Good Morning, and thank you all for attending this EDEM Networking Event.
五十步笑百步译文My name is David Curry and today I am going to start by giving a brief introduction to EDEM, show some examples of how it is ud, and also discuss the features of our latest relea: EDEM 2.4
There are many industries in a range of ctors that handle bulk material as part of their day-to-day process. It could be material being transported from A to B; excavation; filling storage containers or hoppers; processing the material in some way to from one condition to another; the bulk material could even be an undesirable side product of a process that needs to be controlled or reduced (e.g.
dust mitigation). They form an important part of many process.
Until recently there has been no tools available to aid engineers in the design of bulk materials handling equipment. As a result a combination of hand-calculations, guess work, and personal experience were the only methods available to designers of such equipment. EDEM provides an alternative to the methods. Relead in 2005, it is a powerful simulation tool that enables urs to simulate the flow of bulk materials and granular material through their equipment. New designs can be created, tested and analyd all within a virtual environment, thus reducing the cost of fabricating and physical testing. In the years since the relea EDEM is now integrated into the design process in a wide-range of industries from farming to pharmaceuticals; food processing to mining.daca
maybe什么意思We encounter particle problems everywhere. The kind of problems that we e at DEM Solutions are:
Image on the left shows material been transported via a conveyer. Problems can occur with gregation, loading and transport of this material.
videozvideo18Second image shows a bucket loader, redesign of the bucket is expensive process
swear什么意思3rd image shows a tablet coating process for the pharmaceutical industry.
The prizes for solving the problems are substantial – but traditional approaches have not delivered.
Improving iron ore throughput by 12% in a transport system carrying 4,000 tonnes/hour can generate $30,000 per hour in additional production.
Simulating a new digger design and avoiding 80% of scale tests saves $250k
shldReducing wastage in a pharmaceutical manufacturing process by 5% can save $100k/day.
To give you an idea of how EDEM is being ud by our customers, I am going to show you some example simulations from different commercial applications.
The first example is of a transfer chute.
This particular chute was being designed to handle a very cohesive material at high altitude. The company who commissioned the new design wanted reassurance that it would work so EDEM was ud to asss the material flow.
As you can e this initial design showed areas of high material build up and blockage.jason bateman
can college
EDEM was able to identify the problems during the design pha and thus design adjustments could be made to prevent this from happening at the mine.