摘 要:我对青花瓷的最初认知来源于周杰伦的《青花瓷》:“素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡,瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆”。这首以中国古代瓷器为创作元素的歌曲,思路新颖,歌词和演唱都十分唯美,那么歌曲中咏唱的青花瓷究竟是怎样一种古代艺术品呢?本文试从四个方面:一、青花瓷及其特征,二、起源的追溯及发展历史,三、与中国传统美学及中国画的关系,四、收藏要素及在中国陶瓷史上的地位谈谈青花瓷。
关键词:中国古代 艺术品 青花瓷
青花瓷(blue and white porcelain)是指一种在瓷胎上用钴料着色,然后施透明釉,以1300摄氏度左右高温一次烧成的釉下彩瓷器。釉下钴料在高温烧成后,呈现出蓝色,习惯上称为“青花”。青花瓷具有着色力强、发色鲜艳、烧成率高、呈色稳定的特点。
件以人物(故事)为绘画主题的元青花器。cold water
u s army2.青花与明代画院工笔画的关系。从明初青花瓷器中可以见到大量花鸟纹饰非常工整、精美、画意生动,体现出高超的绘画水平,将之与明初画院所绘工笔花鸟画相比也毫不逊色。这完全可能是画院的宫廷画师专门为官窑瓷器所用而绘稿
3. 清代青花与中国画的关系。康熙初中期的青花,被誉称为“青花五彩”。 一如水墨画的“墨
4. 民窑青花的纹饰画法。值得注意的是民窑的纹饰画法:粗犷、随意、多变化、用笔流畅,画意随心所欲,构图不拘小节不按法理,多写意,多民间传说故事,对于促进民俗文化的发展,丰富民间文化生活,起到了极大的作用。
青花瓷之所以在中国瓷器中居于主导地位,被称为“国瓷”是因为以下几个原因:1.瓷质细洁而色白,釉下彩的蓝色彩绘,幽靑可爱,图案装饰雅俗共赏。便于减低成本,大量生产。2. 清代龚轼咏青花瓷“白釉青花一火成,花从釉里透分明。可参造化先天妙,无极有来太极生。”青花瓷无论从用料、纹饰、烧制时间还是制作工艺上都极为考究,所以在古时的使用频率是相当高的。平常人家中多将青花瓷用做容器,而书香门第、官宦人家大多将青花瓷作为装饰品,是一种身份和地位的象征,可谓各取所需。
《中国陶瓷》冯先铭 主编 上海古籍出版社
《瓷器上的诗文与绘画》 潇湘 李建毛 编著 gpa怎么算湖南美术出版社
2014年湖北高考录取分数线Chine ancient art - blue and white porcelain in my eyes
Pick to: I first cognition of blue and white porcelain from jay Chou's "blue and white porcelain", "blue and white pen grain embryo sketched thick turn pale, body paints peony,
as at the beginning of your makeup". It to the element for the creation of ancient Chine porcelain song, innovative ideas, lyrics and singing is very beautiful, then what the songs singing in the blue and white porcelain is a kind of ancient works of art? This paper from four aspects: (1) and its characteristics of blue and white porcelain, the origin of the two, traceability and development history of the three, and Chine traditional aesthetics and traditional Chine painting, the relationship between four, collection elements and status in the history of ceramics in China talk about blue and white porcelain.
在线翻译 汉译英Key words: blue and white porcelain art in ancient China
A. The blue and white porcelain and its characteristics
Blue and white porcelain (blue and white porcelain) is to point to in the porcelain body in cobalt material color, transparent glaze, then to 1300 degrees Celsius heat a burnt under glaze color porcelain. Cobalt under the glaze material after high temperature firing, appea
r blue, traditionally referred to as the "blue". Blue and white porcelain has a bright, strong tinting, hair color, high firing rate, the characteristics of the color stability.
2. The origin of the blue and white porcelain traceability and development history
Now find the earliest blue-and-white ware produced in the tang dynasty. The cobalt blue material is mainly ud in the tang dynasty from the blue coloured glaze. Now to e the specimen has a 70-80 - s of the 20th century yangzhou unearthed more than 20 pieces of blue and white porcelain pieces, unearthed in yangzhou fetal, glaze, color ceramics was studied, and the material and technical conditions of ligou kiln in the tang dynasty were analyzed, and preliminary concluded that tang blue origin is henan ligou kiln. Song dynasty blue and white with blue and white and don not directly a continuation of the relationship, the history of jingdezhen ceramics, production "youligong green" when it comes to song dynasty, was among the first to put forward a record of the song dynasty blue and white. The mature blue and white porcelain of jingdezhen in yuan dynasty. Yuan blue and white mostly u imported material painted, hair color more, also some u dom
estic materials. Yuan blue and white and blue of tang and song dynasty had no direct inheritance relationships. During the Ming and qing dynasties is blue and white porcelain reach peak and decline period. XuanDeHe Ming chenghua is a peak in the development of blue and white porcelain, the glaze porcelain, quietly elegant of colour and lustre, long due to conforms to the philosophical attitude held by the Chine literati's popularity; To the kangxi dynasty, blue and white porcelain is pushed to the peak, "blue color" receive the prai, be loved by the mass. Late Ming blue and white painting gradually absorbed some elements of the Chine painting technique.
3. Blue and white porcelain's relationship with Chine traditional aesthetics and traditional Chine painting
1. The yuan blue and white relationship with Chine paintings. Jingdezhen yuan dynasty mature blue and white porcelain firing, success has opened up a new heaven and earth for the combination of porcelain and the calligraphy and painting. As you can e the outline of rendering techniques in the yuan blue and white. Yuan blue and white give a pe
rson with the aesthetic feeling of like, rather like the qing dynasty's blue and white, the pursuit of a beautiful realm. With brush pen with blue and white material painting directly without burning tyres on the topic, strong adsorption, in ink on rice paper dizzy dispersion effect, become another performance of literati painting material. Deep and remote blue blue against the white glazed marked, rial, effect of the pursuit of scholars, so the blue and white porcelain appeared, culture cloly combined with painting. The best part of yuan blue and white porcelain or is it painted porcelain art, the decorative pattern points auxiliary grain and grain. Auxiliary lines ud for edging, or partition. Decorative subject is the esnce of the whole decoration, theme is extensive, there are flowers, animals and birds, characters, stories, etc. Shochiku mei with the gentleman, the subject of literati painting like. Story more designs from Yu Yuanping drama and drama, such as "under Xiao Heyue after han xin", "guiguzi down the mountain", etc. Stories of yuan blue and white porcelain painting, porcelain painting most distinctive, but up to now, the world found a total of 9