Bush Delive rs Victor y Speech for 2nd Term
luxuryNovemb er 3, 2004
Thankyou all. Thankyou all for coming.
cbeebiesWe had a long night and a greatnight. The voters turned out in record number s and delive red an histor ic victor y. Earlie r today,Senato r Kerrycalled with his congra tulat ions.We had a really good phonecall. He was very gracio us.Senato r Kerrywageda spirit ed campai gn, and he and his suppor terscan be proudof theireffort s. Lauraand I wish Senato r Kerryand Teresa and theirwholefamily all our best wishes.slep
关于爱的英语作文Americ a has spoken and I'm humble d by the trustand the confid enceof my fellow citize ns. With that trustcomesa duty to rveall Americ ans, and I will do my best to fulfil l that duty everyday as your presid ent. Thereare many people to thank, and my family comesfirst. Laurais the love of my life. I'm glad you love her, too. I want to thankour daught ers, who joined theirdad for his last campai gn. I apprec iatethe hard work of my sister and my brothe rs. I especi allywant to thankmy parent s for theirloving suppor t.
职称外语I'm gratef ul to the vice presid ent and Lynneand theirdaught ers, who have worked so hard and been such a vitalpart of our team. The vice presid ent rves Americ a with wisdom and honor, andjelly belly
I'm proudto rvebeside him. I want to thankmy superb campai gn team. I want to thankyou all for your hard work. I was impres d everyday by how hard and how skillf ul our team was.isco
I want to thankthe thousa nds of our suppor tersacross our countr y. I want to thankyou for your hugs on the rope lines.I want to thankyou for your prayer s on the I want to thankyou for your kind wordson the rope lines.I want to thankyou for everyt hingyou did to make the callsand to put up the signs, to talk to your neighb ors, and to get out the vote. And becaus e you did the incred iblework, we are celebr ating today.
A new term is a new opport unity to reachout to the wholenation. We have one countr y, one Consti tutio n, and one future that bindsus. And when we come togeth er and work togeth er, thereis no limitto the greatn ess of Americ a. Let me clowith a word to the people of the stateof Texas.We have knowneach otherthe longes t, and you starte d me on this journe y. On the open plains of Texas, I firstlearne d the charac ter of our countr y; sturdy and honest, and as hopefu l as the breakof day. I will always be gratef ul to the good people of my state. And whatev er the road that lies ahead, that road will take me home.
A campai gn has ended,and the United States of Americ a全国四六级官网登录
execgoes forwar d with confid enceand faith. I e a greatday coming for our countr y, and I am eagerfor the work ahead.
God blessyou. And may God blessAmeric a.