Unit 8 Section A Life and Success |
Teaching Aims: In this ction, students will be able to: 1、get the main idea of Section A 2、master the new words, phras and expressions 3、improve their Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. 4、master the usage of “as well as” and “beyond” |
Teaching Contents: 1、Vocabulary and phras genius, powerful, calculate, beyond, describe, site, wander… put sth into practice, wander about, arch for, look for… 2、Sentence Structure as well as beyond |
Teaching approaches: Task-bad Approach; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. |
Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tape |
Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings and revision Step 2 Lead in and exploring What is genius? Many tests have been created to answer this question. But a test — much like a computer — cannot tell perhaps the most important quality of genius. It is a person’s character. History has given us many genius who characters, while often considered to be odd, have influenced our daily life. Do you want to be a genius and make your life successful?I guess many of you do. But has it ever occurred to you that one’s character is related to one’s success? Think about your character and your attitude towards life and success. Now, read the following questions and answer them: 1) How would you describe your character? alx 2) What kind of life do you think is a successful life? 中国全称Step 3 New word and phras 1. genius n. 1) very great and unusual ability 天才,非凡的禀赋 e.g. Shakespeare’s tragedies show true genius. 2) a person who has very great and unusual ability, especially in a particular subject. 天才 e.g. Einstein was a mathematical genius. 2. powerful adj. 1) very strong in a physical way 强壮,强劲,强大 e.g. That car has a very powerful engine. 那辆车的引擎十分强大。 2) have a strong effect 效力大,有影响力,强而有力 e.g. The Prime Minister made a powerful speech. powerless adj. 无力,无影响力;无能为力 3. calculate v. 1) to find out by using mathematics 计算 e.g. It is difficult to calculate how long the project will take. 很难说这个工程要做多久. 2) to consider or expect sth 考虑,预料 e.g. We calculated that the advantages would be greater than the disadvantages. calculation n. 计算;处心积虑 calculator n. 计算器 4. beyond prep. 1) on the other side of 在另一边 e.g. Beyond tho trees you'll find a summer hou. 在树林的那边你将找到一间避暑别墅。 2) further than; later than 更远;晚于 e.g. He still stayed there beyond midnight. imagex过了午夜他仍待在那儿。 3) out of range or reach of sth 超越(某范围) e.g. This car was completely beyond repair. 这辆车根本连修都不能修。 4) except for or apart from 除…之外 5. describe v. to say what sb/sth is like, or what happened 描述,形容,叙述 e.g. Can you describe the bag you lost? She described what had happened to the reporter. description n. 描写;描述 descriptive adj. 描写的;描述的 6. equipment n. [U] 设备,器材 e.g. office equipment 办公设备 sports equipment 体育器材 equip v. equipping equipped equip sb/sth (with sth) 常用被动语态 装备,配备 e.g. We shall equip all school with new computers in the next year. 明年我们要让所有学校配上新计算机。 7. site n. 1) 建筑物等的所在地;工地 e.g. a building site 建筑工地 2) 事故的现场;遗址 v. 使坐落(在某处) 设置 8. wander vi. 1) 漫游,闲逛,游荡 e.g. We spent a pleasant day wandering around the town. 我们在镇里愉快地逛了一天。 2) 走神,开小差;精神恍惚 e.g. The lecture was so boring that my attention began to wander. 那节课太无聊了,我开始走神。 3) 离开某处,失散 wander (away/off); wander (from/off sth) e.g. You wander too far from the subject. destiny你离题太远了。 9. arch v. arch sb/sth (for sb/sth) 搜查,搜寻,搜索 e.g. The police arched that area for clues. 警察在那个地区搜寻线索。 n. 搜查,搜索,搜寻 in arch of sb/sth: looking for sb/sth 寻找某人/某物 10. thunder n. 雷声;雷 lightning 闪电 v. 1) 打雷 e.g. The rain poured down and it began to thunder. 大雨倾盆而下,还打起了雷。 2)发出雷鸣般的巨响 11. strike n. 罢工,罢课,罢市 e.g. The workers have been on strike for two weeks now. v. struck struck 1) to hit 打,击 e.g. The stone struck me on my face. 石头打中我的脸。 hungry 2) to attack sb/sth suddenly 突袭 3) strike sb (as sth) 给某人(某种印象) e.g. Does anything here strike you as unusual. 你觉得这里有什么不同寻常吗? 4) 擦出火 to strike a match 划火柴 5) 罢工 striker n. 罢工者 12. crash n. 1) 突然的巨响;破裂声;碰撞声 e.g. I heard a crash and ran outside. 2) 交通意外,飞机失事 e.g. She was badly injured in a car crash. 3) 股市大跌;(企业)破产;(经济)崩溃 adj. 速成的 v. 1) to move or fall suddenly, making a loud noi 轰然冲撞,哗啦倒下 e.g. The tree crashed through the window. 树哗啦一声倒下,穿过窗户。 2) (使车)失事 e.g. He crashed his father’s car. 他撞毁了他父亲的车。 3) (指商业,金融机构)突然倒闭 4) (指计算机)突然发生故障 e.g. The system may crash. 系统有可能瘫痪。 13. ruin v. 1) to damage sth badly, to damage 破坏,毁灭 e.g. a ruined building 坍塌的楼宇 2) to spoil sth so that it is no longer good 损坏,糟蹋 e.g. Bad weather ruined our holidays. 坏天气把我们的假日全给搅了。 3) 丧失;使破产e.g. He was ruined by gambling. 赌博使他倾家荡产。 n. 毁灭,灭亡;废墟,残骸;垮台 14. shock vt. 1) 使惊愕,使震惊 e.g. We were shocked by his death. 我们对他的死感到震惊。 2) 使厌恶,愤慨,生气 3) 使触电 n. 1) 震惊,惊吓,令人震惊的情况 e.g. The sudden noi gave him a shock. 2) = electric shock 触电 3) 休克 厨房英语怎么说 shocking adj. 令人担忧/苦恼/震怒 15. odd adj. 1) strange, unusual 奇怪,不寻常 e.g. There is something odd about him. 他有些奇怪。 2) 单的,奇 The opposite is even. 3) 不固定的,临时的 4) 剩下的,剩余e.g. Everybody gets two hamburgers and I get the odd one. oddly adv. 奇怪 oddness n. 16. inspiration n. 1) ment灵感,触发灵感的人/事物 e.g. What is your biggest source of inspiration? 你的灵感的最大源泉是什么? 2) a (sudden) good idea (突如其来的)好主意;妙计 e.g. I’ve had an inspiration—why don’t we all go? 我突然有个想法,我们为什么不一起去。 inspire v. 1) 启发/引起灵感 e.g. His latest novel was inspired by his journey to Europe. 他最新的小说来自于他的欧洲之旅。 2) 鼓励,鼓舞e.g. His speech inspired the soldiers.他的演说使士兵们大受鼓舞。 17. perspiration n. 1) 出汗,流汗 2) 汗水,汗 sweat perspire v. 出汗,流汗 18. persuade v. 1) persuade sb (to do sth); persuade sb (in/out of sth) 说服/劝服/劝说 e.g. It was difficult to persuade him to change his mind. 2) 使(某人)相信(某物)e.g. The jury was persuaded of his innocence. 陪审团相信她是清白的。 persuasion n. 万圣节快乐 英文说服,劝说,被说服;信念,信仰 persuasive adj. 有说服力 e.g. The arguments were very persuasive.这些论据很有说服力。 19. function v. to work, to be in action 发挥作用;运作 e.g. Only one engine was still functioning. 只有一部发动机仍在运行。 n. 职能,功能 e.g. The function of this device is to reduce noi. functional adj. 有实际用途;运作中;发挥功用 20. poet n. 诗人 poem 诗,韵文 poetry 诗篇,诗体 Step 4 Skimming 1 Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main idea of this passage. 2 Ask students to read the text again , then finish the exercis on P145 Step 5 Intensive reading 1. Their lives hold many of the crets to having great ideas and putting them into practice. Meaning: Their lives include many of the crets which enable people not only to have great ideas, but also to realize them. put … into practice: carry out 将…付诸实践;使…生效 e.g. We must put the theories into practice. 我们必须把这些理论付诸实践. 2. Have fun. Leonardo da Vinci was well known for his jokes and funny stories. 禽流感症状h7n9症状 be well known for 因…而出名 be famous for 因….而出名 be famed for 以…出名 3. “I wandered about the countryside arching for answers to things I did not understand: …” wander about: 徘徊,漫步 e.g. He wandered about in the street, hoping to find a gift for his daughter. 他在街上转悠,希望能给女儿买到一件好礼物。 arch for 寻找 4. Orville and Wilbur Wright had many crashes and ruined many planes before they finally got off the ground. get off the ground 飞离地面,取得进展 e.g. The economy of China has got off the ground greatly sine the start of reforming and opening up to the outside world. 5. To become a genius you must be prepared to work long and hard, often in the face of great difficulties. in the face of 在…面前,面对…而不顾 e.g. In the face of danger, they showed great courage.在危险的面前,他们表现出极大的勇气。 6. The answer you’re looking for may be clo by—you just have to know where to look. the myth look for 寻找 e.g. He began to look for a new job immediately after he was fired. clo by 接近于,在…近旁 在附近 look up仰望,向上看,抬头看 look after 照顾,照料 look sth up 查阅 look out 当心,小心,,提防 look up to sb 尊敬/敬慕某人 look ahead 向前看,为未来打算 look round 四处看看,浏览 look forward to sth/doing sth 期待,期望 look into sth 调查/研究某事物 look back 向后看,回头看 7. So it’s very important for your body to be operating at its best so that your mind can also function powerfully. at one’s best 最佳状态巅峰时期e.g. He had to be at his best to keep up with his classmates. Step 6 Homework 1. To finish the exercis related to Section A 2. To memorize the new words, phras in Section A. 3. To preview Section B and C. |
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