What Is Stress

更新时间:2023-07-17 21:56:55 阅读: 评论:0

What Is Stress?
Stress can be defined as the body's respon to any demand made upon it by physical, physiological, or psychological factors known as stressors. Any internal or external stimulus that is perceived as a threat to the body's equilibrium caus a reaction as the body marshals its resources to cope with it. The reactions include the relea of chemical hormones (such as adrenalin) into the blood and a marked increa in the metabolic rate which provides energy to the muscles. Blood is shunted away from the stomach and digestive tract to supply the muscles in the arms and legs with more oxygen. Blood sugar is incread. Heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and perspiration all increa. Other hormones improve the blood's ability to clot. The result prepares the body to "fight or flee," a primordial physiological respon to threat.
What Are Stressors?linea
As mentioned before, stressors can be either physical, physiological, or psychological.
quantumPhysical stressors include conditions associated with the environment, such as temperature and humidity extremes, noi, vibration, and lack of oxygen. You have probably already encountered some or all of the in flight.
Physiological stressors include fatigue, lack of physical fitness, sleep loss, misd meals (leading to low blood sugar levels), and illness.
Psychological stressors are related to social or emotional factors such as a death in the family, a divorce, a sick child, a demotion, etc. Also, they may be related to mental workload such as analyzing a problem, navigating an aircraft, or making decisions.
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When you need to consider only one thing at a time to reach a decision, you usually have no problem in making a decision. In flight, however, you frequently have to deal with many situations simultaneously and make numerous, interrelated decisions-often bad on in complete information and within a short span of time.
For instance, on a cross-country flight you realize you are much lower on fuel than you ex
pected. The clouds ahead appear to be building. Static is interfering with your radio. You are off cour and can't locate your current position on the ctional chart-all of a sudden a great deal to think about! On top of all this, you are tired, hungry, and have a full bladder. The cabin heater isn't working, and you have to contend with turbulence. You begin to worry about arriving at your destination on time and missing an important appointment. You are afraid of violating nearby restricted airspace, thus get ting into trouble with the Government and having to file a report-maybe even having enforcement action taken against you. You contemplate a forced landing and begin to wony about damaging your aircraft. What if your insurance won't cover it? Can you afford the deductible? What about injury to yourlf or your pasngers? Your palms are sweating, your mouth is dry, and your heart is pounding!
At this point, you feel a growing n of urgency and tension. Your thinking becomes confud, unfocud. You may give too much attention to "what if" questions which should be ignored. You are reaching (or have reached) a state of stress overload. You begin to u poor judgment that results in a ries of bad decisions: pressing on into dete
riorating weather,overflying good landing areas, and so on, until you are almost out of fuel. The stage is t for panic and disaster.
As you can e, there can be plenty of stessors to cope with in the flight environment itlf without the added burden of "life stressors" in the form of financial problems, job pressures, or family troubles; the can also be lf-generated - a desire to obtain a promotion or to achieve recognition from peers. Moreover, stress effects are cumulative, eventually adding up to an intolerable burden unless adequately coped with.
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stromEven tho things in life you find pleasurable can be stressors since they reprent changes in your environment with which you must deal. Everyone is stresd to some degree all the time. Indeed, it is a well-known fact that some people ek stress to make life more interesting, and a certain amount of stress is good for you. It keeps you on your toes and prevents complacency from tting in. Some stress helps prevent accidents.
Relationship Between Stress and Performance
It was just noted that the effects of stress were cumulative; furthermore, that some amount of stress was desirable, but that higher stress levels, particularly over long periods of time, can adverly affect performance. Thus, performance will generally increa with the ont of stress but will peak and then begin to fall off rapidly as stress levels exceed your ability to cope. knowledgeba

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