RHI Refractories Liaoning Co. Ltd. (RHIL) 辽宁奥镁有限公司 (RHIL)
The company - The products 公司及产品介绍
Location of RHIL 辽宁奥镁有限公司地理位置
Located in Liaoning Province 位于 辽宁省 Near Dashiqiao Haicheng where are the largest magnesite resources in the world 毗邻世界最大的镁砂基 地-大石桥海城 Located in a Special Economic Zone Bayuquan (Yingkou) with own port 座落于营口市鲅鱼圈经济特区 并且有自己的港口 Clo to Dalian Port 邻近大连港 Highway connection 直通高速
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RHI Refractories Liaoning Co., Ltd. 辽宁奥镁有限公司
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RHIL- company profile
ldoHistory of RHIL 辽宁奥镁有限公司历史
May 1995 1995年5月 Establishing Joint-Venture Company 成立合资企业 Foreign Shareholder: RHI Refractories 60% Chine Shareholder: CMIECL 40%
(China Metallurgical Import & Export Liaoning Company)
外方控股:奥镁耐火材料集团 60% 中方控股:中国冶金进出口公司辽宁公司 40%
Total Investment: 240 Mio CNY 总投资:贰亿四仟万人民币 Registered Capital: 180 Mio CNY 注册资本:壹亿捌仟万人民币
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RHIL Operational success-structure 辽宁奥镁有限公司成功的运营机制
怎样可以快速美白RHI majority in Board of Directors (60 %) 奥镁控股董事会(60%) Management control by RHI’s Expat
s 由奥镁公司管理 Chine technical staff trained in RHI plants in Europe 中方技术 人员在奥镁欧洲公司培训 Focus on TQM (total quality management) with ISO9002 certification through SGS auditing company, Switzerland 注重全方位质量管理,通过瑞士SGS审计公司的ISO9002质量体 系认证
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RHIL- company profile