vinegarGoogle Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Advertising Program Terms
The Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Advertising Program Terms (“Terms英语游戏”) are entered into by Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (“autonaviGoogle信仰的英文”) and the entity executing the Terms or that accepts the Terms electronically (“Customer”). The Terms govern Customer’s participation in Google’s advertising programs and rvices (i) that are accessible through the account(s) given to Customer in connection with the Terms or (ii) that reference or are referenced by the Terms (collectively, “Programs”). In consideration of the foregoing, the parties agree as follows:
1 Programs. Customer authorizes Google and its affiliates to place Customer’s advertising materials and related technology (collectively, “Ads” or “Creative”) on any content or property (each a “Property”) provided by Google or its affiliates on behalf of itlf or, as applicable, a third party (“Partner”). Customer is solely responsible for all: (i) Creative, (ii) Ad trafficking or targeting decisions (e.g., keywords) (“Targets”), (iii) Properties to which Creative directs viewers (e.g., landing pages) along with the related URLs and redi
rects (“Destinations”) and (iv) rvices and products advertid on Destinations (collectively, “Services”). The Program is an advertising platform on which Customer authorizes Google or its affiliates to u automated tools to format Ads. Google and its affiliates may make available to Customer certain optional Program features to assist Customer with the lection and generation of Targets and Creative. Customer is not required to authorize u of the optional Targeting and Creative features and, as applicable, may opt-in to or opt-out of usage of the features, but if Customer us the features then Customer will be solely responsible for the Targets and Creative. Google or Partners may reject or remove a specific Ad or Target at any time for any or no reason. Google and its affiliates may modify or cancel Programs at any time. Customer acknowledges that Google or its affiliates may participate in Program auctions in support of its own rvices and products. Some Program features are identified as “Beta,” “Ad Experiment,” or as otherwi unsupported or confidential (collectively, “Beta Features”). Customer may not disclo any information from Beta Features or the terms or existence of any non-public Beta Features.
kidding怎么读2 Policies. Customer is solely responsible for its u of the Programs (e.g., access to and u of Program accounts and safeguarding urnames and passwords) (“U”). Program U is subject to applicable Google policies available at and all applicable Partner policies made available by Google to Customer (in each ca, as modified from time to time, “Policies”). Some frequently asked Policy questions are answered by the following Policies: the Google Privacy Policy available at ; the Advertising Cookies Policy available at ; and the Trademark Guidelines available at . In connection with the Program, Google will comply with the Google Privacy Policy. Customer authorizes Google or its affiliates to modify Ads as described in Policies. Customer will not, and will not authorize any third party to, (i) generate automated, fraudulent or otherwi invalid impressions, inquiries, clicks or conversions, (ii) conceal conversions for Programs where they are required to be disclod or (iii) u any automated means or form of scraping or data extraction to access, query or otherwi collect Google advertising related information fro
空中大灌篮主题曲m any Property except as expressly permitted by Google. Customer will direct communications regarding Ads on Partner Properties under the Terms only to Google.
3 Ad Serving. (a) Customer will not provide Ads containing malware, spyware or any other malicious code or knowingly breach or circumvent any Program curity measure. (b) Customer may utilize an Ad rver solely for rving or tracking Ads under Programs that permit third party Ad rving and only if the Ad rver has been authorized by Google to participate in the Program. Google will implement Customer’s Ad rver tags so that they are functional. (c) Google will have no liability for discrepancy between Google’s impression count (“IC”) and the IC produced by Customer’s third party Ad rver (“3PAS”).
cctvnews在线直播4 Ad Cancellation. Unless a Policy, the Program ur interface or an agreement referencing the Terms (an “shroudIO”) provides otherwi, either party may cancel any Ad at any time before the earlier of Ad auction or placement, but if Customer cancels an Ad after a commitment date provided by Google (e.g., a rervation-bad campaign), then
Customer is responsible for any cancellation fees communicated by Google to Customer (if any) and the Ad may still be published. Cancelled Ads will generally cea rving within 8 business hours or as described in a Policy or IO, and Customer remains obligated to pay all charges resulting from rved Ads (e.g., fees bad on conversion). Customer must effect cancellation of Ads (i) online through Customer’s account if the functionality is available, (ii) if this functionality is not available, with notice to Google via email to Customer’s account reprentative or (iii) if Customer does not have an account reprentative, with notice to Google via email to (collectively, the “Ad Cancellation Process”). Customer will not be relieved of any payment obligations for Creative not submitted or submitted by Customer after the due date provided by Google. Google will not be bound by a Customer provided IO.
5 Warranty and Rights. Customer warrants that (a) it holds, and hereby grants Google, its affiliates and Partners, the rights in Creative, Destinations and Targets for Google, its affiliates and Partners to operate the Programs and (b) all information and aut
horizations provided by Customer are complete, correct and current. Customer authorizes Google and its affiliates to automate retrieval and analysis of Destinations for the purpos of the Programs. Customer warrants that it is authorized to act on behalf of, and has bound to the Terms, third parties, if any, for which Customer advertis in connection with the Terms (“Advertir”). If for any reason Customer has not bound an Advertir to the Terms, Customer will be liable for performing any obligation that the Advertir would have if it had been bound to the Terms. Customer will provide Advertir with reporting data as frequently as existing reporting from Customer to Advertir, but no less than on a monthly basis, that disclos absolute dollars spent on Google and performance (at a minimum cost, clicks and impressions of urs on the account of that Advertir) in a reasonably prominent location. Google may, upon request of an Advertir, share Advertir-specific information with Advertir. If Customer is using a Program on its own behalf to adverti and not on behalf of an Advertir, for that u Customer will be deemed to be both Customer and Advertir.
uncle sam6 Make-Goods. For rervation-bad online display Ad impressions billed on a CP
M basis (“Display Ads”), Google will deliver any agreed upon aggregate number of Display Ads by the end of the campaign, provided that if Google fails to do so, then Customer’s sole remedy is to make a claim within 60 days after the invoice date (“Claim Period奥斯卡百年金曲”). If Google confirms the accuracy of the claim, then Google will not charge Customer for the undelivered Display Ads or, if Customer has already paid, at Google’s reasonable discretion, Google will provide for (i) advertising credits, which must be ud by the Customer within 60 days of issuance of the credits (“U By Date”), (ii) later placement of the Display Ads in a position Google deems comparable or (iii) an extension of the term of the campaign. Google cannot assure that any auction-bad Ads will be delivered and therefore make-goods do not apply to auction-bad Ads.