manager什么意思 (1)长时间使用电脑危害学生们的身体健康:电脑显示器和电视机一样,在产生图象过程中,
(2)心理疾患不容忽视: 许多学生因为沉迷于电脑游戏而患上网络成隐症,网络疏离症等新型精神疾病。严重者还可能玩游戏受到刺激,没有得到及时的疏导,从而导致间断性精神失常。
2)易产生攻击行为。电脑游戏的内容大都是战争、打斗、扑克、麻将之类,其积极的教育意义十分有限,而它的消极内容却往往把孩子引上邪路。有的孩子在学校里模仿游戏打斗方式向同学大打出手、拉帮结伙、玩世不恭、胸无大志,荒废了学业,甚至走向犯罪道路。 针线包英文
造成眼球的肌肉疲劳,从而出现视力疲劳、视力下降等问题。另外,电子设备正常运转都要释放大量的电磁波,这种隐形杀手,会使人头昏脑胀,恍恍惚惚,长此以往会使人的免疫功能受到不同程度的损害,破坏体内激素的平衡,影响孩子的身心健康,导致各种病症的发生。 appear
结束语: 电脑游戏作为一种生活的调节剂,对于学生们的生活,还是有一定的影响。所以,
hen a child sits down in front of a computer, it is not only the material he views but the length of time he spends on the computer that can influence his total social, physical and mental well-being. Too much computer time, even on "educational sites," can have a profoundly negative influence on a child's overall health. Carefully monitored computer usage can be a great way to supplement a child's learning; however, with computers, moderation is key.
Computer U and a Child's Physical Well-Being
∙yesterdayIt doesn't matter if a child is using the computer for learning or for fun. Excessive screen time is hazardous to a child's health. The greatest physical risk of extensive computer us
e is eyestrain. According to Dr. John Jacobi, eye doctors are eing a "humongous increa in the need for both vision therapy and occupational therapy becau two-dimensional visual experience without related motor experience doesn't t the necessary ba."
Staring at a bright computer screen for hours on end can cau nearsightedness, blurred vision and a problem focusing. In turn, this can affect a child's ability and even desire to read. Eye problems resulting from prolonged computer usage hit children harder than adults becau children are still developing physically.
Secondary computer-related health risks include poor posture, eyestrain, obesity, and repetitive-stress injuries, which have the potential to damage muscles, tendons and nerves in the hands, arms, neck and shoulders.
Computer U and Developmental Problems
∙Too much time in front of the computer screen can hinder a child's ability to synchronize
his visual n with actual movements, which can in turn cau development delays. Children who spend too much time alone with their computer lack important social skills, are more easily frustrated and have a tendency to be more aggressive than children who spend less than an hour a day in front of the computer.
Computers vs. Active Play
∙Active play is crucial for a child's development.girl /child playing/climbing ladder image by L. Shat
Perhaps the greatest concern about the overu of computers in homes and in schools is that it interferes with a child's active playtime. Active play is necessary for overall physical health and greatly reduces the risk of childhood obesity. There is mounting evidence that links the reduction of active play with a ries of mental disorders, including depression, as active play provides a way for a child to relieve unneeded stress.
Computers as Learning Tools豆芽儿
∙When ud in moderation, computers are still uful tools for learning. Since the advent of computers, students' nonverbal intelligence scores on tests like the Raven Progressive Matrices have greatly incread. Computers help kids better understand visual images like diagrams, graphs and grids.