I have a habit of collecting interesting ntences from TV shows and movies. Ud to post this somewhere. But figure I can share this with ww.
I can continue if you like this. windeln
- We saw a lot of billboards advertising local shops and restaurants when
we drove through the town.
(名词)用来做室外广告的大牌子, 广告牌
- are you an item now? 你们现在是一对吗?
- It takes a lot of grit to be a social worker. 做社工需要很大的勇气。
- As long as I can still draw my breath, as long as there is still one
ounce of dignity in my blood, I will live by mylf and take care of
mylf. (我很喜欢这句--摘自 The king of Queens (注:QUEENS 是纽约市的一个区, 自己领会噢)
- Don't keep your feelings bottled up. (别把什么心事都藏在心里 )
- You smell expensive. (你看起来很高贵?)
- Oh, good eye. (噢,好眼力)
- She will take away your breath. (她会让你非常惊讶的 (因她的才能或美貌 ))
- My life is at stake. 我的生命危在旦夕。
- I couldn't have asked for a better going away prent. 我不能要求更好的离别礼物
- Would you like to grab a bite with me. 你愿意和我一起吃饭吗?
-I can't stand a bunch of guys picking on one guy. 我看不惯很多人和起来欺负一个人
- He is big on family。 他把家庭看的很重。
- I will not let so many things get to me. 我不会让这么多的事影响我的。
- Follow my lead. 跟我来。
- Sorry, that was my bad, I promi it won't happen again.
my bad (片语)我的错, 用于承认错误的话,表示道歉
- That new Mercedes is a sweet car.
sweet (形容词)好的,有趣的,可爱的
- This year, all my visits in China will be cold calls.
cold call (名词)意外访问, 拜访以前从未见过的人,或给预期的客户打电话,希望能够卖些东西给他们
- This new music album is the bomb; it is too good to be true.国庆节手抄报英语
the bomb (名词)非常好的,最好的, 好的没得说
- His parents are too tight-fisted! They never spend a cent.
tight-fisted: (形容词) 过份节俭的。 very frugal; unwilling to spend money
- I am not a tightwad.
tightwad: (名词) 吝啬鬼 someone who is very frugal and unwilling to spend money
- I have taken the raunchy pictures out. Rated PG-13 for content.
我已经去掉所有的淫秽相片。 现在的内容是PG-13 (老少皆宜)。 Rated PG-13的反义是Rated-R (有些画面少儿不宜)。
这两词通常用于电影业。每部电影EITHER Rated ”PG-13“ OR “Rated-R”。
- Beautiful young girls are too high maintenance.
high maintenance (形容词)难对付
- He has been divorced for two years, so he's desperate to get laid.
get laid同别人睡觉,(片语)发生性关系
- I've got to go home to have some face time with my parents.
face time(名词)与某人当面交谈的时间quite的用法
- If you quote me, I will deny it. 如果你说那是我说的,我决不会承认的。
- You've got spunk.
Spunk = courage
- Fall back! They are in front of us. Damn it! We are cut off. (我们被包围了)
- Surrender now and you will be shown mercy. 现在投降吧,争取从轻发落.
- I will take your word for it. 我相信你说的话。(不要求证据或去特意证实真实性)
- Negotiate with my co-rulers.
- The die is cast.
A decision has been made or an action taken which cannot be changed or
gone back on.
- big time
1) (名词)the high level of success. (I reached the big time in my career
when I was promoted to the VP position.)
2) big-time
(形容词)outstanding, extravagant (We had a big-time party last weekend.)
(形容词) (ud in underworld) felonious. (The gang did a big-time job and got
away with it.)
- In a cold sweat
in a state of fear.
- ditch
1) (动词) to dispo or abandon someone or something. (I ditched my car on
the road and walked home when it broke down.
2)(动词) to skip or evade (You ditched class today.)
- You make me look bad. (你让我好没面子)。
通常用在这样的情形下:某人不断邀请你出去做某是,你不断拒绝人家,他/她会说You make me look bad.
- Don't let this job walk over your life. 别让这个工作控制了你的生活。(这里walk
- Even though we are not too crazy about white wine, we like to keep a
bottle around to pull teeth sometimes. 我们并?
--I am the boss of me.--to the best of my knowledgemeans as far as I
辅导班 know--You are so nailed. 这下你逃不掉了吧。(做了某件坏事被发现了,带有幽默感) nailed = busted, arrested--He is taking an eternity.
取自例子:一个父亲写字在一块板上,然后叫他儿子认。小孩子认不出,支支晤晤说不出,在一旁的爷爷没奈性,就帮他说了。 然后老人家就对这个父亲说了这句话。 flappy
所以我把这句话解释成“他永远也答不出来的。”--I will take it from here.--I am bored to tears.
我非常的无聊--I just don't click with her. (I don't like her, or She and I can't