resistanceChapter 1 Culture
Part I questions
Ca 1
1.What have you learned about Indian culture from this ca
The Indian culture is diver and compod by the traditional custom and the newly concepts.
Text A the Nature of Culture
1.In what way is culture like an iceberg
Some of the elements which make up culture are visible, whereas others are hard to discover. The idea behind this model is that culture can be pictured as an iceberg: only a very small portion of the iceberg can be en above the water.
What features of culture can you infer from this simile
The visible parts of culture are just expressions of its invisible parts. And it is difficult to understand people with different cultural backgrounds-we may obrve the visible parts of “their iceberg”, but we cannot immediately e what are the foundations that the parts rest upon.
2.What features of culture can you infer from the metaphor “culture is our software”
Human around the world are physically pretty much the same. Culture provides the difference and transformation as software. As with any good software, we are vaguely aware of it as we u it.
3.In what way is culture like the water a fish swims in
Our culture is so much a part of who we are and what the word is like for us that we do not notice it. We take it for granted. For most people, for most of their lives, everything they e and do take place in the same culture.
4.According to your understanding of all the similes and metaphors in this text, what does culture include and what features does culture have
Culture is the grammar of our behavior. It includes all the rules that make actions meaningful to the people around them. People learn their cultural grammar unconsciously and apply its rules automatically. It is difficult to describe the meaning system of people’s own culture.
Text B Definitions of culture
1. According to your understanding of all the definitions in this text, what does culture include and what features does culture have
Culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religious, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the univer, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the cour of generations through individual and group striving.
Text C Characteristics of Culture features of culture you have concluded from text A and B with the characteristics of culture in text C
I彼岸花的英文 n text C culture is learned, dynamic, pervasive, integrated and adaptive.
2.Do you know any others channels through which culture is learned List them down.
Legend, tales, folk songs, drawing, or daily life.
3.In what n is culture dynamic Explain with examples.
Cultures are constantly changing over time. . the American civil war and china’s opium war brought great social and cultural changes to both societies.
4.In what n is culture pervasive Explain with examples.
Culture penetrates into every aspect of our life and influence the way we think, the way we talk, and the way we believe. Culture pervades all the areas: arts and artifacts, beliefs, behaviors, ceremonies, etc.
5.In what n is culture integrated Explain with examples.
艺考生文化课复习Culture functions as an integrated whole and it is systemic. . in the civil rights movement in the united states, there brought about changes in housing patterns, discrimination practices, educational opportunities, the legal system, and even communication. H埃尔维斯 普雷斯利ence, this one aspect of culture has altered American attitudes, values, and behaviors.
6.In what n is culture adaptive Explain with examples.
History abounds with examples of how cultures have changed becau of laws, natural disasters, wars, or other calamities. . in china in the past, women were expected to remain in the home and rai the children. However, forces in the culture, as well as economic considerations, have dramatically altered the role of women in our country.
cdcsCa 4
1. What does coconut-skating mean here in the ca Are you surprid at the maid’s skating
It means the difference between two different cultures, and one newly object to another culture.
2. Which characteristic of culture does this ca point to or remble
Culture is dynamic.
开服装店赚钱吗Text D
1.What is cultural identity Is it a conscious or unconscious新东方教育集团 process
Culture identity refers to one’s n of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. It is formed in a process that results from membership in a particular culture, and involves
learning about and accepting the traditions, heritage, language, religion, aesthetics, thinking pattern, and social structures of a culture. It is a conscious process.