Quality Agreement
甲方: 有限公司
Supplier will supply product and rvice to Zhende. To ensure the product and rvice quality, agreement between Zhende and Supplier was signed as below.
一、产品信息 Product Information
Zhende will purcha below products from Supplier.(If the space is not enough, attachment can be enclod)
Zhende should give the quality requirement to Supplier include the technical document, quality standard, inspection criteria and packing method. Quality requirement can be as the annex of this document or purchasing order. Supplier should keep curity to documents from Zhende and can not show it to 3what is your namerd party until written authorization from Zhende.
If Supplier has any doubts or objections about the quality requirements put forward by Zhendeteenager, Zhende has the right to rai them and the two sides should consult.
Supplier should manufacture the product according to chatroulette comquality standards reached by both sides.
二、体系、法规要求 System and Regulatory Requirement
Supplier should establish the quality management system to ensure the product and rvice is manufactured under control.
If the product is medical product, Supplier should produce it according to regulatory.
ask for more3、甲方及甲方的客户有权利对乙方的生产现场进行审核。
Zhende and her customer have authority to audit Supplier’s plant on site.
If necessary, Supplier should submit the document which can demonstrate the product is manufactured according to Zhende’s quality requirement.
When non-conformity was occurred, Zhende can issue Corrective Action Request to supplier. Supplier should investigate it and submit the Corrective Action Plan to Zhende within 3 work days and feedback the result to Zhende.
三、产品质量保证 Product Quality Assurance
unique是什么意思Supplier should establish one system to control incoming material, process and finish product.
Supplier should maintain the process and quality record until to product expired date + 1 year, but it can not be less than 3 years.
Supplier should establish one traceability system to trace the product, process and quality control. The record should be maintained as same as above item.
Prior to engineering change, ex. material change, process change, mold/fixture change and location change, supplier should inform Zhende firstly. After gnewhalf是什么意思etting Zhende’s approval, the change can be implemented.
Supplier should submit the certificate of conformity (COC) report and inspection report to Zhende with product together. COC and inspection report is one basis requirement to accept the product.
If necessary, Zhende or her customer can inspect the product on supplier site.
四、质量责任:Quality Liability
Supplier should ensure the product to conform to Zhende’s requirement. Supplier should take the liability regardless Zhende has performed incoming inspection.
If the Supplier’s product was rejected in Zhende’s incoming inspection or process, Zhende can reject the product. If the final certification (inspected by the inspector lected jointly by both parties) proves that the product is qualified, Supplier shall bear the excessive expens incurred by Zhende, and Zhende英语聊天室 shall also bear all the loss caud to Supplier as a result.