Drink up,me hearties,yo ho(让我们痛饮吧兄弟们)
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot(烧杀抢掠是我们的乐趣)
Drink up,me hearties,yo ho(让我们痛饮吧兄弟们)
Yo ho,yo ho哟呼
A pirate's life for me我是一个海盗
We extort,we pilfer,we filch and sack所以我勒索我偷窃我毫不在乎
Drink up干杯吧朋友
Curd pirates sail the waters.这儿常有海盗出没
You don't want to bring them.你也不想引他们来吧
Mr.Gibbs,that will do.够了吉布斯
She was singing about pirates.她在唱海盗的歌呢
It's bad luck to be singing about pirates在这不寻常的浓雾里
with us mired in this unnatural fog.唱着海盗的歌会给我们带来厄运的
Mark my words.记住我的话吧
Consider them marked.我已经记住了
beer是什么意思On your way.你去干你的活吧
It's bad luck to have a woman on board,too.带女人上船总会带来厄运
Even a miniature one.即使是这么小的
I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate.我觉得如果能遇上海盗的话也会是一件值
Think again,Miss Swann.再想想吧斯旺小姐
Vile and dissolute creatures,the lot of them.他们是卑鄙且放荡的人
I intend that any man who sails under a pirate
or wears a pirate brand gets what he derves.或是他们的衣服的话我会毫不犹豫地给他
A short drop and a sudden stop.让他们在绞刑架上就这么一落一停Lieutenant Norrington,I appreciate your fervor,诺灵顿上尉我对此表示感激
but I'm concerned about the effect不过我对我女儿所产生的影响
男士服装搭配技巧this subject will have upon my daughter.表示担忧
My apologies,Governor Swann.对不起斯旺市长
Actually,I find it all fascinating.其实我觉得这都挺有趣的
Yes.That's what concerns me.这就是我所担心的
Look!A boy!There's a boy in the water!看!那儿有个男孩在水面上漂着!
Man overboard!有人落水了
Man the ropes.Fetch a hook.把绳子放下去拿钩子来
Haul him aboard.把他拉上来
He's still breathing.他还有呼吸
Mary,Mother of God.我的天哪!
What happened here?发生什么事了?
It's the powder magazine.摧毁它需要有一定量的武器Merchant vesls run heavily armed.商船一般都有很好的武装
A lot of good it did them.他们可真客气
Everyone's thinking it.I'm just saying it.我只是说出每个人所想的
There's no proof of that.It's probably an
这不可能一般来说这只是一个意外事故Rou the captain immediately.向船长预警
Heave to and take in sail.Launch the boats.准备全速航行起航!
Elizabeth,I want you to accompany the boy.伊丽莎白我希望你陪着那男孩
He'll be in your charge.你负责照料他
Take care of him.好好做
armageddonIt's okay.没事的
My name's Elizabeth Swann.我叫伊丽莎白斯旺
Will Turner.威尔特纳
I'm watching over you,Will.我会照顾你的
You're a pirate.你是个海盗!
Has he said anything?他说什么了吗?
His name's William Turner.That's all I found
in love
Take him below.把他带到船舱去
Are you all right?你没事吧?
Are you decent?你穿好衣服了吗?
Still abed at this hour?现在还在睡?
Oh,it's a beautiful day.美好的一天!
I have a gift for you.我有一个礼物要送你
Oh,it's beautiful.太漂亮了
lsn't it?不是吗?
May I inquire as to the occasion?有什么特别的理由吗?
Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?难道一个父亲送给女儿礼物还要什么理由吗?
Go on.去
I hoped you might wear it for the ceremony
我希望你能在今天的典礼上穿着它The ceremony?典礼?
Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony.诺灵顿上校的升职典礼
I knew it.我就知道
Commodore Norrington,as he's about to
A fine gentleman,don't you think?一个不错的绅士你觉得呢?
He fancies you,you know.他喜欢你
Elizabeth?How's it coming?伊丽莎白?感觉怎么样?
It's difficult to say.很难说
I'm told it's the latest fashion in London.这是伦敦最流行的款式
Well,women in London must've learnt not to
Milord,you have a visitor.老爷你有一个客人
Good to e you again.很高兴能再见到你
gotyGood day,sir.早上好先生
I have your order.我拿来了你要的东西
The blade is folded steel.刀刃是钢质的
That's gold filigree laid into the handle.在刀柄处镶有金子
If I may.如果我可以的话
Perfectly balanced.完美的平衡
The tang is nearly the full width of the blade.柄脚和刀刃基本同宽
lmpressive.Very impressive.很好太美妙了!
Commodore Norrington is going to be very
plead with this.
Do pass my compliments on to your master.向你的师傅表达我对他的谢意
I shall.我会的
A craftsman is always plead to hear his work
一个工匠总希望自己的作品能被人喜欢is appreciated.
Elizabeth,you look absolutely stunning.伊丽莎白你看起来好美
It's so good to e you.能见到你实在是太好了
I had a dream about you last night.我昨晚梦见你了
About me?我?
Yes,is that entirely proper for you--你觉得的这样合适吗?
About the day we met.Do you remember?你记得我们相遇的那天吗?
How could I forget,Miss Swann?我怎么会忘记呢斯旺小姐
How many times must I ask you to call me
At least once more,Miss Swann,as always.最起码再多一次斯旺小姐
At least the boy has a n of propriety.这孩子可懂礼貌多了
We really must be going.There you are.我们得走了
Good day,Mr.Turner.再见特纳先生
Come along.过来
Good day.再见
Hold up,there,you.你给我站住
It's a shilling to tie up your boat at the dock.你要缴付一先令才能让你的船停靠And I shall need to know your name.而且你得告诉我你的名字
bandagesWhat do you say to three shillings,我给你三先令
and we forget the name?我们不要再讲名字的问题了Welcome to Port Royal,Mr.Smith.欢迎来到皇家港史密斯先生
Two paces march!向前两步走!
Right about-face!向后转!
Prent arms!拿起武器!
This dock is off limits to civilians.一般民众不能进入这个码头
I'm terribly sorry.I didn't know.对不起我不知道
If I e one,I shall inform you immediately.如果我看到的话会告诉你们的There's some sort of high-to
ned and fancy
to-do up at the fort.
在那儿似乎有不少好玩的东西How could it be two upstanding gentlemen
such as yourlves
did not merit an invitation?没有权力进去观赏呢?
Someone has to make sure this dock stays off limits.因为需要有人来确保一般民众不进入那码头
It's a fine goal,to be sure.这是一个高尚的目标
But it ems to me that a ship like that不过我觉得那边的船
makes this one here a bit superfluous,really.让这里的一艘相形见绌了
The Dauntless is the power in the waters,
But there's no ship as can match the
Interceptor for speed.
但以速度上来讲没有船能比过拦截号I've heard of one.我听说过一艘更快的
It's suppod to be very fast.Nigh uncatchable.他几乎是无法追上的
The Black Pearl,黑珍珠
Well,there's no real ship as can match the
没有实际存在的船能比得上拦截号Black Pearl is a real ship.黑珍珠是实际存在的
No.No,it's not.不它不是
Yes,it is.I've en it.它是的我曾经看到过
You've en it?你看到过?
You haven't en it.你没看过
安徽会计从业资格证报名Yes,I have.我看过
You've en a ship with black sails你看过黑帆的船
that's crewed by the damned and captained by
a man so evil
that Hell itlf spat him back out?连地狱都不欢迎他们
But I have en a ship with black sails.我确实看过黑帆的船
No ship that's not crewed by the damned没有其他的船
and captained by a man so evil that Hell spat
him out
被一群混蛋水手和邪恶船长驾驶的could possibly have black sails,therefore
couldn't be
any other ship than the Black Pearl,所以除了黑珍珠不可能有别的
Is that what you're saying?这是你想说的吗?
Like I said,there's no real ship就像我说的
as can match the Interceptor,没有实际存在的船赶得上拦截号
Get away from there!走开!
You don't have permission to be there.你不能来这儿
I'm sorry.It's such a pretty boat.对不起这船太美了
What's your name?你叫什么名字?
Smith.Or Smithy,if you like.史密斯如果你愿意的话史密西What's your purpo in Port Royal,Mr.Smith?你来皇家港的目的是什么?
Yeah.And no lies.是的不准说谎
Well,then,I confess.我承认
It is my intention to commandeer one of the
pick up a crew in Tortuga,raid,pillage,plunder,在托图加招一些水手烧杀抢掠
and otherwi pilfer my weally black guts
-I said no lies.-I think he's telling the truth.-我说过不许说谎-我觉得他说的是实话If he were telling the truth,he wouldn't have
told us.
如果这是实话的话他就不会告诉我们Unless you wouldn't believe the truth even if
he told you.
May I have a moment?你可以过来一下吗?
You look lovely,Elizabeth.你看起来很漂亮伊丽莎白
I apologize if I em forward,but I must speak my mind.我对我的直接表示抱歉但我一定要说出我的心声
This promotion throws into sharp relief这次的晋升
that which I have not yet achieved.使我如释重负
A marriage to a fine woman.我期望娶一个好女人