完形填空 Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modem age. There are species(物种)that are ___36 disappearing ___ every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to ___37 save ___ the species from going out of existence. Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their ___38 reproduction ___. Emma, a female crane, has been in their ___39 care ___ since she arrived in 2004. Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was ___40 raid ___ by human caretakers. This led to an unexpected ___41 conquence ___, though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had ___42 never ___ taken herlf as a crane and become deeply attached to humans. She ___43 refud ___ to live with male cranes, and even had a ___44 reputation ___ for killing some of them, which made it ___45 impossible ___ for her to become a mother. ___46 However ___, the two zookeepers didn’t want to e the extinction(灭绝)of this precious species. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a ___47 combination ___ of artificial breeding(人工繁殖)and natural reproduction. This ___48 enabled ___ Emma to give birth to five baby cranes. gridleeThe two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be ___49 assured ___, more efforts must be made, becau the population of the crane in the wild is on the ___50 decline ___, and many other species appear headed toward extinction. ___51 After all ___, not everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive. How can we ___52 bridge ___ the ever-widening gap that parates us from other animals? Chris and Tim offered us the ___53 answer ___: human beings took it for granted that their ___54 brains ___ held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better ___55 guide ___. | 完形填空 在当代,野生动物已经受到了极大的威胁。每天有36个物种(物种)正在消失。白头鹤就是一个典型的例子。因此,科学家们正在竭尽全力拯救这个物种,使其不至于灭绝。 克里斯和蒂姆在动物园工作,他们帮助濒危的鹤繁殖。一只叫艾玛(Emma)的雌鹤,自2004年来到动物园后,就一直受到他们的照顾。 艾玛出生在一个国际鹤类基金会,由人类看护者抚养长大。尽管她在那里度过了一段美好的时光,但是这导致了一个意想不到的结果。艾玛从来没有把自己当做一只鹤,并对人类产生了深深的感情。她拒绝与雄性鹤一起生活,甚至还因为杀死一些雄性鹤而名声大噪,这让她无法成为母亲。 但是,两位动物园管理员不希望看到这种珍贵的物种灭绝。在他们的耐心和努力下,他们成功地开发出了人工繁殖和自然繁殖相结合的方法。这使得Emma生下了5只鹤宝宝。 两位饲养员为他们的成果感到自豪。但是,在这之前,他们必须做出更多的努力,因为野生鹤的种群数量正在减少,许多其他物种似乎正走向灭绝。毕竟,不是每个人都意识到野生动物有思想,有感情,最重要的是有平等的生存权利。 我们如何才能弥合我们与其他动物之间不断扩大的距离呢?克里斯和蒂姆为我们提供了答案:人类理所当然地认为他们的大脑掌握着所有的解决方案,但也许他们的心可以成为更好的向导。 |
A Whatever your age or interests, Buxton has something to e or do to make your visit truly memorable. High energy If you desire physical activities, you can choo activities from swimming to hor riding. Explore the heights with Go Ape, the high wire forest adventure cour, or journey beneath the earth at Poole’s Cavern. And don’t forget: we are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling. High minded Buxton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and you’ll find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at Buxton Opera Hou & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become involved, including workshops and events. 瑜伽的英语Keeping the kids happy Children love the small train and playgrounds in the Pavilion Gardens and there’s plenty more to explore at the Buxton Muum. There’s a new indoor play centre, plus the special events and workshops, and others during school holiday periods 56.If you want to take an undergounld journey, which place is the best choice? A. Pole’s Caven. B. Pavilion Gardens. njC. Buxton Muum. D. Green Man Gallery. 57.Buxton Open Hou & Pavilion Arts Centre is special becau it offers ________. A. rides in small trains B. cours in modern arts C. artistic and cultural activities D. basic cours in hor riding | A 无论你年纪多大,兴趣何在,巴克斯顿都有东西可看,有事可做,让你的到访印象深刻。 消耗高能量 小春留学论坛如果你想进行体育活动,可以选择游泳、骑马等活动。通过Go Ape、高空绳索丛林探险路线来探索高地,或者到地下的普尔洞探索。而且不要忘记:我们正处于完美适合散步、洞穴探险、爬山、骑自行车的天然游乐场。 享受高尚思想 巴克斯顿有理由为其文化生活感到自豪,你会在巴克斯顿歌剧院及行宫艺术中心和绿人画廊找到很多适合各种品味的艺术、音乐、歌剧和表演艺术。创意人士有许多机会参与其中,包括各种工作坊和活动。 roamhydraulic ho让孩子们开心 儿童喜欢行宫花园的小火车和游乐场,巴克斯顿博物馆有很多地方可供探索。有一个新的室内游乐中心,加上在学校放假期间举办的特别活动和工作坊,以及其他活动。 56.如果你想做个地下旅行,哪个地方是最好的选择? 什么是全日制学历A. Pole’s Caven. B. Pavilion Gardens. 倒装句的用法C. Buxton Muum. D.Green Man Gallery. 57.Buxton Open Hou & Pavilion Arts Centre的特别之处在于它提供了_______。 weight什么意思A.乘坐小火车 B. 现代艺术课程 C. 艺术和文化活动 D. 骑马的基础课程 |
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