Cour:Microeconomics Term: Fall2014年广东高考
Academic Year:len
WeChat: Lulubear6Textbook
The main textbook for this cour is Microeconomics, 2nd Canadian Edition, by Begg, Curtis, and Irvine. In addition to the main text, supplementary materials will also be prented.
NIidterm Examination Midlerm Exam: The midterm examination will be a clod-book examination
Grade ComDiitation Attendance/ Classwork: 10%minutes怎么读
Midterm Exam: 30%Final Exam: 60% Examinations Attendance at all scheduled examinations is mandatory. Consideration for misd examinations will be given only on the basis of documented illness, accident or family affliction, and for no other reasons.
期待英文In the event of a misd mid-ssion examination, with suitable documentation provided, a supplementary mid-ssion examination will be given.system halted
In the event of a misd final examination, students are advid to contact the office or the class advir.
Students are advid not to make travel arrangements until after the final exam timetable has been posted. Students who do make arrangements at an earlier date should book flights that leave after the end of the examination period. There will be no special accommodation if travel
plans conflict with the examination.
mikroAcademic Intepritv Academic integrity requires commitment to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Students are expected to obrve the same standards of scholarly integrity as their academic and professional counterparts. A student who is found to have engaged in unethical academic behavior, including the practices described in the Policy on Academic Integrity, is subject to penalty by the University.
Cour Outline Summary The weekly outline is tentative and may be amended as we work our way through the cour. Almost certainly, we will move off schedule as not all topics fit neatly into one week.
get on
graphicdesignThe outline then should be ud first and foremost as a guide to readings to be done in advance of lectures.
六级考试时间12月>原来如此 英语