
更新时间:2023-07-16 06:04:30 阅读:30 评论:0

hospitalizationUnit One
Ⅰ/1. 对经济增长必不可少的实物资本的积累  the accumulation of physical capital indispensable to economic growth
2.  引进国外的先进设备和技术诀窍          to import advanced equipment and know-how from abroad
3. 占世界技术贸易总量90%的许可证贸易    licen trade accounting for 90 per cent of the total volume of the worlds trade of technology
4. 经济发展中所反映出来的人力资本的匮乏  lack of human capital reflected in economic development
5.  高科技对产业调整的重大影响  the great impact of high technology on the adjustment of industries
6. 推动经济增长的关键因素      key factors driving economic growth
7.  从一个农业国向工业国的转型  the transformation from an agricultural nation into an industrial one
8.  构成全要素生产率增长的有形和无形要素the tangible and intangible factors making up the total factor productivity growth
payoff9.  隐藏在技术进步之后的教育系统的改善  the improvement of educational systems lurking in technological progress
10. 该产业中资本与劳动力的比率          the ratio of capital to labour in this industry
大数定理11.  增加劳动力数量并提高其教育培训程度  expand the labour force and increa its education and training
12.  研发部门在跨国公司经营中的作用      the role of the R&D department in the operations of multinational corporations
13. 一份对多国技术进步情况进行分析的报告  a study report analyzing variations in technical progress across a large number of countries
14. 把计量和模型结合引入经济分析          to incorporate quantity and models into economic analysis
15. 发达国家和发展中国家在收入上的巨大差距 great gap in incomes between developed and developing nations
Ⅱ/1. 不少经济学家认为,像香港、新加坡这样土地稀少的地区,其经济的快速发展应该主要归功于教育程度的提高。在此基础上,经济学家们得出了结论:知识是这些国家或地区经济发展的主要因素。 (attribute to)
Many economists attributed the rapid economic growth rate of some land desiring areas, such as HongKong and Singapore, to the enhancement of educational levels of their population. Bad on this, they drew their conclusion that knowledge is the key to their economic development.
2. 60年代,日本在从发达国家大量引进尖端技术和技术诀窍的基础上,进行了大规模的经济扩张活动,使日本的经济在短短的20年间迅速赶上了世界先进水平。(know-how)
In the 1960s, on the basis of importing much sophisticated technology and know how from developed countries, Japan expanded its economy in large scales, enabling its economy to keep up with the most advanced level of the world in 20 years.
3. 新经济理论的发展给统计学提出了许多课题,例如,高就学率并不意味着经济的高增长率,如果教育质量很差,或受过教育的人们在一个扭曲的劳动力市场上不能人尽其用的话。(be employed at one’s potential; translate into)
The development of new economic theories has raid many subjects to statistics. For example, high rates of school enrollment may not translate into high rates of economic growth if the quality of education is poor, or if educated people are not employed at their potential becau of distortions in the labor market.
4. 1994年,在经过长期研究之后,著名经济学家克鲁格曼发表了一份对多国技术进步情况调查的报告。他指出,亚洲的经济不是建立在技术进步的基础上,所以含有很多泡沫。3年后爆发的东南亚经济危机证实了他的猜想。(variations in technical progress)
In 1994, after a long period of investigation and rearch, the famous economist Krugman prented a study report analyzing variations in technical progress across a large number of countries. He said in the report that the economic development of Asia was not bad on the progress of technology, so the economy contained much foam in it. Three years later, the sudden break matty bout of southeast Asian Economic Crisis verified his conclusion.
5.由于科学技术在一定程度上是无形的,所以,到目前为止,人们还未想出确定其价值大小的理想方法。(put a value on)
People haven't hitherto come up with an ideal method to put a value on science and technology, for it is intangible to some degree.
Ⅲ. 在信息时代,竞争力的关键是知识,而不是实物资产或资源。不仅对知识密集型部门,比如电脑软件或生物技术部门来说是如此,而且对工业时代的制造业公司或公用事业公司来说也是这样。
intensive careIn the information age, knowledge, rather than physical asts or resources, is the key to competitiveness. This is as true for the knowledge-intensive industries, such as software or biotechnology, as it is for industrial age manufacturing companies or utilities.
For the knowledge-intensive ctors, knowledge which feeds through from rearch and development to innovative products and process is the critical element. But with industrial age manufacturing companies or utilities, using knowledge about customers to improve rvice is what counts.
What is new about attitudes to knowledge today is the recognition of the need  to harness, manage and u it like any other ast. This rais issues not only of appropriate process and systems, but also of how to account for knowledge in the balance sheet.

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