Part 7 pro-writers and poets of the mid and late 19th century
Chapter 1 Thomas Carlyle
wipe out
He was elected Lord Rector of Edinburgh University
He is a literary critic
Sartor Resartus
The French Revolution
Heroes and Hero-Worship
Past and Prent
Chapter 2 Ruskin and some other pro-writers
1 John Ruskin
美剧监狱风云He is a critic. Art criticism and social criticism
He is a social thinker and a master of English. His prescription for the contemporary social problems was faulty, but he sincerely sympathized with the people and expod with holy wrath the evils
Modern Painters
2 Matthew Arnold
3 Macaulay
Chapter 3 Alfred Tennyson1809~1892
Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人)
① < In Memoriam>悼念
To memorialize his friend
② < Break, Break, Break>冲击、冲击、冲击
③ < Idylls of the King>国王叙事诗
挑出Chapter 4 Robert Browning罗伯特•白朗宁1812~1889 过去式的构成
A follower of Shelley
① < My Last Dutchess>我已故的公爵夫人
② < Home Thoughts From Abroad>海外乡思
Pippa Pass
Elizabeth Barrett Browing:
① 利润分配科目<Sonnet from the Portugue>葡萄牙十四行诗
He introduced to English poetry a new form ,the dramatic monologue
He has been praid as a "a genius in courageous and high- hearted figure", well-known for buoyant optimism.
Chapter 5 the Rosttis and Swinburne
1 Dante Gabriel Rostti
Poem: The Blesd Damozel
2 Christina Georgina Rostti
Poem: Goblin Market
3 Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat
4 Algernon Charles Swinburne
Chapter 6 William Morris
Poet, artist, socialist
The Defence of Guenvere
The Life and Death of Jason
The Early Paradi
Sigurd the Volsung
The aim of his works is to bring beauty into the life of his countrymen
A Dream of Jhon Ball
News from Nowhere
Chapter 7 literary trens at the end of the century
1 naturalism:
Naturalism is a literary trend prevailing in Euope. According to the naturalism, literature must be ture to life and exactly reproduce real life, including all its details without any lection. They usually write about the life of the poor and oppresd, or the slum life, they can oly reprent the external appearance instead of the inner esnce of real life.
辅音音素George Gissing,: <New Crub Street>
2 neo-romanticism
Dissatisfied with the drab and ugly social reality and yet trying to avoid the positive solution of the acute social contradictions. They laid emphasis upon the invention of exciting adventures and fascinating stories to entertain the reading public. They led the novel back towards stiry-telling and to romance.
Robert Louis Stevenson <Treasure Island>金银岛
3 aestheticism速度与激情7歌曲
Art for sake. Art should rve no religious, moral or social ens, nor any end except itlf.
Walter Pater:< Studies in the History of the Renaissance> later called The Renaissance
Hte "Conclusion" of the The Renaissance is acrystallization of his faith in the pursuit pf beauty as the sole "success of life".huangsheng
Oscar Wilde奥斯卡•王尔德1856~1900
(The Aesthetic Movement: Art for Art’s Sake)
4 Comedies:
<The Importance Of Being Earnest>认真的重要
<Lady Windermere’s Fan>温德米尔夫人的扇子
<A Woman Of No Importance>一个无足轻重的女人
<An Ideal Husband>理想的丈夫
<The Picture Of Dorian Gray>多利安•格雷的画像
Fairy Stories:
<The Happy Prince And Other Tales>快乐王子故事集
Part 8 20th应聘销售技巧 century English literature
Chapter 1 the new century: social and historical background
1911-1914 three great strikes
The colonial division of the world by the capital powers had been completed by the end of 19
1929, economic crisis broke out
1930s, were called Red Decade
Chapter 2 English novel of early 20th century
1 the realist
They sought for new ways and means of revealing the truth of life.
Samuel Bulter, George Meredith, Herbert George Wells
2 Rudyard Kipling
"the bard of imperialism"
诗集:Barrak Room Ballad营房诗集;The Seven Seas七海;Recession and Other Poems赞美诗及其他;The Five Nations五国
长篇小说:Kim基姆;Captain Courageous勇敢的船长
短篇小说:Plain Tales from the Hills;Soldiers There;The Story of the Gadsby;Life Handcap生命的阻力;The Jungle Book;The Second Jungle Book林莽之书;The Lost Legion
Arnold Bennett:
The Old Wive's Tale
Joph Concrad
<Lord Jim>吉姆爷
<Heart Of Darkness>黑暗的心
1.Why the book’s title is Heart of Darkness?
The story happened in Congo, the heart of Africa, and the color of people’s skin in there is black. Most important point about the title is to the evil in humans’ heart.