
更新时间:2023-07-11 22:24:24 阅读: 评论:0

Face to Face with Hurricane Camille 课后练习题答案
.1. main: a principal pipe or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc.
历史研究生考试科目  2.sit out: stay until the end of
  3.come by;(American English) pay a visit
  4.blow inburst open by the storm.
  5.dou:put out(a lightfiregeneratoretc)quickly by pouring water over it
  6.kill(American English)to cau(an engine-etc)to stop
  7swaththe space covered with one cut of a scythe; a long strip 0r track 0f any kind
  8bara measure in musicthe notes between two vertical lines 0n a music sheet
  91ean—toa shed or other small outbuilding with a sloping roofthe upper end of which rests against the wall of another building
  1 0Seabeea member of the construction battalions of the Civil Engineer Corps of the USNavythat build harbor facilitiesairfieldsetcSeabee stands for CB, short for Construction Battalion
1destroy一词最为常见,主要强调破坏的力度之大和彻底,一般不带感情或修辞色彩。 demolishraze通常用于巨大物体,如大型建筑物等。demolish常用引申义,指任何复合体的被毁,如demolish a theory with a few incisive comments。意即用几句锋利的评语推翻某种理论。而raze几乎无一例外地用于指建 筑物的被毁。annihilate在这些词中所表示的损坏程度最为强烈,字面 意思是化为乌有,但实际上往往用于指对人或物的严重 损伤。如说annihilate an enemy force,是指使敌军遭到重创,不仅没有还手之力。而且没有招架之功。如说annihilate one’s opponent in a debate,是指彻底驳倒对手。
  2decay常指某物自然而然地逐渐衰败腐化。如:His teeth have begun to decay(他的牙齿开始老化变坏。) rot指有机物质,如蔬菜等因菌毒感染而腐败变质,如:rotting apples(烂了的苹果)spoil用于非正式文体,常指食物变质。如:Fish spoils quickly in summer(鱼在夏天极易变质。)molder用于指物体缓慢、逐步地腐朽。如:Old buildings molder away(老房子渐渐腐烂了。)disintegrate意指把某物从整体变为碎片或一个个部分。如:rocks disintegrated by frost and rain(被霜和雨蚀裂成碎块的岩石)decompo指将物质分解为其构成成分。如:Water call be decompo(be decompod)into hydrogen and oxygen(水可分解成氧和氧。)该词还可用来替代rot,使语气略显委婉。
Marrakech 课后练习答案
.1meet your makerschantwords repeated in a monotonous tone of voice
  2navvyabbreviation of “navigator”a British word meaning an unskilled laboreras on canals,,roadsetc
  3Stowput or hide away in a safe place
  4warpbendcurveor twist out of shape
  5lf-containedlf—sufficienthaving within onelf or itlf all that is necessary
  6wretchedpoor in qualityvery inferior
  7mummifiedrecruitsthin and witheredlooking like a mummy
  8reach—me—down(British colloquialism)cond—hand or ready—made clothing
  9 chargera hor ridden in battle or on parade
cry指因痛苦、忧伤或悲哀而发出悲切的声音,并伴以流 泪。weep更具体,强调流泪;sob指呜呜咽咽、一吸一顿 地哭泣;wail指无法抑制悲哀而拖长声调痛哭;whimper43 指像受惊的小孩一样声音压抑地、时断时续地哭;moan 则指因悲伤或痛苦而低声地、拖2015全球高校排名
  2mania本指狂郁精神病所表现出的症状,具体表现为喜怒无常,时哭时笑,行为不能自制;delirium指暂时性精神极端错乱(如酒醉发烧时),具体表现为烦躁不安、语无伦次和产生幻觉;frenzy是非医学用语,指狂暴不能自制。 hysteria在精神病学上指心因性紊乱,表现为容易激动、焦躁不安、感官和运动功能紊乱以及不自觉地模拟眼瞎、 耳聋等。用于引申义时,mania指对于某事的爱好达到狂热的程度,成为癖好,如a mania for drinking(嗜酒)delirium 指极度兴奋,如a delirium of joy(狂喜)hysteria指强烈的、不可控制的感情爆发,如:She laughed and cried in her hysteria(她又是笑又是哭,感情难以控制。雕龙记)
  3flash指突发的、短暂而耀眼的闪光;gleam指黑暗中闪现出的一束稳定的光线;sparkle指星星点点的闪光;glitter 指由物体反射出的星星点点的闪光;glisten指外部亮光反 射于沾水的平面上而显出的光亮;shimmer指由微波荡漾的水面反照出的柔和的闪光。
Pub Talk and the King's English 课后练习题答案
.  1. on the rocks metaphorcomparing a marriage to a ship wrecked on the rocks
  2 get out of bed on the wrong sidebe in a bad temper for the day (The meaning is perhaps derived from the expression “You got out of bed the wrong way” It was an ancient superstition that it was unlucky to t the left foot on the ground first on getting out of bed)
  3on wingsmetaphorcomparing conversation to a bird flying and soaring It means the conversation soon became spirited and exciting
  4 turn up one’s no atscornshow scorn for
  5 into the shoes metaphor(or more appropriately an idiomatic expression) think as if one were wearing the shoes of the Saxon peasanti e as if one were a Saxon peasant
  6 come into one’s own receive what properly belongs to oneespecially acclaim or recognition65
  7如何补水sit up at(colloquial)become suddenly alert and take notice of
1ignorant指缺乏知识,可以是就整体而言( an ignorant man),也可以是就某一具体方面或问题而言( ignorant of the reason of their quarrel对他们争吵的起因毫无所知)
illiterate意为缺乏文化修养,尤指读写能力的缺乏; uneducated指没有受到正规的、系统的学校教育;unlearned意为学问不富(未必无知),既可指一无所长,又可指某一方面所知有限,如unlearned in science,意为对科学懂得有限,但对其他学科,如文学、哲学等,倒可能是很精通的。
  2scoff指对某事疑惑不信或缺乏尊敬而用无礼、轻蔑的言词或加以嘲笑;sneer侧重于面部表情或语气中所含的轻蔑嘲笑之意:jeer侧重指用粗俗的、侮辱性的言词或粗鲁的嘲 笑来表示轻侮;gibe通常指不带恶意的取笑或作弄人的笑骂;flout主要指以不理不睬或视而不见的态度表示出的轻侮蔑视。
Inaugural Address 课后练习题答案
.1.prescribe, t down or impo
  2.mortal: of man (as a being who must eventually die)
  3.at issue, in dispite; still to be decided
  4.disciplined, received training that developed lf-control and character
  5.committed, bound by promi, pledged
  6.undoing : abolishing
  7. at odds: .in disagreement ; quarreling split asunder : split apart ; disunited
  8. iron: cruel; merciless
  9. bounds: chains; fetters
  10. invective: a violent verbal attack; strong criticism, insuits, curs, etc.
  11. writ : (archaic) a formal written document ; specifically, a legal instrument in letter form issued under al in the name of the English monarch from Anglo—Saxon times to declare its grantswishes and commands(Here it refers to the United Nations Charter) run2013专八continue in effect or force
  13新东方作文批改网tapdraw upon or make u of
  14bearlishatake onsustain

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