glue stick 担 保 书
邯郸市三中新编剑桥商务英语初级美利坚合众国驻 领事馆:
我们的孩子 ,男five minutes/女,出生于哒哒在线少儿英语 年 月 日,护照号码: ,就读于 学校。参加
日期: 年 月 因为有你英文日
Letter of Guarantee
Consulate General of the United States of America in :
Our child:supplement , male/female, born on: ___________, passport
cnc是什么意思NO: , studying at_______________________________, will take part in the _______________________________________, We promi that he/she will comply with all regulations, abide by commands of leading teachers, never disaffiliate himlf/herlf from the group without authorization to act parately, and return to the motherland in time. All expens during his/her stay in the USA will be covered by us. If he/she overstays in the USA, we are willing to undertake all economic conquences and legal responsibility resulting from his/her action.
Signed by father:
Singed by mother: