1.In spite of the difficulties we have come across, we’ll go on with the program.
2.Y ou will e only the shape of the trees in the dim light.
3.No agreement was reached as to how the construction plan should be carried out.
4.The fact that most people believe nuclear war should be madness does not mean
that it will never occur.
5.We have to try every means to bring down the costs of the production.
6.Only a few people have access to the full facts of the accident.
7.The energy relead by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.
8.Y ou e the lighting the instant i t happens, but you hear the thunder l ater.
9.The aircraft had reached its altitude of about 39,000 feet.
10.T he continual breakdowns of the computer have caud rious delays in our
11.L ife depends on the balance between the heat received from the sun and the heat
lost to cooler surroundings.
12.T he construction workers extended the road for three more kilometers.
13.T he toy train won’t start becau the battery has run down.
14.S ince he was convinced of the accuracy of the data, he stuck to hi s opinion.
15.G rain production in the world is soaring, but still millions of people go hungry.
16.W herever there is a matter, there is energy; all changes of matter involve changes
in the form of the energy.
17.T he water-proof coating will wear away quickly or after many years, depending on
u and care.
18.S cience is a cooperative activity, and everyone can contribute something to it, if he
wishes to do so.
19.T he automatic doors in supermarkets facilitate the entry and exit of customers with
shopping carts.
20.W hile nuclear weapons prent potential dangers, the predominant crisis of
overpopulation is with us today.
21.H ad it not been for your encouragement, I’d never have invented this machine.
22.I f we can get over our prent diffi culties, everything will be all right.
23.A ll bus having been canceled becau of the heavy snow, they had to go there on
24.I n out apartment, there are five rooms, the largest of which is ud as a living-room.ambulance是什么意思
25.I t’s highly necessary that the rocket not be launched until all the preparations have
been made.
26.M elted iron is poured into the mixer much in the same way as tea is poured into a
cup from a teapot.
27.O il, of which there are veral different types, is ud for many purpos by
countries all over the world.
28.I t ems to be high time that this agreement were put to an end.
29.T he computer has brought about surprising technological changes in the way we
produce and organize information.
30.O n cond thoughts they’ve decided to give up the purcha of the new asmbly
31.S o little did I know about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.too many logins
32.W hen compared with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not
em high at all.
33.W e’ll attend an international conference held in Paris provided we have enough
34.T he manager wants to know whether the measures have been agreed upon.
35.W e make some rubber from petroleum, but natural rubber comes from trees in
Southeast Asia.
36.E lectrical energy is collected in the atmosphere as water is collected and stored in a
37.R earch findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter
what we may have done during the day.
38.S ome companies and factories rely so heavily on computers that there are major
problems when their computer systems break down.
39.A s we know, the oxygen content of Mars is not suffi cient to support life.
40.T he first American to orbit the earth, John Glenn was a pioneer in the US space
41.R onald Reagan had rved two terms as governor of California before he became
42.N othing further was known about the incident, but the captain assured the
pasngers that the crew would be conducti ng a thorough investi gation.
43.T he importance of interior design becomes evident when we realize how much
time we spend surrounded by four walls.
44.S ome of the members demanded to know why they had been kept in ignorance of
the true facts until they reached the prent critical stage.
45.T o maintain production levels, we must locate and develop or acquire new oil and
gas rerves to replace tho depleted by production.
46.B ecau of their diversity, ven parate groupings or divisions of algae have been
established by botanists.
47.A lthough “nova” means new, novas are actually stars that have existed for a long
time and suddenly flare into brilliance.
电影海报制作>attack什么意思48.B ecau Mars is farther from the sun than Earth is, Mars takes longer to complete a
49.T he portrayal of everyday life in the objects of folk art makes it a valuable source
of history.
50.P repared by the United States government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
Consumer Price Index compares current costs of goods and rvices with past costs.
51.A s we need plain, wholesome food for the body, we must have rious reading for
the mind.
thankyouverymuch52.T his software can be tailored to the needs of each customer.
53.S ometimes we may get quite frustrated when we are trying to communicate with
someone in English.
54.D rinking water in many areas of the developing countries is contaminated with
清明节用英语怎么说55.B oth a person’s heredity and his surroundings help to shape hi s character.
prompt是什么意思56.C orn originated in the New World and this was not known in Europe until
Columbus found it being cultivated in Cuba.
57.C lassified botanically as berries, domesticated grapes grow in clusters, range in
color from pale green to black, and contai n sugar i n varying quantiti es.
58.L ater another wrong idea about tomatoes grew up—the idea that they were
59.C arbon reacts directly with most metals to form compounds called carbi des.
60.A ll the major cities of the United States, including the cities of the Great Lakes and
the Gulf of Mexico, began as centers of trade.
61.H is ill-health may well be due to malnutrition.
62.H is body temperature has been abnormal for 3 days, the highest point reaching
63.T he areas rely on exclusively agriculture almost, having few mineral resources