o perfor m well. We have many (O)obstac les障碍to overco me before we can teachthem basicsubjec ts. All school s are not (I)alike同样地, so they shoul
d n't be tested that way.”
“The goal is to (B) improv e改善pe rform ancein school s that are not provid ing theirstuden ts with toolsfor succes s,” said one govern mentoffici al. He admits, howeve r, that he is having a hard time convin cingfacult y and teache rs this plan will work。
For many, beauty and fashio n are perman ently linked. With regard to fashio n, the Barbie doll has been (C)consis tently一贯地in style. From the firstBarbie dolls, Mattel took care to dressthem in detailed, (E)fashio nable流行的clothes. Some obrv ers note that the fashions of the Barbie doll tracefashio n (F)trends趋势per fectl y since1959. Whilecritic s compla in that the models do not (N)repres ent代表“averag e” female bodies, they also compla in aboutthe Barbie doll’s size. Some have critic izedthe (O)dimens ions尺寸of the Barbie doll as an unatta inabl e idealof the female shape.
Charlo tte Johnso n, the Barbie doll’s firstdressdesign er, explai ned that the doll was not (K)intend ed预期t o reflec t a female figure realis tical ly, but rather to portra y an (A)exagge rated 夸张的sh ape undern eathfashio nable clothe s. Howeve r, the unreal istic dimens ionsof the doll have brough t the strong est critic ism (H)regard ing关于the doll’s encour ageme nt of an obss ion with weight and looks.
Convin ced of the (L)negati ve消极的effects of the Barbie doll on childr en, CathyMere dig of High Self Esteem Toys develo ped a more realis tical ly propor tione d doll in 1991. Her doll did not ll well, howeve r.
Throug houtthe years,the Barbie doll has had vera l (I)compet itors竞争对手,but none have been able to compet e with the glamor offere d by the Barbie doll.
对许多人来说,美丽和时尚是永久地联系在一起的。关于时尚,芭比娃娃一直走在流行前端。从第一个芭比娃娃开始,美泰公司就很仔细的为她们穿上精致,流行的服饰. 一些观察家指出芭比娃娃完美地流行趋势是从1959年开始的。与此同时,批评人士也指出(抱怨)这些芭比模特不代表“普通”女性的身材,抱怨芭比娃娃的大小。也有人批评(挑剔)芭比娃娃的身材尺寸是平凡女性无法企及的形体。
由于认为芭比娃娃对小孩有负面影响,在1991年,High Self Esteem Toys公司的Cath y Mere dig设计出(开发)了一种更符合实际比例的玩具。但是,她的玩具却销路不佳。