流行病 epidemic
禽流感 bird flu
传染病 infection illness
传染 contagion
症状 symptom英语辩论题目
发作 attack/fit
谷歌英语在线翻译打喷嚏 sneeze
咳嗽 coughing
发烧 have a temperature/fever
嗓子疼 sore throat
流鼻涕 runny no
恶心 naua
例子的英文呕吐 vomit
腹泻 diarrhea
胃疼 stomachache
牙洞 cavity
牙疼 toothache
龋齿 dental decay
过敏 allergy
骨折 fracture
疲惫 fatigue
学校医院 infirmary
诊所 clinic
牙榔诊所 the dentist’s
挂号处 registration office
门诊部 out-patient department
住院部 in-patient department
候诊处 waiting room
健身教练考试病室 ward
内科医生 physician
外科医生 surgeon
主治医生 doctor in charge
麻醉师 anesthetist
药剂师 pharmacist
护士长 head nur
挂号 register
建病历 make a file
处方 Prescription
抓药 fill the prescription
检查 examine
草药 herb/herbal medicine
量体温 take temperature
药 drug
量血压 take blood pressure
药片、药丸 pill/ tablet
常用英语对话体检 physical inspection
安眠药 sleeping pill/ tablet
治疗 treat
治愈 cure
补牙 fill teeth
药店 drugstore/ chemist’s shopcog
药房 pharmacy
剂量 dosage
打针 take injection
注射疫苗 vaccinate
外科手术 surgery
住院 be in hospital
出院 be out of hospital
办理出院手续 go for the admission procedure
增加体重,变胖 put on weight
leads超重的 overweight
减肥 lo weight
减肥药 slimming drug
节食 on diet
锻炼 physical exerci
有氧健身法 aerobics
健身班 keep-fit class
健身中央 fitness center
健身器械 exercis machine
锻炼体魄 go in for physical training
手续费英文锻炼身体 build up a good physique
烟草 tobacco
使沉溺或上瘾,有瘾的人 addict
焦油 tar
尼古丁 nicotine
肺癌 lung cancer
烟瘾大的人 heavy smoker
戒烟 give up/ stop/ quit smoking
酗酒 excessive drinking
戒酒 give/ stop/ quit drinking
暴饮暴食 eat and drink too much at one meal
心脏病发作 heart attack
体检 physical examination/health checkup
体格强壮 be of strong physique/ powerful build
身体健康 be in good shape
身体非常好 be as fit as a fiddle
身体不舒适 be/feel under the weather
身体不好 be out of shape