建造师委托人英文你不应该问“为何印尼的华人比当地人更富裕?” 你应该问“为何世界各地的华人普遍都比当地人更富裕?”在我还是一个学生的时候,我曾经去过世界很多国家,我已经注意到这个现象,这一现象在发展中国家特别明显。无论你说的是印度,孟加拉国,印度尼西亚或菲律宾,甚至连澳大利亚,加拿大和美国的很多地区都是如此。其实答案非常简单——华人是一个工作非常努力的民族,他们经历了数千年的王朝史,他们需要付出大量的体力和智力去解决问题。在历史上也经常会遇到各种苦难,灾荒,贫穷。他们非常努力,野心勃勃,坚韧不拔,百折不挠,他们成为这个星球上一只非常有生命力的力量。其实这是一个简单的生存游戏——你要如何才能够生存下去?
But once political oppressions are lifted,and opportunities given to them, they just ri, and ri above all otherraces. We e this phenomenon outside China in SE Asian countries likeIndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand just after the World War II In allcountries where the Chine are the majority like Hong Kong, Taiwan, andSingapore and where they are not oppresd but given the opportunity to createwealth for themlves and the country,
you can clearly e this effect not justamong the Chine, but the impact on the economy for the whole country.
美眉制造机Even in Malaysia where only about 22 % ofthe population of about 30 million is Chine, they still are the richest evenwhen most of the economic opportunities were given to the local Malays sincethe implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1971. Yet they stillsurvive very well even when the NEP was extended and even expanded until today.Their ambition to succeed and ri up is just in their blood no matter how muchyou suppresd them.
The Chine still hold most of the businessbecau of their resilient to hardship and difficulties. That made them evenmore fit and willing to survive above all other races. In fact being deprivedof scholarships and entry into local public universities, they work even harderto nd their children to study in expensive overas universities. Thatambition is in their blood. It is just the law of Nature of Nature thatprescribes “survival of the fittest” in the long run. The Chine stronglybelieves that if you just continue to give a man a fish every day withouthelping him to fish and defend himlf, you will eventually weaken him evenmore.
hang out今日华人控制了马来西亚绝大部分商业!马来西亚的华人被剥夺了奖学金,他们进入当地
He will then become regressive instead ofbecoming stronger and independent after a period of continuous feeding. TheChine believes that over a period of time he will become aggressive andbegins to get angry and revoke against the feeder if the feeder no longer canafford to continue giving him his daily fish. Hence their proverb taught themto fend for themlves to become even more resilient and robust. The Chine donot beg, or expect wealth to drop down upon them from heaven or simply given tothem, not necessary just in Indonesia.They are guided by the wisdom of theirancient proverb that says “give a man a fish, you feed him only for a day, butif you teach him to fish, you feed him for life” This is part of their ancientwisdom. Becau of their nature for hard work and preparedness to struggle inadversity for 5000 years in their history and civilization, this be
lief andnature becomes incorporated in their genes and blood, and becomes part of theircharacter.
We e this very clearly in modern Chinatoday with 1.34 billion hard working Chine there, and another 100 millionChine ttled outside China today, especially in Singapore, Taiwan and HongKong SAR where they flourished untamed and given every opportunity and freedomto proper as Asian economic dragons for their nations. I think wherever theChine have chon to ttle in a country outside China they bring tremendouswealth to that country. We can e this in SE Asian countries where the Chineflourished. They bring wealth and economy there through sheer hard work. I wast
old that the Chine population in Indonesia is only 2 % out of 200 millionpeople, but they hold 80 % of the economy? I am not sure how far this is true,but I know most of them are exceedingly rich compared with the localsWhen I wasa postgraduate student in the mid 1966’s at the University of London, Iremember clearly what one of our visiting professors told us: