Lesson 41 Penny’s bag 彭妮的提包
1.chee /tʃi:z/ n. 乳酪,奶酪
Give me a piece of chee. 给我一片奶酪。
I’d like a piece of pizza with/without chee. 我想要块带/不带奶酪的披萨。
There are two chee sandwiches on the plate. 盘子里有两块奶酪三明治。
There aren’t any chee cakes in the fridge. 冰箱里没有任何奶酪蛋糕。
Is there any chee in my pizza? 我的比萨饼里有奶酪吗?
1. Does he like the cake with chee?
2. Take some chee to your friends.
2.bread /bred/ n. 面包
a loaf of /a piece of bread 一长条/一片面包
brown/white bread 黑面包(粗粮面包)/白面包(精面面包)
French bread 法式面包
bread roll 长或圆的面包
bread crust/'krʌst/ 面包皮
Croissant /krwə: 'sa:nt/ 新月形面包;sigg牛角包
Be careful. Don’t drop the bread on the floor. 小心。别把面包掉到地上。
Take the bread out of oven. 把面包从烤箱里拿出来。
My mother’s going to make some brown bread for us. 我妈妈打算为我们做一些黑面包。
1.What are you going to do with the bread?
2.Does your sister have bread for breakfast?
3.soap /səup/ n. 肥皂newyorktimes v.擦肥皂
区分: soup(汤) soap (肥皂)
a bar of soap 一块肥皂
There isn’t any soap in the bathroom. 浴室里没有肥皂。
I want to wash my hands. Give some soap to me. 我想洗手。给我些肥皂。
*soap 作动词时,意为“涂肥皂,用肥皂擦”
Soap the car, and then wash it. 先在汽车上抹些肥皂,然后洗一洗。
Let’s soap the dog. 让我们给小狗涂上肥皂。
4.chocolate/'tʃɔkəlit/ n.巧克力
a bar of chocolate 一块(长方块状)巧克力
milk/black chocolate 牛奶巧克力/黑巧克力(少加或不加牛奶)
*a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力
Have another bar of chocolate, plea. 请再吃块巧克力吧。
Do you like milk chocolate or black chocolate ? 你喜欢牛奶巧克力还是黑巧克力?
1. Let’s make some chocolate with grandmother.
2. Clean your teeth after you eat chocolate.
3. 舅舅打算寄些日本巧克力给我。
4. 擦掉你嘴上的巧克力!
5.sugar /'ʃugə/ n. 食糖
brown sugar 红糖
sugarcane 甘蔗
新西兰留学注意事项sugarcoat 糖衣hangen
Don’t put too much sugar into your coffee. 别往咖啡里放太多糖。
Do you want any sugar in your tea? 你想在茶里放些糖吗?
Put the dish of sugar in front of me. 把这碟糖放在我面前。
1.I’m going to buy some sugar for the cakes.
2.There isn’t any sugar in the jar.
4.甘蔗是我最喜欢的水果。 visible
6.coffee/'kɔfi/ n. 咖啡
instant coffee 速溶咖啡
coffee maker 咖啡机
coffee pot 咖啡壶
black coffee 清咖啡(黑咖啡)
white coffee 加牛奶或稀奶油的咖啡
make some coffee 煮咖啡;泡咖啡
Have a cup of coffee then. 那么喝一杯咖啡吧。
I am going to make his favourite coffee. 我打算煮他最爱的咖啡。
1.Are you going to make another pot of coffee for them?
2.Come downstairs and drink coffee with me.
7.tea/ti:/ n. 茶,茶叶; 茶点
teapot 茶壶
teaspoon 茶匙
tea table 茶几
ice tea 冰茶
milk tea 奶茶
black tea 红茶
green tea 绿茶
lemon/jasmine tea 柠檬茶/茉莉花茶
We drink afternoon tea at four o’clock. 我们在四点喝下午茶。
Make some black tea for us. 为我们沏些红茶。
What’s for tea? 茶点吃什么?
one’s cup of tea 某人的拿手好戏或喜爱的东西
Singing is not my cup of tea. 唱歌不是我的拿手好戏。
8. tobacco/tə'bækəu/ n. 烟草,烟丝
比较: tobacco 烟草(不可数) cigarette 香烟(可数)
Here is a tin of tobacco for him. 这里有一罐(盒)给他的烟草。
Give me a pound of tobacco. 给我一磅烟草。
There is tobacco in cigarettes. 香烟里有烟草。
1. What is he going to do with the tobacco?
2. There’环视s a tin of tobacco on my dressing table.
9.half /ha:f/ n. 一半(的东西)
adj. 一半的 adv. 一半地
Half of six is three. 六的一半是三。
The bottle is half empty. 瓶子是半空的。
She is my half-sister. 她是我同父异母(同母异父)的姐姐(妹妹)。
Cut the apple into halves. 把苹果切成两半。
Give me half a pound of chee. 给我半磅奶酪。
中国海洋大学研究生1. What’s half of a hundred?
2. The boy in yellow is Jim’s half-brother.
3. 一半的水果是给我的。
4. 给我半片面包。
10.quarter /'kwɔ:tə/ n. 四分之一
Cut the orange into quarters. 把橙子切成四份。
I am going to nd a quarter of a pound of coffee to my half sister.
A quarter of twenty is five. 二十的四分之一等于五。
Three quarters of tho grapes are small. 那些葡萄有四分之三是小的。
1. A quarter of the loaves are Helen’s.
2. A quarter of the women are houwives.
11.pound /paud/ n. 磅
Give me a pound of sugar. 给我一磅白糖。
I’d like two pounds of tea. 我想要两磅茶叶。
There is a quarter of a pound of milk in my glass. 我的杯子里有四分之一磅牛奶。
She is going to eat a pound of bread. 她打算吃一磅面包。
1. The pound of tobacco is very nice.
保鲜膜英文2. Don’t put the pound of chee there.
12.loaf/ləuf/ n. 一条(面包)
新年快乐的英文怎么写I’m going to buy two loaves of bread. 我打算买两条面包。
I want the white loaf. 我想要白面包。
The large loaf isn’t for him. 这一大条面包不是给他的。
There isn’t any sugar in the loaves. 这些面包里没有糖。