
更新时间:2023-07-18 03:16:37 阅读: 评论:0

New n Grade 7 English Vocabulary List
Group File Code: [YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]
Starter Unit 1
Good [gud] - adj。of high quality or standard
Morning ['m:niŋ] - n。the d of time een midnight and noon
Good morning。- a greeting ud in the morning
Hi [hai] - interj。ud as a greeting or to attract n
Hello ['hɛləʊ] - interj。ud as a greeting or to attract n
Afternoon ['ɑːftə'nuːn] - n。the d of time een noon and evening
Good afternoon。- a greeting ud in the afternoon
Evening ['iːvnɪŋ] - n。the d of time een noon and bedtime
Good evening。- a greeting ud in the evening
函授本科可以考公务员How [haʊ] - adv。in what way or manner
Are [ɑː] - v。to be
You [juː] - pron。ud to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing
resident是什么意思How are you。- a common greeting ud to ask about someone's well-being
I [aɪ] - pron。ud to refer to onelf
Am [æm] - v。to be
Fine [faɪn] - adj。in good health or satisfactory n
Thanks [θæŋks] - interj。ud to express gratitude or n
OK [ˌəʊˈkeɪ] - interj。ud to express agreement or acceptance
HB - n。a type of hard black pencil leadfalling alicia keys
CD - n。a compact disc
BBC - n。the British Broadcasting n
Alice ['ælɪs] - n。a female given name留学利弊
Bob [bɒb] - n。a male given name
Cindy ['sɪndɪ] - n。a female given name
Dale [deɪl] - n。a male given name
Eric ['erɪk] - n。a male given name
Frank [fræŋk] - n。a male given name
Grace [greɪs] - n。a female given name
Helen ['hɛlən] - n。a female given name
Starter Unit 2
What [wɒt] - pron./adj。ud to ask for n about something
Is [ɪz] - v。to be
This [ðɪs] - pron。ud to refer to a person。thing。or idea that is prent or near in place or time
In [ɪn] - prep。ud to indicate the language or material ud
English ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ] - n./adj。the language spoken in England。or relating to England or its people or language
刨根究底In English - using the English language
intellectualMap [mæp] - n。a diagrammatic n of an area of land or a showing physical features。cities。roads。etc.
Cup [kʌp] - n。a small bowl-shaped container for drinking from。typically having a handle
Ruler ['ruːlə] - n。a straight strip or cylinder of plastic。wood。or metal marked at regular intervals。ud to draw straight lines or measure distances
Pen [pɛn] - n。an instrument for writing or drawing with ink。typically consisting of a metal nib or ball。or a nylon tip。fitted into a metal or plastic holder
Orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] - n。a round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind
anthony davismagnetJacket ['dʒækɪt] - n。a short coat。typically having long sleeves and a fastening down the front
Key [kiː] - n。a small piece of shaped metal with ns cut to fit the wards of a particular lock。which is inrted into a lock and turned to open or clo it
Quilt [kwɪlt] - n。a warm bed covering made of padding enclod een layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching。typically applied in a decorative design
It [ɪt] - pron。ud to refer to a thing usly ned or easily identified
A [ə] - art。ud before a noun to indicate that the noun is indefinite
That [ðæt] - pron。ud to identify a specific person or thing obrved by the speaker
Spell [spɛl] - v。to write or name the letters that form a word
Plea [pliːz] - interj。ud to express politeness。gratitude。or urgency
NBA - n。nal Basketball n (in the United States)
P - n。a symbol ud to indicate a parking area or space
Kg - n。kilogram。a metric unit of mass equal to 1,000 grams

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