第一课 Legal System 法律制度
1.United States Supreme Court 美联邦最高法院
2.Common law legal system 普通法法系
3.ca law 判例法
4.statutory law / written law 成文法
5.civil law 民法
6.classical Roman law 古罗马法
7.private law/ privacy 私法
8.public law 公法
9.binding interpretation 有约束力的法律解释
10.itinerant judge (英国皇家法院的)巡回法官
11.English royal court 英国皇家法院
12.enforcement 强制执行
13.苏州新东方英语学校claim, action 诉讼请求
14.writ upon the ca 本案令状
15.equity law 衡平法
16.Ex aequo et bone (拉丁语)公平且善良
17.specific performance 特定履行/实际履行
18.injunction 强制令
19.equitable relief 衡平法上的救济
20.common law relief 普通法救济
21.common law damages 普通法损害赔偿金
22.chancery court 衡平法院
23.civil suit 民事诉讼
24.jurisdiction (美)司法管辖区
25.trial by jury 陪审团审判
26.remedy 救济
27.judge-made law 法官定法/法官制定的法律
28.recour 追索权
29.real property 不动产
第二课 Legal Profession 法律职业
1. legal profession 法律职业
2. the bar 律师协会/律师职业
3. Multi state Bar Exam 多州联考
4. federal court 联邦法院
5. board of direction 董事会
6. client 当事人
7. Attorney General 总检察长
8. Chief Justice 首席大法官
9. barrister 诉讼律师
10. solicitor 非诉讼律师
11. advocacy 辩护
12. counling 咨询
13. drafting 起草
14. litigation 诉讼
15. preventive law 预防性法律
16. U.S. Department of Justice 美国司法部
17. procutor 检察官
投降的意思18. district attorney 区检察官
19. Congress 国会
20. state governor 州长
1.The enforcement of a claim presuppod the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law reprented a system of “actions” similar to that of classical Roman law.
2.there was no recour for a claim without a writ , the claim did not exist.
3.while “common law” in contrast—13年考研国家线depending on the meaning intended –describes either the judge-made law in common law subject matters or more extensively, all judge-made law.
4.A lawyer’s practice is usually confined to a single community for, although a lawyer may travel to reprent clients, one is only permitted to practice in a state where one has been admitted.
5.A foreign lawyer may, however, be admitted to the bar of one of the states and may, even without being admitted, advi an American lawyer as a consultant on foreign law.
6.However, a small but important minority that constitutes an exception to this rule consists of tho who have been appointed to high executive positions and tho who have been elected to political office.
7.No tradition of our profession is more cherished by lawyers than that of its leadership in public affairs.
会计师资格证查询1.why is the United States a very new soccer怎么读nation?
答 becau ,comparing with many other countries, the United States is a new nation and constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new states.
2.why is the United States an old nation as well?
答 becau it is the first country to be made out of an Old World colony, and it has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice o
f lf-government of any nation.
3.The record of American history is more comprehensive than tho of other major nations in the world, isn’t it?
答 Yes, it is.
4.The American record does not include the records of the prent fifty states, does it?
anco答 Yes, it does. It does embrace not only the record of the colonial era and of the Nation since 1776, but of the prent fifty States as well.
5.What are the reports of the United States Supreme Court?
答 The reports are published volumes of ca decisions made by the United States Supreme Court.
6.When did the English common law system become inflexible?