国际英文Carton Label Markings
It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure each and every carton shipped is clearly identified with the proper information by carton label or carton markings. The information must be on the small end of the carton. The information must be in block type and no small than ¼” in type. Stencil and handwritten labels are not acceptable. The markings must be as follows: ship to address, Purcha Order number & PO line #, department, Charming Shoppes style number, Charming Shoppes color, size, and quantity by size, Total qty in carton and Ship Mode number. See diagram:
Purcha Orders written as Mode 3 and having both bulk and pre-packs:
• A color sticker* must be placed on the cartons.
underestimateo U 1 color for pre-pack and 1 different color for the bulk portion.
Purcha Orders containing both Mode 3 and Mode 4 and having bulk and pre-packs: • A color sticker* must be placed on the cartons
o U one color for Mode 3 and one different color for Mode 4
o If containing both bulk and pre-packs u one color for the flat portion and 1 different color for the bulk portion.
*With the exception of black or white, any color stickers are acceptable.
Carton Label Placement Master Carton
Note: Carton dimension must stay consistent within the PO lines or pack type.
The markings must contain the following information:
a) From - “Vendor Name and Vendor #” will always be the first line printed on
the Main label.
福祉的意思i) For DDP/DAP/Domestic purcha orders this will be entity listed on
the purcha order as “Vendor”.
ii) For FCA/FOB purcha orders do not u the Sourcing Agent. U
the beneficiary as listed on the purcha order.
b) To (Distribution - Lane Bryant / Lane Bryant Outlet (Bulk & Test Order)
Center) GREENCASTLE, IN # 3098
- Catherines / Fashion Bug (Bulk & Test Order)
- Fashion Bug / Catherines (Floort Order)
- Lane Bryant (Floort Order)
- E-Commerce Order for ALL Brands
c) PO No. - Buyer’s purcha order number as it appears on the Purcha Order
d) Mode No. - Pack mode number as it appears on the Purcha Order
e) PO Line No. - The line number as it appears on the Purcha Order. If there is more than
one PO Line No to be packed in the carton all line numbers packed in
the carton must be listed and parated by “/” (e.g.: 010/020/030)
f) Department No. - Identified as “Dept” on the actual marking. This is the 3 digit Department
number as it appears on the Purcha Order
g) Style No. - Buyer’s style number(s) as appeared on the Purcha Order
(if there is more than one style to be packed in the carton, the printed
style numbers should be parated by a “/”( e.g. 123456 /123457)
h) Color - The color(s) packed in the carton and as defined on the Purcha Order
i) Size - The size(s) packed in the carton and as defined on the Purcha Order
j) Quantity - The quantity by size for each color packed in the carton
k) Total Quantity - The total quantity packed in the carton
l) Carton No. - Individual carton number out of the total carton count for the Purcha
For FCA/FOB/International purcha orders Only – Weights/Measures Marks and Origin Required If not provided on the main label as discusd above, the Weights/Measure/Origin marks or label must be printed on both of the length sides (long ends) of the carton and must contain the following information:
a. Made In - Country of Origin
b. GW - Gross weight, ie the total weight of the packed export carton
c. NW - Net weight, ie the total weight of the packed garments, excluding the
judy garlandexport carton20个元音音标
d. Measure- The measurements of the export carton; dimensions should be shown in either
inches or centimeters.
Example :
▪Measurement shown in centimeters (e.g. 69cm(L) x 46cm(W) x 16cm(H)) is
火星时代also acceptable.
The carton markings for Floor-Set shipments are the Floor Set Shipping Marks same
as that for the bulk orders, except the “Ship To” destination information . For Floor-Set orders, the “Ship To” destination should be printed as follows:
For Lane Bryant :
For Fashion Bug/Catherines
[FB FLOORSET] or [CST FLOORSET] as applicable
(Note: The Mode No. for Floor-Set orders must be Mode 4.)
E-Commerce Shipment
When E-commerce orders are on a parate Purcha Order, the cartons for shipment should be labeled with a GREEN sticker (2”x4” minimum size) at the shorter ends, which is clearly marked “E-
Commerce ”.
All merchandi for E-commerce orders will be ordered in single unit and is required to be packed in individual polybags.
The Main Mark for E-Commerce orders is the Shipping Marks same as that for the bulk orders, except for the “Ship To” destination which is as follows:
Carton Label/Markings
Labels are required to ensure on-time and complete deliveries. CSI requires that each piece of your shipment – regardless of whether there are individual packages or pallets be labeled or stenciled with the name and complete address of the shipper and consignee.
It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure each and every carton shipped is clearly identified with the proper information by carton label or carton markings.
The information must be on the small end of the carton. The markings must be as follows:
Plea refer to diagram below and additional “Label Placement” guidelines on slide 2.
Labels must be a minimum of six (6) inches high and four (4) inches wide.
Handwritten carton markings and labels are not permitted.
Part Number and purcha order numbers must be in bold print and be a minimum of 20 point font and must be consistent with detail provided on packing list.
Store number when applicable must be in bold print and be a minimum of 30 point font.
Each carton label must be affixed to the carton in such a manner to withstand the normal transit wear and tear.
CMI Labeling Requirements:
Charming has a small number of vendors participating in a Co Managed Inventory (CMI) program. All vendors participating in CMI have been notified and are aware of their participation.
Only CMI Shipments are required to u the standard carton label (shown on the previous page) and an additional CMI sticker. The sticker should be placed in the upper right corner to clearly identify CMI goods.
This requirement does not apply for the majority of Charming Shoppes vendors (only CMI vendors). Sample CMI Sticker shown below:高中数学思想方法