1.Paper Moons an empty dream/ sth. hopeful but unrealisticslimline
2.doom-ridden: depresd; pessimistic; despairing
3.gig,〞--a onetime job, particularly for singers
4.专业的绝望was delighted with their expressions of professional despair.---was
plead with their expressions of pessimism from a professional point of view.
6.帮手We can’t afford to pay the help. ---------the home workers/the hired labor
7.引言Many a man would rather you heard his story than granted his request.:
Many people will feel happier if you can listen to them talking, than if you give them whatever they ask for.
8.我长进I had occasion to attend: it was necessary for me to attend
9.进程短暂停a brief recess in the proceedings: a short break in the meeting
10.in the employ of受雇于: employed by
11.supply-side economics供给学派经济学: a theory of economics with a major
emphasis on tax reduction to stimulate business activity.
12.Rumpled皱的:cread in a disorderly way’
13.被赋予福音传道者blesd with an evangelist’s talent for sincerity and a sophist’s
gift of phra: having the natural ability to put on a very sincere expression when speaking, and to speak extremely fluently and persuasively.
14.an exchange of rumors谣言: an exchange of news
15.能源危机it’s better than the energy crisis : This job is more profitable than the
similar job I was once given to speak about the energy crisis.
16.行军They hadn’t marched to the music of as many different drums in the
ideological wars : The young consultants had not got the experience of preaching in tune with as many different beliefs as Townnd had.
17.美元价格the price of the dollar: the dollar is down against other currencies
18.笑神秘的笑smiled his oracular smiles : smiled in a manner which made one feel
that he was wi and had prophetic powers
19.建教堂–I was so impresd by Townnd’s eloquence that I thought it would have
been fit for him to become a preacher to preach at a storefromt church.
20.行话Entire vocabularies of unintelligible jargon—literary as well as military and
academic—describe kingdoms of nonexistent thought.: Huge vocaburaies, such as the vocabularies of literature, of the military cirle, and of academic fields, consist of nothing but incomprehensible words and terms which have been created to describe abstract ideas.
21.政治承诺超现实小说Political promis belong to the realm of surrealist fiction:
Promis made by politicians are whatever happens to occur to their minds at the moment of speaking, and so have no rational basis. They are just hot air, and will never come true.
22.华盛顿Like the government in Washington, the economy floats on the market insmart phone>上海外国语大学分数线
abstraction: Our economy, as well as our government ,relies heavily on the creation, lling ,and buying the ideas.
23.美国天才赚钱Consider the American genius for making money, which is the
talent for making something out of nothing.: The stock market may be a typical
example of making something out of nothing, and of economy floating on the market in abstraction. The stock market floats solely on “confidence〞or the “feel good〞factor. Whenever it goes down, the US government will prop it up with a sort of theory, so that people continue to invest in it and something continues to be made out of nothing.
24.屏幕前飞逝A number en fleetingly on a screen.: In modern times, money does
not even take the form of “a piece of worthless paper〞. But is more ethereal in the form of a ries
of figures shown on the computer screen for only a fleeting moment.(课本解释Paper money is just like a number which you e on a TV screen but which disappears quickly before you can catch it.)
25.信仰行为An act of faith.: The money, which is only a piece of paper, has no
value in itlf.It requires value only when people place their faith in it(its value comes from this act of faith).When people lo faith in it,it becomes truly a piece of paper,which of cour is worthless.
哈佛大学公开课视频26.连接的答复muster a coherent respon: organize a meaningful retort
27.王子一般潇洒地挥舞with a princely flourish: in large sweeping letters which
showed he was very generous
28.Heavier than adjectives, or even balanced phras, but still metaphors.
----Tank, etc. are certainly heavier than adjectives. But what Townnd menat was that they are more powerful than adjectives or words, or even high-sound paras.
be blesd with having the natural ability
in intelligible impossible to understand
in the employ of working for
round up cau to gather in one place
abstraction abstract idea
appeament bringing o a state of peace
artifact object made by man
beatific blissful; expressing great happiness
boisterous lively cheerful
coherent logically connected and consistent
commission commission
credulity too great a readiness to believe things
Dais platform
enormity immensity
evangelist protestant preacher
expound explain
handsomely generouslyuptting
insane mad
jargon words known to a certain group
jovial full of good humor
mercenary soldier hired by
mournful lamentable
muster gather; organize
oracular with hidden meaning
proceeding planned items of a meeting
prophecy statement telling sth that will happen in the future
英语短信puff sudden light rush of air. smokeendesa
white feather
rumple cread in disorder way
shamble walk awkwardly
tariff tax; revenues