Unit 7 The Char
Key to the Exerci s
Text compre hensi onego是什么意思中文
I. Decide whichof the follow ing is likely to happen afterthe story.
II. Judge, accord ing to the text, whethe r the follow ing statem entsare true or fal.
1. F (Referto Paragr aph 5. The old man says that his stockin tradeis not very large, but it is varied and has extrao rdina ry effect s.)
2. F (Referto Paragr aphs11 and 1
3. The priceof a glove-cleane r, as he callsit, is very high, five thousa nd dollar s for a teaspo onful, but the love potion is very cheap.)
3. F (Referto Paragr aph 19. The old man claims that the effect s of love potion s are perman ent.)
4. T (Referto Paragr aphs24 and 28. Austen says that Dianais fond of partie s and, althou gh she is everyt hingto him alread y, she does not care abouthis love at all. That is why he decide s to go to the old man for the love potion and whenev er the old man mentio ns the magicof his potion, he can't help "crying." From that, we can e the man lovesthe girl very much.)
5. F (The old man llsthe love potion s almost for nothin g becaus e by doingso his custom ers will come back for a much dearer commod ity, the glove-cleane r, to help them out. It is the "deathpotion" that the old man makesmost of his profit s from, and intend s to ll to his custom ers.)
英语电影观后感III. Answer the follow ing questi ons.
1. What the old man meansis that a youngman who fallsin love one-sidedl y is ldom rich enough to win a girl's heart. His wordsimplythat moneyis one of the crucia l factor s for love. If a man is not rich, he can rarely expect to be lovedby a girl.
2. Referto Paragr aphs19 to 37. The love potion has powerf ul, everla sting effect s. To beginwith, it may produc e xual desire in the person who takesit. And on the spirit ual side, it can replac e indiff erenc e with devoti on and scornwith adorat ion. It will make a gay girl want nothin g but solitu de and her lover's compan y. She will feel jealou s of him when her loveris with othergirls;she will want t
o be everyt hingto him. She will be only intere stedin her loverand take everyconcer n of him. Even if he slipsa bit, she will forgiv e him though terrib ly hurt. In a word, she will fall in love with him if she drinks the love potion.
3. Referto Paragr aphs39 to 43. It is an irony, by whichthe author emsto implythat love is far from beingprecio us or desira ble. It is easy for a man to fall in love, yet it is hard
for him to stickto it. Should he regret some day, he wouldhave to pay a much higher priceto get himl f out of it. Anyway, for the old man, and for his custom ers as he believ es, the life-cleane r is more import ant than the love potion.
4. This meansthereis a wide differ encebetwee n the youngand the old. Youngpeople tend to be over-passio natefor love, someti mes nl essly and irrati onall y, whilethe old, just like the old man who llsthe mixtur es, wouldtake a cool and nsib le, someti mes even cynica l attitu de toward s love.
5. "Au revoir," an urbane and polish ed replyto the youngman's good-bye, meanin g "untilI e you again," indica tes the old man's firm belief that the youngman will eventu allycome back to him for the life-cleane r. This showshis cynica l pessim ism aboutlove.
IV. Explai n in your own wordsthe follow ing nten ces.
1. "Just becaus e I am able to do you a favor/ll you the love potion, I feel safe tellin g you so much aboutmy othermedici nes."
2. "They, the love potion s," said the old man, "will help change the girl's attitu de toward s you. She will no longer hold you in contem pt. Instea d, She will beginto give you her deep-felt love and care."
Struct uralanalys is of the text
The last line "goodby e, untilwe meet again"carrie s an ironic double meanin g. It's a conven tiona l way to say goodby e. And with all thocluesgivenin the story,it also sugges ts that the old man expect s the youngman will return for the glove-cleane r.
tedRhetor icalfeatur es of the text
"It wouldbe no good chargi ng that sort of pricefor a love potion. Youngpeople who need a love potion very ldom have five thousa nd dollar s. Otherw i they wouldnot need a love potion." (Paragr aph 13)
Vocabu laryexerci s
I. Explai n the underl inedpart in each nten ce in your own words.
1. feelin g very much worrie d and afraid
2. everyt hingI ll couldbe well deemed as extrao rdina ry
3. diffic ult to notice
4. much more lastin g than the moment ary impuls e
5. with enthus iasm
II. Fill in the blankin each nten ce with a word takenfrom the box in its approp riate form.
1. creaky
2. peered
3. acquai ntanc e
4. detach ment
branded5. raptur es
6. giddy
7. overwh elmed8. oblige d
III. Fill in the blanks with the approp riate formsof the givenwords.
1. obscur ity
2. acquai nted
3. percep tible
4. appreh ensio nsuggest的用法
rejected5. indiff erent
6. rapt
7. overwh elmin gly 8. disobl iging
IV. Fill in the blankin each nten ce with an approp riate phrasa l verb or colloc ation takenfrom the text.
1. save up
2. care about
3. indulg es in
4. reache d for
5. peered about
6. dealsin
7. was substi tuted
8. better off
V. Give a synony m or an antony m of the word underl inedin each nten ce in the nit is ud.
1. Antony m: percep tible (percei vable, notice able)
2. Synony m: postmo rtem
3. Synony m: anxiou sly (fearfu lly)
4. Antony m: tempor ary (transi ent)
5. Antony m: grave(cheerl ess)
6. Synony m: profou ndly(rigoro usly, strong ly)
7. Antony m: apathe tical ly (indiff erent ly)
8. Synony m: reason
VI. Explai n the underl inedphrasa l verbsin your own words.
1. expect
2. have
3. accept
4. imagin e
5. was
6. work out
7. became popula r 8. demand ed
Gramma r exerci s
I. Comple te each nten ce with what you thinkthe most approp riate of the four choice s given.
1. C (We u a singul ar verb when the subjec t involv es each.)
2. D (Girl as she was = Though she was a girl. In this struct ure, the indefi nitearticl e is usuall y omitte d.)
3. A
4. B (Invers ion is ud when thereis a negati ve word at the beginn ing of a nten ce.)
5. B (The antece dentof who is the bright est studen ts.)
6. C
7. D
8. C
II. Emphas ize the underl inedpart by moving it to the initia l positi on of the clause.
1. MusicMary likes; sports she doesn't.
2. Growlyou will, and go you must.
3. They have promis ed to finish the work, and finish it they will.
4. His face not many admire d, whilehis charac ter stillfewercouldpraise.
5. A profes sor he was, but in name only.
6. He mighthave agreed underpressu re; willin gly he wouldnever.
7. This questi on we have alread y discus d at some length.
8. Talent Mike has; capita l Mike has not.
III. Improv e the follow ing nten ces by changi ng the word order.
1. They pronou ncedguilty everyone of the accuse d.
2. He had called an idiotthe man on whojudgme nt he now had to rely.
3. We cannot t totall y asidea wholesystem of rulesdevise d by Congre ss itlf.
4. The proble m then aroof what contri butio n the public should make.
5. He gave the parcel to the rgea nt who occupi ed the trench opposi te.
6. Send the parcel to my father not to my mother.
7. I saw on my way home yester day a man with a scar across his face trying to escape with a bag he had snatch ed from a lady.
8. It was my intent ion to produc e a fairly shortone-volume introd uctio n to mant ics whichmightrvethe needsof studen ts in vera l discip lines and mightbe of intere st to the genera l
IV. Conver t the follow ing positi ve statem entsand genera l questi ons into negati ve statem ents.
1. I have neveren anyone as/so happyas Mary.
2. John isn't as tall as his father./John is not as/so tall as his father.
3. Michae l does not swim as well as Paul.
4. Michae l does not swim nearly as/so well as Paul.
5. He is not as/so wi as he is witty.
6. Thereis nothin g quiteas/so satisf yingas underg oinga diffic ult proces s and afterlong hard work discov ering the true nature of that proces s.
7. The gap betwee n the sidesis not as/so wide as it was. / The gap betwee n the sidesisn't as wide as it was.
8. It's not quiteas/so straig htfor warda proble m as it mightat firstem.
V. Correc t the errors, wherefound, in the follow ing nten ces.
1. so→such
2. many→much
3. big proble m→big a proble m
(When we u a singul ar noun in the too ?to constr uctio n or as ?as constr uctio n, we should u a/an before the noun.)
4. few→much
lookat5. normal life→normal a life
6. slowly before→slowly that before
7. little→few
(As few as is ud before number s.)
8. as→so
(not so good = not very well)
VI. Make nten ces of your own afterthe nten ces givenbelow, keepin g the italic izedpartsin your nten ces.
1. e.g. All that glitte rs is not gold.
Althou gh he is s succes sfulbusine ssman, all is not sweetin his life.
2. e.g. Howeve r much you spend, I will reimbu r you.
Howeve r hard I try, I cannot find the answer.
Transl ation exerci s
I. Transl ate the follow ing nten ces into Chines e.
1. “我亲爱的先生,”老人回答道,“我的库存不是很大——我可不经营通便剂、补牙药——不过,库存虽不多,品种倒不少。我觉得,我卖的东西药效没一样可以说是普普通通的。”
2. “你要是愿意,叫它手套清洁剂也行,”老人漠然作答。“也许可以用它来清洁手套,我没试过。或者
3. “哪能呢,不会啦,”老人说,“像爱情水,开这么个价,可没什么用处。要买爱情水的年轻人很少拥有五千美元的,要不他们也不会需要爱情水了。”