ICAC [Independent Commission Against Corruption] 廉政公署
ICAC checking 廉政公署审查
[in due cour] 稍后
IDS [Hong Kong ICAC Medal for Distinguished Service] 香港廉政公署卓越奖章
IDSM [Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Distinguished Service] 香港入境事务卓越奖章
IGSD [Interactive Government Services Directory] 政府互动服务指南
illegitimate child 非婚生子女
immediate family 直系亲属;近亲
Immigration Assistant 入境事务助理员
Immigration Department [Imm D] 入境事务处
Immigration Officer 入境事务主任
Immigration Service Officers Association 入境事务主任协会
IMPACT System [Inventory Management Procurement Accounting Control Technique System] 存货管理、采购、会计控制技巧系统
impairment allowance 因工伤残津贴
imprest 预垫备用金;定额备用金
improper gain or advantage 不当地获得利益或好处
IMS [Hong Kong ICAC Medal for Meritorious Service] 香港廉政公署荣誉奖章
IMSM [Hong Kong Immigration Service Medal for Meritorious Service] 香港入境事务荣誉奖章
in due cour [] 稍后
in duplicate 一式两份
in half-day unit 以半天作计算单位
in lieu of notice 代替事先通知
"in" movement “收件"过程
in quadruplicate 一式四份
in rvice 在政府任职;在职期间
in triplicate 一式三份
inactive record 不常用的档案;非经常用档案
incapacity 丧失工作能力
INCH Programme [Internal Complaint Handling Programme] [Office of The Ombudsman] 现处计划[机构内部投诉处理计划][申诉专员公署]
income criteria 入息准则
inconvenient hours allowance 不规则工作时间津贴
incorrect supply 英联国际英语供应数量或品质规格不符
increment 增薪点;增薪额
increment certificate 增薪证书
increment deduction 递增薪点扣减额;扣减增薪额
increment deduction formula 扣减增薪额的计算方法
incremental credit 递加增薪点;递加增薪
incremental credit for experience 按认可经验递加增薪
incremental creep 薪点递增率;薪点递增额
incremental date 增薪日期
incremental deferment 延期增薪
incremental jump 增薪;跳薪;跳薪点
incremental pay scale system 按年增薪的工资等级制度
碰撞英文incremental progression 薪酬递增程序;增薪程序
incremental scale 按年递增工资等级;按年递增薪额的工资等级
incremental step 增薪工资等级
incumbent 任职者;目前出任该职者
indent item 海外订购物品
Independent Commission Against Corruption [ICAC] 廉政公署
Independent Commission Against Corruption departmental grade 廉政公署职系
Independent Commission Against Corruption Pay Scale 廉政公署人员工资等级;廉政公署人员工资等级表
Independent Police Complaints Council [IPCC] 投诉警方独立监察委员会
index-linked pension 根据消费物价指数调整的退休金;根据消费物价指数调整的抚恤金
indicative benchmark for grading distribution 评级分布比率
individual quarters 个别宿舍
individual-bad performance management system 以个人表现为本的管理制度
indoor staff 户内工作人员;内勤人员
indoor work 户内工作;内勤
inducement allowance 奖励津贴
induction 入职指导
induction training 入职培训;就业训练
industrial inspectorate class 工业督察职类
Industrial Officer (Correctional Services) 工业主任(惩教事务)
Industrial Training Officer 工业训练主任
Industrial Training Officers Association 工业训练主任协会
infirmity 健康欠佳
inflation-linked annual pension increa 退休金每年按通货膨胀而调增;抚恤金每年按通货膨胀而调增
informal get-together ssion 非正式会面
information note 参考便览
Information Officer 新闻主任
information paper 资料文件;参考文件
information curity and crecy provision 资料保安和保密规定
Information Services Department [ISD] 政府新闻处
Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau [ITBB] 信息科技及广播局
Information Technology Services Department [ITSD] 信息科技署
Information Technology Services Department Staff Association 信息科技署员工协会
inherent duty 固有职务
in-hou training 内部培训;为个别部门提供的培训
initial 简签
initial application 初步申请;初步申请书
Initial Application for Home Financing Scheme 居所资助计划初步申请书
Initial Application for Home Purcha Allowance 自置居所津贴初步申请书
initial emolument 起薪
initial monthly salary 最初月薪
injury on duty 因工受伤
injury pension 受伤抚恤金
Inland Revenue Department [IRD] 税务局
Inland Revenue Department Asssing Officers' Association, The 税务局评税专业人员协会
Innovation and Technology Commission [ITC] [Commerce and Industry Bureau] 创新科技署[工商局]
Inoculator 注射员
input 意见;投入资源;投入的人力物力
input form 入数表
inquiry committee 研讯委员会
inquiry officer 研讯人员
inscale increment 按工资等级表递增薪额;级内递增薪额;递增薪额
in-rvice appointment 内部聘任;内部委任;在职转任
in-rvice examination 在职考试
in-rvice limited competitive examination 在职有限额竞争考试
in-rvice recruitment 内部招聘;从在职人员中招聘
in-rvice training 在职训练
in-rvice transfer 在职转任;内部转任
Insolvency Officer 破产管理主任
inspection officer 视察人员;验货人员
Inspection Report of Goods Received (Imported) [GF 280] 验收货品(进口)报告[通用表格第280号]
Inspector (Graduate) 督学(学位)
Inspector (Non-Graduate) 督学(非学位)
Inspector of Apprentices 学徒督察
Inspector of Works 工程督察
Inspector (Telecommunications)/Controller (Telecommunications) 电讯督察/电讯监督
Inspector/Superintendent of Customs and Exci 海关督察/监督
instalment repayment 分期还款
institutional and industrial management class 公共机构及工业管理职类
institutional reform 体制改革
Instructor (Correctional Services) 工艺教导员(惩教事务)
insurance against damage to persons and property 伤亡及财物损毁保险
Insurance Officer 保险业监察主任
integration of rvices 服务一体化
integrity checking 操守审查
Integrity Checking Instructions 操守审查训令
Integrity On Line [Independent Commission Against Corruption] 《诚讯》[廉政公署]
Intellectual Property Department [IPD] 知识产权署
Intellectual Property Examiner 知识产权审查主任
intensive refresher cour 精修课程
Interactive Government Services Directory [IGSD] 政府互动服务指南
inter-departmental charging system 跨部门收费制度
inter-departmental transfer 部门间调职
inter-departmental working group 跨部门工作小组
interdiction spy停职
interdiction from exerci of powers and functions of office 停止行使职位的权力及职能
interest on loan 贷款利息
interest-free loan 免息贷款
interface matter 配合事宜
inter-government exchange 与各地政府交流经验
inter-grade transfer and promotion 职系间的调职与升职
interim contract gratuity 中期约满酬金
Interim (First) Report on Civil Service Pay Policy 《公务员薪俸政策临时(第一次)报告书》
interim payment 暂时发放金额
interim period 过渡期
interim purcha 应急采购
interim reply 简覆;初步答复
interim report 中期报告;临时报告
stackIntermediate Examination [Civil Service Examinations Unit] 中级考试[公务员考试组]
intermediate record 中间档案
internal audit 内部审计;内部稽核
Internal Circular 内部通告
Internal Complaint Handling Programme [INCH Programme] [Office of The Ombudsman] 机构内部投诉处理计划[现处计划][申诉专员公署]
internal relativity 内部对比;内部对比关系
International Ombudsman Institute 国际申诉专员协会
interpersonal communication 人际沟通
Interpreter (Simultaneous Interpretation) 即时传译主任
inter-referral system 相互转介方式
intervening [leave] 介于休假天之间
Interviewer 调查员
interviewing officer 主持会见的人员;负责会见人员
invalidation of warning records 取消警告记录
invaliding 令丧失工作能力人员退休
Inventory Distribution Sheet of Electrical and Gas Appliances [GF 269] 电器及气体用具分配帐页[通用表格第269号]
少儿编程哪个好inventory item 耐用物品
Inventory Management Procurement Accounting Control Technique System [IMPACT System] 存货管理、采购、会计控制技巧系统
inventory of furniture 家具存货;家具记录表
inventory of records 档案编目
Inventory Sheet and Distribution Record (19 Items) [GF 272A] 非耗用物品记录及分配表(19项)[通用表格第272A号]
Inventory Sheet and Distribution Record (39 Items) [GF 272] 非耗用物品记录及分配表(39项)[通用表格第272号]
Inventory Stores Ledger Sheet (Large) [GF 270] 非耗用物料分类帐页(大)[通用表格第270号]
Inventory Stores Ledger Sheet (Small) [GF 270A] 非耗用物料分类帐页(小)[通用表格第270A号]
Invest Hong Kong [InvestHK] 投资推广署
Investment Promotion Project Officer cessna投资促进主任
Invitation to Quotation [GF 604] 报价邀请书[通用表格第604号]
Invitation to Quotation (Overas) [GF 604A] 报价邀请书(海外)[通用表格第604A号]
in-year management 年内的财政管理针灸英语
irregular working hours 不定时工作
irregularity 违例事项;不当情况;不符合规定情况
irrevocable option 上海艺考培训不能撤回的选择
issued for immediate u 发货供即时使用
issuing bay 发货仓
issuing counter 发货处
issuing department 签发部门;供应部门
item details 项目详情