Unit 5
Vocabu lary
1. Unders tandWordsin Contex t
Part A
1) A2) B 3) A4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) C 9) A10) A
Part B
1) renewe d 2) apply3) persis t 4) succee ded 5) drop 6) reveal ed 7) wonder8) keenly 9) vainly 10) impres d
1) uncons cious ly 2) expect ant 3) eventf ul 4) immeas urabl e 5) imitat ion/imitat ing 6) contin ually 7) tender ness 8) impati ent
Transl ation
1. Seeing all the people walkin g to and fro outsid e the office, I became more worrie d.
2. In time he will e who is his true friend.
3. That scient ist’sexperi mentgave birthto a new drug.
4. He had been shut in by illnes s during much of the winter.
disappointing5. They wouldpracti ce spoken Englis h at the firstopport unity.
6. Everyt hingshe valued mightbe sweptaway overni ght.
7. Toward s the cloof the term, all the studen ts are busy prepar ing for the finals.
8. It is a very cold winter and we long for it to be over.
Unit 6
Vocabu lary
2. violen t —non-violen t doubtf ully— undoub tedly
satisf ied — dissat isfie d normal— abnorm al
constr uctiv e — destru ctive person al — impers onal
dimini sh — increa encour age — discou rage
1) surviv e 2) confli cts 3) availa ble 4) likely
5) injuri ng 6) absorb ed 7) compet ition8) instin ct
9) hesita ted 10) simila r
Aggres sionis the fighti ng instin ct in beastand man, whichis direct ed agains t member s of the same specie s. It is theori zed that in natura l condit ionsaggres sionhelpsto ensure surviv al of indivi duals (and thus the specie s), by preven tingtoo dena popula tionfrom develo pingand exhaus tingall of its food source s. Fighti ng is genera lly consid eredto be a traitcharac teris tic of malesand unchar acter istic of female s. Howeve r, many but not all female mammal s exhibi t aggres sionduring the postpa rtum(产后的) period in defens e of theiryoung.
The greatanimal behavi orist Konrad Lorenz obrv ed that in everyindivi dualthe readin ess to fightis greate st in the most famili ar place: in the middle of its territ ory. As the distan ce from territ ory increa s, readin ess to fightdecrea s propor tiona tely. This was not the ca with my pet rat;
he was readyand willin g to beat up his neighb ors the minute he steppe d throug h theirdoor. What caus some rats to be more aggres sivethan others? Thereis certai nly eviden ce that aggres sionhas a geneti c basis, at leastin some animal s.
Transl ation
1. She always behave s badlywhen her aunt comesto visit.
2)Ifithadn’tbeenforyourhelp,wewou ldn’thavebeenabletofinish the task in time.
3) I warned him off goingto the east coastbecaus e it was full of touris ts.
4) The fact that someth ing is cheapdoesn’tnecess arilymeanit’soflowqualit y.
5) Withou t anyone to turn to for help, making an approp riate choice can be diffic ult.
6) His sadnes s at the deathof his wife foundexpres sionin his music.
7) Only if Petergoes to the evenin g partywill she go.
8) I can only compar e the experi enceto a nightm are.
Unit 7
Vocabu larytuscan
1. 1) engage ment2) para ting3) influe nces4) arrang ed 5) chon6) In ca 7) proces d 8) change s 9) benefi ted 10) go on
1) end 2) booked3) trappe d 4) book
5) ended6) appeal7) trap 8) appeal
9) sample s 10) struct ure 11) value12) struct ured
13) sample d 14) proces s 15) valued16) proces s
3. 1) a. emptie d b. emptin ess
2) a. terrif ied b. terrif ying
童话 英文版3) a. entert ainin g b. entert ainme nt
4) a. introd uctor y b. introd uctio n
5) a. employ ed b. employ ment
6) a. transf orm b. transf ormat ion
7) a. convin ced b. convin cing
8) a. approv al b. approv e
9) a. isolat es b. isolat ionles enphants
10) a. reinfo rceme nt b. reinfo rced
Transl ation
1. Ididn’t realiz e puttin g on/stagin g a play involv ed so much work.
2. The most import ant thingis not what you say but what you do.
3. This is the best result that can be expect ed in such circum stanc es.
4. Itisn’t the firsttime that you抮efoundyourse lf in such a situat ion.
5. This diffic ultychalle ngesmy mind to find an answer.
6. The new threat on the horizo n is unempl oymen t.
7. We have altern ative ways of expres singthe same idea.
8. He slippe d into the old habitof drinki ng.
Unit 8
Vocabu laryPracti ce
1. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) B
2. 1) remb le 2) alike3) Like 4) simila r
convergence5) same 6) Identi cal, same, alike
3. 1) absolu tely2) eventu ally3) obviou sly 4) Simila rly
5) remark ably6) approx imate ly 7) exclus ively8) actual ly
Unit 9
Vocabu lary
1. 1) stimul ate 2) distra ct 3) qualif y/be qualif ied 4) induce 5) accele rate 6) soothe 7) overta ken 8) wander 9) combin e 10) commis sione d 2.1)C 2) D 3) A4) C 5) A6) C 7) C 8) A
Transl ation
1. I took advant age of the fine weathe r todayto play tennis.
2. You may even swim in the lake -- if you feel inclin ed to.
3. The loud musicbrough t on anothe r one of his headac hes.
4. A carele ss person is apt to make mistak es.
5. The experi mentresult ed in the discov ery of a cure for cancer.
6. Compar ative ly speaki ng, we are more concer ned with work effici encyand produc t
develo pment.
7. Doctor s once said that surger y couldinduce heartattack.
8. I qualif ied as a doctor at London Univer sity30 yearsago.
or: I was qualif ied as a doctor by London Univer sity30 yearsago.
Unit 10
Vocabu laryPracti ce
1. 1) A2) A3) B 4) A5) A6) B 7) A8) A9) A10) B
小学生智力题2. 1) Judgin g from 2) regard lessof 3) In my opinio n 4) Now that
5) let alone6) lost touchwith 7) at peacewith 8) get alongwith
3. 1) inheri ted from 2) distra cts from 3) confro ntedwith 4) probe 5) regard lessof
6) percei ve 7) have identi fied 8) make up 9) limita tions 10) genius
Transl ation
1. When he return ed to his office, he was confro ntedwith an enormo us pile of work.
2. The captai n of this footba ll team scored two wonder ful goalsearlyon in the game.
3. Provid ed they are fit, Idon’tknowwhytheywon’tgoonplayin g for anothe r threeor four years.
4. In emerge ncies he can stillmake soundjudgme nts.
angella5. WhileI admitthat thereare proble ms, Idon’tagreethat they cannot be solved.
6. He went on listen ing to her, at timesimpati ent and at timesfascin ated.
7. We must find a way to resolv e theproble ms before it is too late.
8. Parent s cannot always have the school of theirchoice for theirchildr en.