Katia: So, Enam, we're talking about arranged marriages, but what about加薪
the rate of divorce ofarranged marriages? Is it high?
Enam: Well, actually, the rate is incredibly low. Actually, it's below ten percent and it'schanging but still it's really low and the reason I think becau the culture in Bangladesh ... inthat kind of culture, boys and girls
are like grown up in different ways, and they don't really eeach other that cloly, and that's why when you are married with a person, you start to knowthat person after different ... opposite gender ... quite well and that helps develop andunderstanding and they both ... both of them try to
mangroveunderstand each other — their values —and in the cultural background it's normally decided that they have to be together normallywithout an exception
for the rest of their lives, so they just try to work in that way. Do youhave
数据线 英文a higher divorce rate in your country?
perfectKatia: Actually, unfortunately it is increasing. I really don't know the percentage but when Iwas young, if somebody of my friends parents would get a divorce that would be very shockingto hear. It was uncommon. But now, a lot of my friends actually are going though divorce ortheir parents have divorced, which it wasn't common but now it ems a little bit morecommon, so unfortunately things are changing in Mexico.
Enam: Why do you think that the divorce rate is going up? What could bedecision
the reason behindthis?
Katia: I think it's very hard to say but I think they're various reasons. For example, womendidn't ud to work. They ud to stay home and take care of the hou, the husband, thechildren, but now women have become more independent. They have been able to makedifferent decisions that before they didn't have to, so I think the independence of the womenhas changed things and perhaps the culture itlf, the culture of marriage and divorce, it haschanged also so I think possibly tho two reasons.
六级报名网站入口Todd: So, Kadi, you are from Estonia. Can you talk about gender roles for the new generationcompared to the older generation?
Kadi: Yes, in Estonia, we have this kind of Western type of family, a woman doesn't have to bea houwife. She can work. She can do whatever she likes. Even maybe the tendency right nowis that women are becoming more masculine. Often it happens that women make more moneythan men do and they're the ones who bring the bread in the hou. Yeah, compared toEastern society where usually women are considered as houwives. They just have to clean andcook and rai the kids, and in my country ... no ... there's not such a thing and I think italways has been like that. I'm not quite sure but.
Todd: Who does the chores like cooking and cleaning?
Kadi: Yeah, I think we all do it. We don't have that kind of rule that women only have to cleanand cook. Of cour in some families, it is like that becau women are better cleaning,especially, rather than men are, but yeah, men are quite good cooks.
Todd: What do people do for childcare? Like who takes care of the children?
Kadi: Nannies. Yeah. We have nannies for working mothers, they usually
like hire people towatch over the children and just they play with them and
also like kindergarten, like childrenstart going to kindergarten in Estonia when they're really young, maybe from three months Ithink even, yeah, you can go to work when your child is like half-a-year old. Just go to work.Take a
child there, and people are going to care about her.
Todd: Is the nanny expected to cook and clean as well?
Kadi: It depends of on the contract. It depends on the contract. Yeah, if you hire a personwho that you say you're gonna pay him or her, usually her,
like for cleaning, cooking, takingcare of the children, whatever, it depends
on the contract.