Cake bag pencil dog sheep fish giraffe hand bike jeep key leg mouth no
toe pen quilt ruler school T—shirt pupil vest watch taxi fly zoo panda hippc
elephant monkey football magic cube doll jump rope yo-yo skateboard jigsaw
pear apple banana peach strawberry—strawberries fourteen cows fifteen birds
twenty frogs Happy new year! Merry Christmas Father Christmas a Christmas tree
School home go to school go home class library swimming pool playground
My classmates my schoolmates a nice picture my friends by bike by bus on foot
by car by taxi father mother teacher grandma grandpa brother sister fat thin
Emglish Chine maths music jacket cap skirt sweater trours shoes socks
Cat umbrella box rabbit bed cucumber potato carrot cauliflower kite trumpet flute
crayon violin drun play ping-pong play football play basketballkathleen turner
介词:on in under between next near behind in front of
family dad mum who uncle aunt cousin love kind people beach cinema
an engineer girl houwife taxi driver nur photo cook barber doctor policewoman
welcome my daughter your son boy left right middle beautiful Sunday dinner fruits
cloudy是什么意思evening village plate farm hou flat goat duck hen farmer hor
bedroom living room clean and tidy kitchen bathroom
星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
ng是什么意思get up go to bed have breakfast have lunch have supper wash the face play games do the homework watch TV run jump rope join make a prent
draw a picture listen to the radio sing songs pass mend computer move hammer hurry late film begin sorry tried broken ats worry cry push
policeman short read stop traffic lights red green cross park dress shirt
T-shirt jacket jeans sweater shorts subjects science art learn PE ME
一月January 二月February 三月March四月 April 五月risks May六月 June七月 July八月August九月 Septemberthegift>fra是哪个国家的缩写十月 October 十一月November英语粗口十二月December