I. Lead in
Key: 341586972
II. Basic Listening Practice
1.M: Do you e yourlf as a leader or more of a team player?
W: Well, it depends on the circumstances. I usually enjoy working as part of a team and helping everyone work together. But if the leadership is weak, I'm not afraid to take over in order to achieve the goal at hand.
Q: What does the woman want to be?
2.W: Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr. Davies at 11 o'clock.
M: Yes, he left a message for you saying he's terribly sorry but he's stuck in traffic and is running 15 minutes late. Plea take a at and he'll be here as soon as possible. Would you like tea or coffee?
Q: Where is the conversation probably taking place?
3.W: You don't look happy. Didn't you get that promotion?
M: No, they brought in some new guy. I'm not going to hang around for much longer, I can assure you.
Q: Why is the man unhappy?
4.W: Mr. Jones is a lf-made millionaire, and I'm honored to have worked for him for the past
30 years as his accountant.
M: He must be plead to have a loyal and faithful employee like you.
Q: What is true of the woman?
5.M: Jane, we're considering you for the new office manager position. We've been very plead
with your work.
W: Thank you very much. I've always enjoyed working here, and I would welcome an opportunity for more responsibility.
Q: Which of the following is true?
III. Listening in
Task l You’re fired!
Joan:Come in, come in. Have a at. Ah... uh... I want you to know this is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you.
Carl:Yes, ma'am. But I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.
Joan:You're fired. That's what I'm talking about.
Carl:I find that surprising, Miss Jackson. After all, I sold 25 percent more of our products
than any other salesperson.
Joan:Look, I'm not here to argue. You're fired. Understand?
Carl:Well, I just wonder what's going to happen to the contract I've been arranging. It would be a shame to lo it; it could mean a lot to our company. And I'm the only one
who knows the details.
Joan:No one is indispensable. Just clear out your desk and that's the end of it. Do I make mylf clear, Mr. Westlake?
Carl:Crystal clear, apart from one small detail.
Joan:And what is that detail?
Carl:I'm not Mr. Westlake. I'm Carl Smith.
Joan:Well then, that's a different kettle of fish, Mr. Smith. I know you've been working late almost every night and coming in on Saturdays to get work done. The company is
very happy with your progress.
Carl:That's good to know. I was beginning to think that I wasn't appreciated.
Joan:You're doing well. We have approved your first salary increa.
Carl:That's great! Thank you! I'll certainly try to live up to the trust you have demonstrated in me with this rai in pay.
Key: CBDAAstephanie clifford
Task 2 Don’t be a loner.
Lillian:Mr. Baxter, you have worked in the company for five years, and now you manage everything here smoothly, like a clock. Could you tell us the crets of your
successful career?
Baxter:Just as the golden rule of real estate is "location, location, location", the golden rule of work is "relationships, relationships, relationships". Unfortunately, many workers
focus so hard on the job at hand that they never develop uful relationships with
people in other parts of their organization. Wor, when they do interact with
colleagues in other departments, they may not treat them with respect.
Lillian:Could you give me more details?
Baxter:Let's take Wendy as an example. She switched jobs veral months ago in the
company. In her first position, as a marketing manager, she frequently found herlfgrave
in conflict with the financial department over her staff's expens. Her argument for
as i moved onmore funds usually ended in vain. Then in her new job as training administrator, she
wanted to launch an on-the-job training project. She needed the financial department
give的过去式to support her request for a budget. How did she convince them this time? Although
the financial department's offices were located in another city, Wendy decided to
visit them in their offices and try to establish clor relationships. She believed she
must first of all understand their mission and their own training needs. Then she
祖国我为你自豪found an ally in the company's chief financial officer, who saw how her group could
help develop his staff. Thus the two forged a long-term alliance, which led to a
training program so successful that it has since been picked up by the company's
supermarket的意思offices in Germany and Japan. Winning allies throughout your organization has an
additional benefit. The days, it's far too risky to expect your work to speak for
itlf. Having allies who speak well of you increas your reputation with the top
(2)marketing managerchronicle
(3)in conflict with
(5)ended in vain (6)training administrator
job(8)establish clor relationships
(10)picked up
Task 3 Working from home
With the invention of modern laptops and the advances in broadband Internet access and communication software, there is no longer a need to work in the office. More and more people are starting to work from home. Opinions on this new trend vary as there are both pros and cons of working from home.
The disadvantages are obvious. To begin with, you may feel lonely at home since you lack social int
eraction and face-to-face communication with colleagues. Besides, there are many distractions at home: Your wife and kids may knock on your door or call you any time. You yourlf may want to stop and have a cup of coffee or find something to eat from time to time. Without the office discipline, you may even be tempted to play computer games. What's more, it may be very monotonous if you have to stay at home all day long.
On the other hand, many people think the pros of working at home outweigh the cons. The most obvious benefit is flexibility. You don't have to wake up to an alarm clock early in the morning,
and you can work any time you want and in any way you want. For tho who are more productive at night, working from home must be a paradi. Moreover, without a boss supervising you over your shoulder, you feel less stress. Like to work in pajamas?Fine.Like to listen to heavy metal at the highest volume while you are designing? Go for it. Also, people that work in the home environment value immenly the extra time they can spend with their loved ones. As a mom or dad, you will be in a much better position to educate and take care of your children.
VI. Further listening
Task 1 A small misstep can become a big career trap.
George Adams, a market rearcher at a Midwestern firm, finally printed his marketing report. After months of rearch, hundreds of surveys, and veral boring drafts, his report was complete, and just in time. He was going away for the weekend, and he wanted to relax knowing his report was a success. He carefully proofread his document and then delivered copies to all the executives on his distribution list.
When he returned to his desk, he discovered his boss, the department manager, was livid. At first he did not realize he had accidentally gone over his head. Anyway, she had given him the contribution list in the first place. So he thought he was just following orders. But the boss was furious that she had not en the final document.
The boss asked Adams to get back the copies, but it was too late. When Adams got to the CEO’s office, he was already reading the report.
Adams had felt friction with his boss before. She was overbearing and tended to find fault with his work after he’d broken his back to meet deadlines. In this instance, however, he realized he had made a rious error. His boss was extremely upt, for his mistake made her look as though she w
asn’t in control of her department.
From the boss’s point of view, Adams was usurping her authority. The result was simple and natural: Adams left his job soon afterward.
Adams’s story illustrates a fundamental truth about the workplace: small, emingly innocent missteps can sometimes become a big career destroyer.
Task 2 The boss is angry!
Sam:Tell me: Does this place look like a nursing home?
Sally:No. Why?
Sam:Do I look like a male nur?
Sally:Not at all.
celebrate的用法Sam:Then why do my employees act as though this were a nursing home instead of a workplace?
Sally:You're obviously upt. What's wrong? Tell me.
Sam:You're right. I'm upt about a lot of things.
Sally:Can you tell me what the problems are? Maybe there's something I can do.
Sam:First of all I'm upt becau so many staff have been showing up late for work.
Sally:It's true. A lot of people have been coming in late. They probably think you don't mind.
You know, the atmosphere here is pretty relaxing.
Sam:Maybe it's becau I hang out a lot with them outside the office.
Sally:They must e you more as a buddy than a boss. It's becau you're so friendly.
Sam:You're right. They don't view me as an authority figure anymore. I'm afraid they don't respect me as a boss.
Sally:So what are you going to do about it?
Sam:I'm going to change. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I'm going to start cracking the whip.
Sally:When do you want this change to take place?
Sam:Starting today, I'm going to lay down the law. From now on, everyone in the company must follow regulations to the letter.
Sally:I'll post a notice as soon as possible. What should it say?
Sam:No more punching in late. No more clocking out early. No more calling in sick without
a doctor's note.
Sally:Anything el?
Sam:No more personal phone calls or e-mails in company time!
Sally:All right. I'll get right on it!