Biological and molecular characterization of two cloly related carlavirus affecting brassica plants 期刊名称: Plant Pathology
作者: Agatha M. Oliveira,Leilane K. Rodrigues,Camila Chabi-Jesus,Alexandre L. R.
Chaves,Elliot W. Kitajima,Ricardo Harakava,Alexander Banguela-Castillo,Pedro L.
Ramos-González,Marcelo Eiras
关键词: brassicas;Carlavirus;high-throughput quencing;leaf kale;mixed
infection;Nicotiana megalosiphon
摘要:Carlavirus are plant‐infecting virus with flexuous filamentous particles韩语学校
2010世界杯32强of approximately 650 nm in length and a positive single‐stranded hexacistronic RNA molecule as the genome. In this study, we analyd 14 samples of brassicas plants, reportedly affected by carlavirus, that were collected in distant and edaphoclimatic distinct regions in Brazil. The genomes of four viral isolates
fiskerdetected in leaf kale ( Brassica oleracea var. acephala ) plants displayed the typical genomic organization of carlavirus, subdivided into two contrasting identity profiles. Isolates T25, T107, and T110 showed a higher quence identity among them (c.93%) than with T90 (c.67%), which had the highest nucleotide quence identity (85.2%) with the only documented genomic fragment, approximately 1 kbeleven
of the RNA 3′‐end, of cole latent virus (CoLV)...