单词:business 商业 entrepreneur 企业家
德文字母 Material resources 物力资源 human resources 人力资源
Financial resources 财政资源 information resources 信息资源
Manufacturing business 制造业 tangible goods 有形财物
Service business 服务型行业 middlemen 经纪人
Sales revenue 销售收入 expen 费用
Profit 利润 loss 亏损
Free-market system 自由市场经济 pure competition 完全竞争
Supply 供给 demand 需求
Monopolistic competition 垄断市场 oligopoly 垄断寡头
Monopoly 垄断
段落:①、 A person who risks his or her time ,effort ,and money to start and operate a business is called an entrepreneur . To organize a business ,an entrepreneur must combine four kinds of resources :material , human ,financial ,and informational . 企业家的概念和组成
②、Pure competition is the complete form of competition .Pure competition is the market situation in which there are many buyers and llers of a product , and no single buyers or llers is powerful enough to affect the price of that product. In pure competition ,then, llers and buyers as well must accept the going price.完全竞争
③、Monopolistic competition is a market situation in which there are many buyers along with relatively many llers who differentiate their products form the products of competition .垄断竞争
④、An oligopoly is a market situation in which there are a few llers . 寡头垄断
⑤、A monopoly is a market with only only ller.完全垄断
单词:sole proprietorship 独资企业 unlimited liability 无限责任
Partnership 合伙 general partner 普通合伙人
Limited partner 有限合伙人 corporation 公司美女纸牌
Stock 股份 stockholder 股东
Clo corporation 股份不公开公司 open corporation 股份公开公司
Corporate charter 公司执照 common stock 普通股
Preferred stock 优先股 board of director 董事会
Corporate officers 公司官员 limited liability 有限责任
Merger 兼并 ,合并 cooperative 合作社
Joint venture 合资企业 syndicate 财团
①、In today a business environment , there are three major forms of legal organization : sole proprietorship , partnership , and corporation.企业的组织形式
②、A sole proprietorship is a business that owned by one person . Sloe proprietorship is the oldest and simplest form of business ownership ,and it is the easiest and start. In most instances ,the owner simply decides that he or she is in business and begins operations.独资企业
③、A partnership is an association of two or more persons to act as co-owners of a business for profit. 合伙企业
receipt是什么意思④、A corporation is an artificial person created by law ,with most of legal rights of a real person .股份公司
句子翻译:1、I think we should start /make a start/get started.
2、First of all I’d like to introduce/let me introduce two colleagues form our Dalian office.
3、Would you like to say a few words about yourlves.
4、Have you all got a copy of the agenda?
5、软件开发课程If everyone has got a copy of the agenda ,let me first explain the purpo of the meeting.
6、Now let’s look at the agenda in detail.
7、As you can e three are five main points/items.
田园日记 歌词
8、I propo /suggest that we take them in the following order.
9、As we have a lot of get through this morning ,can we agree on the ground rules?
10、Moving to the first point. 转入第一要点。
11、So, to summarize what has been said so far,....那么,总结以上所述。。。
12、keeping an eye on the time 注意掌握时间
13、We’er running short of time 我们时间不够了。
14、Could you plea be brief?请简单谈一谈,好吗?
宽松t恤15、Well, I think that covers everything on that point .Let’s move on.
16、I’d like to propo the following amendments.我建议做如下的修正。
17、Can we take a vote on that proposal. 我们队这个建议投票,怎么样?
18、So ,that motion has been accepted/rejected by 4 vote to 3
单词:management 管理,经营 accountability 会计责任
Top managers 高层管理者 middle managers 中层管理者
Supervisor 基层管理者 rank-and-file workers 基层工人