Compare and Contrast Transition Words
What are compare and contrast transition words? Before you can understand what they are, you should know the u of transition words and phras first. Fundamentally, tho words and phras help on making essays easier to read.
In addition, they allow the readers to transition from one topic or point to another. They enhance the understandability and logical organization of an article by helping the readers know the relationship of the previous and following ntence and/or paragraph in the paper they are reading.
Contrast and Comparison
As the term implies, compare and contrast transition words are transitional phras/words that show comparison and contrasting relation of two ideas. They are also ud to emphasize negative and positive ideas. For you to have a clue on what exactly are they, here is a list of the most common contrast and compare transition words and phras that are ud in everyday writing and speech.
Contrast: ∙A clear difference ∙But ∙Conflicting viewpoint 无辜的意思∙Despite ∙西安英语少儿培训Even so ∙七龙珠图片下载However ∙In another way ∙Nevertheless ∙On one hand ∙On the other hand ∙Rather ∙Still another 最近几年∙瘦腰的瑜伽Rather ∙Yet 蒙文翻译公司∙However ∙Nevertheless ∙In contrast | Comparison: ∙In the same way ∙By the same token ∙Similarly ∙In like manner ∙Likewi速成英语 ∙In similar fashion |
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Here are some examples on how to u contrast and compare transitional words.
1.Contrasting Transition Example
First ntence: I want to buy an ice cream.
Second ntence: My mother does not want me to buy an ice cream.
Contrast 1: I want to buy an ice cream, but my mother does not want me to buy one.
Contrast 2: I want to buy an ice cream. However, my mother does not want me to buy one.
Contrast 3: I want to buy an ice cream; unfortunately, my mother does not want me to buy one.
2.Comparison Transition Example
First ntence: I eat ice cream slowly.heyang
Second ntence: I eat cotton candies slowly.bin是什么意思
Comparison 1: I eat ice cream slowly, in the same way I eat cotton candies.
Comparison 2: I eat ice cream slowly. Likewi, I eat cotton candies slowly, too.
Comparison 3: I eat ice cream slowly; similarly, I eat cotton candies slowly, too.
The examples above demonstrate how to u both type of transition words. As you can e, the ntences are now easier to read than the ntences without the transition words. Also, you have now a clearer understanding on how the ideas of the ntences are related.
Using compare and contrast transition words are very easy. Nevertheless, they can greatly affect your article’s readability and quality in a positive way. Therefore, make sure you always u them.
Dr. Michael Babcock is a Professor of Humanities at the Liberty University,