Chapter 1
The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management (Ⅰ)人力资源管理战略作用
●Ⅰ、Strategic Overview战略概述
●Ⅱ、Study Goals学习目标
●Ⅲ、The Manager's Human Resource Management Jobs管理者的人力资源管理工作
●Ⅳ、Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers?为什么人力资源管理对所有的管理人员是重要的
Ⅰ、Strategic Overview战略概述
The headline said it all: “Despite plummeting profit margins(标题说:尽管利润率快速下降), Dell Computer Corp. has no intention of backing off from an aggressive PC pricing strategy initiated earlier this year。”(戴尔计算机公司不打算背弃今年早些时候发起的激进的PC定价策略) The first few years of the 21st century had thrown the (PC)
industry for a loop。(21世纪的前几年已经使PC为一个环工业) To maintain its new position as the world's number one personal computer maker(为了维持作为世界第一大个人电脑制造商的新位置), Dell’s average price per computer fell to about $2,000 in the first quarter of 2001, from about $2,300 the year before(戴尔每台计算机的平均价在2001年第一季度下降至2000美元,从一年前的约2300美元)suckers. Its profit margin fell from 21% to 18%(它的利润率从21%下降到18%)。 The only way it could keep that 18% margin intact while cutting prices was to find new ways to slash costs(唯一的方法可以保持18%利润率完整而降价就是寻找到新的方法来削减成本). For a company that had always pursued a low—cost leader strategy, doing so wouldn’t be easy. (一个公司总是追求低成本领先战略,这样做并不容易)How could Dell cut costs from an already lean operation(精简的运营环节)(戴尔公司应该怎样从已经精简的运营环节削减成本)? The firm’s HR managers had to decide what they could do to support Dell’s new cost—cutting efforts(新的成本削减努力).(该公司的人力资源管理者必须决定他们可以做什么来支持戴尔公司新的成本削减努力)
The purpo of this chapter is to explain what human resource management is and
the plan of this book(本章的目的是解释什么是人力资源管理和本书的计划)。 We’ll e that HR management—activities like recruiting, hiring, training, compensation, appraising, and developing employees — is part of every manager’s job(我们会看到,人力资源管理活动是每个管理者工作的一部分,如招聘,雇用,培训,薪酬,考核,和开发雇员). And we'll e that it is also a parate “staff” function(一种独立的“人事”职能), and that the HR manager assists all managers in many important ways. (我们也会看到,它也是一个独立的“人事”职能,和人力资源管理者在许多重要方面协助所有管理者)
The main topics we’ll cover are the manager’s human resource management jobs, strategic planning and important strategic trends, and HR’s strategic role in formulating and executing the company's strategy(我们将涵盖的主要议题是管理者的人力资源管理工作,战略规划和重要的战略趋势,以及在制定和实施公司战略的人力资源管理的战略作用)。 The following chapter completes the introductory part of the book and provides you with the knowledge you’ll need to deal effectively with equal employment opportunity questions on the job.(接下来的一章完成这本书的介绍
Ⅱ、Study goals(学习目标)
After studying this chapter you should be able to:(学完这章后,你应该能够)
Explain what human resource management (HR) is and how it relates to the management process。(解释什么是人力资源管理(人力资源)和它涉及如何管理的过程)
Give at least eight examples of how managers can u HR concepts and techniques(概念和技巧)。(给出至少八个管理者如何使用人力资源概念和技巧的例子)
Illustrate HR’s role in formulating and executing company strategy。(举例说明人力资源在制定和实施公司战略的作用)
Ⅲ、 The Manager’s Human Resource Management Jobs(管理者的人力资源管理工作)
Most writers(学者)agree that there are certain basic functions all mangers perform(大多数学者同意所有的管理者工作都有一些基本的职能). The are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling(这些是计划,组织,人员配备,领导和控制)。 In total, they reprent what mangers call the management process (The five basic functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.)(总的来说,他们代表管理者所说的管理过程(五个基本职能,计划,组织,人员配备,领导和控制))。 Some of the specific activities involved in each function include:(每一职能涉及一些具体活动包括)
Establishing goals and standardsnationalbank(建立目标和战略)
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Developing plans and forecasting(制定计划和预测)
Giving each subordinate a specific task(给每一个下属一个特定的任务)
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Delegating authority to subordinates(权力下放给下属)
Establishing channels of authority and communication(建立权利与沟通渠道)
Coordinating the work of subordinates(协调下属工作)
Determining what type of people should be hired(确定应该雇用什么类型的人)
Recruiting prospective employees(招聘未来员工)
Selecting employees(选择员工)
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Compensating employees(补偿员工)
Evaluating performance(绩效评估)
Counling employees(辅导雇员)
Training and developing employees(员工培训与开发)
Getting others to get the job done(让他人完成工作)
Maintaining morale(保持士气)
Motivating subordinates(激励下属)
Setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or
production levels (制定标准,如销售配额,质量标准,或生产水平)
Checking to e how actual performance compares with the
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We are going to focus on one of the functions in this book - the staffing, personnel management, or (as it’s usually called today) the human resource management (HRM) function.(在这本书中,我们将关注这些功能之一,人员、人事管理或者(因为它今天通常被称为)人力资源管理(HRM)功能)
Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns(人力资源管理是获取,培训,评估和补偿雇员,并参加他们劳动关系,健康和安全,公平问题的过程). The topics we’ll discuss should therefore provide you with the concepts and techniques you need to carry out the “people” or personnel aspects of your management job。(因此我们将讨论的主题应该为你提供你需进行“人”或人事方面的管理工作所需的概念和技术) The include:(这些包括)渤海大学怎么样